Cervarix vaccine: active ingredient, indications, instructions for use, manufacturer, reviews

Cervarix vaccine: active ingredient, indications, instructions for use, manufacturer, reviews
Cervarix vaccine: active ingredient, indications, instructions for use, manufacturer, reviews

The activity of the HPV virus leads to the formation of various skin growths that differ in structure and appearance. Such parts of the body look extremely unaesthetic, and also cause a lot of discomfort. In addition, the growths can be damaged when wearing clothes, become inflamed, swollen and bleed. If an infection gets into the injured area, the wound can fester and grow to a large size. The spread of infection leads to complications of varying severity.

General information

The appearance of moles, papillomas, warts and warts may indicate the development of malignant melanoma. Many of the existing drugs designed to treat skin lesions are a scam by marketers. Such drugs do not cure the disease, but qualitatively mask the symptoms.

Single dosage of the drug
Single dosage of the drug

The drug is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals. This tool allows you to prevent a number of dangerous gynecological diseases in women. The drug contains inactive protein shells that provoke the production of antibodies. The drug creates cross-immunity with other types of HPV, so the vaccination procedure significantly reduces the risk of infection.

What is HPV?

Human papillomavirus contributes to a change in the functional activity of cells, and also affects the skin and mucous membranes. Infection occurs sexually. The risk of infection increases with the number of sexual partners. If the mucous membranes are affected by several types of the virus, the likelihood of developing malignant processes increases significantly. Girls aged 16-25 are in a special risk category, since the peak of infection falls during this period of time.

Infection process

The papillomavirus enters the human body through damaged skin. The main danger is that the tissues of the growths can be reborn and lead to the appearance of cancer of the reproductive system. Such viruses are transmitted through any contact that occurred sexually or by contact-household. With cervical cancer, symptoms and signs may not be noticeable. Therefore, in the initial stages of the disease, women do not suspect anything.

Severe pain appears in the later stages of the disease, when the tumor penetrates the pelvic area and touches the nerves. Cervical cancer vaccines contain virus-like particles that produce strong immunity in the body. In order to avoid developmentanaphylactic shock in a patient, the vaccination procedure is carried out only in the treatment room.

Infection process
Infection process

Patients need to know that it is impossible to completely get rid of the HPV strain, since this disease is classified as incurable. Medicines can improve the functioning of the immune system, relieve the symptoms of the disease and strengthen the body. There is a special vaccine "Cervarix" against the human papillomavirus, which allows you to prevent this disease.

Drug action

This tool is used as a prophylaxis of HPV, so the action of the drug is aimed at protecting the body from the penetration of dangerous strains. As a result of the action of active substances, the human immune system begins to produce special cells that destroy the DNA protein structure of the human papillomavirus. The Cervarix vaccine can prevent such a dangerous disease as cervical cancer and save the lives of millions of women.

Indications for use

The drug is allowed to be used by children and women from 10 to 25 years old to prevent the development of cancer caused by HPV activity. This medication can be used as a prophylaxis for acute and chronic genital infections, as well as to prevent the formation of neoplasia.

Features of the drug

Cervarix vaccine is an opaque milky suspension. The drug is packaged in disposable syringe doses. This tool is adapted for storage andtransportation, as well as aseptically packed. The use of such a syringe eliminates reuse. The agent is administered intramuscularly.

Cancer shot
Cancer shot

Intravenous, subcutaneous and intradermal administration of the Cervarix vaccine is strictly prohibited. Instructions for use contain information that a single dose for patients aged 10 years is not more than 0.5 mg. Before using the drug, you must make sure that there are no foreign particles. If they are found during a visual inspection, the vial with the contents should be disposed of.

Application diagram

The drug is administered according to a certain scheme: primary vaccination, in a month, in six months. Experts say that subsequent revaccination is not required. Deviation from this scheme leads to a violation of the formation of immunity in patients. Completion of the full course of vaccination contributes to the formation of antibodies that last for four years.


The drug is not recommended for use during childbearing and breastfeeding. Do not use the vaccine if you have an allergic reaction to dihydrogen phosphates and adjuvants. It is not allowed to use the drug in the presence of acute viral infections and high body temperature. Experimental studies have not provided data on the negative impact of the vaccine on fetal development, however, vaccination with this drug during pregnancy should be postponed.

It may also be unsafe to breastfeed while getting vaccinatedfor a child. In addition, the introduction of the vaccine should be postponed in people with acute febrile illness. The vaccine should be used with caution in violation of the blood coagulation system and thrombocytopenia.

Women's consultation
Women's consultation

Specialists have not conducted studies on the effect of the vaccine on the ability to drive a car or work with various mechanisms. Therefore, the adverse reaction profile and clinical condition of the patient must be considered before driving.

Side effects

After the introduction of the vaccine, general and local reactions of the body may develop. Side effects from this drug are quite rare. However, some note the presence of burning, itching and pain at the injection site. It is important for patients to remember that vaccination can only be carried out after consultation with a specialist.

After the procedure, the person should be under medical supervision for half an hour. General reactions of the body can be expressed in the appearance of a feeling of weakness, pain in the abdomen. It is important to know that the use of the Cervarix vaccine is compatible with other drugs.

More information

The vaccine contains a special protein derived from insect cells that have been infected with recombinant HPV 16 baculovirus. Vaccination programs exist for prepubescent boys. However, these vaccines have a different composition and active ingredients.

Vaccination procedure
Vaccination procedure

Experts recommendprevent pregnancy during the course of vaccination. In case of undesirable effects, you should immediately consult a doctor. The HPV vaccine Cervarix cannot replace a routine screening examination by a gynecologist. In order to achieve maximum results, it is recommended to complete the full course of vaccination.

Patient testimonials

You can find a lot of positive feedback from patients and specialists about this drug. Among the negative points, some highlight the presence of pain after an injection. Other reviews note that body temperature may rise slightly after the procedure.

Patient reviews
Patient reviews

Many reviews of the Cervarix vaccine claim that the drug provides a high level of protection against HPV. Patients say that the benefits of this vaccine are obvious, since we are talking about longevity and one's own life.

Expert Opinion

Doctors say that HPV and papillomas can lead to serious consequences. According to rough estimates, papillomavirus is present in 80% of the world's population. The main danger is that papilloma can transform into melanoma, which is a malignant tumor.

Expert opinion
Expert opinion

Specialists note that the optimal period for the introduction of this drug is the time before the onset of sexual activity. This is due to the fact that this virus is transmitted sexually. Many doctors recommend that their patients receive the Cervarix vaccine in order to avoidserious consequences of some dangerous diseases. Experts say that this vaccine does not cause complications.

Public Opinion

Some patient reviews contain information that the drug can protect in the short term against the development of cervical cancer. Many people are wary of this vaccine because it was only introduced to the market in 2006. In this regard, informal observations are made on women who are vaccinated. Many patients report that this vaccine is useless as a treatment. The drug also cannot help people who carry HPV.

Public opinion
Public opinion

Reviews note that the vaccination procedure does not cancel the passage of medical examinations. This is because the Cervarix vaccine does not provide 100% protection against the virus. Other patients refuse to undergo the vaccination procedure, as they rely on alternative methods of treatment. Reviews of "Cervarix", as in cases with other vaccines, show that vaccination is not only a medical problem, but also a social and psychological problem.

Many women who have been immunized with Cervarix note that this procedure is necessary for the prevention of the HPV virus. This drug has saved the lives of many women from dangerous cancers. However, there are still many prejudices against vaccinations.


Any cancer of the female reproductive system can lead to severecomplications, including death. Therefore, the development of effective measures against HPV is an urgent problem for all countries of the world. Vaccination is carried out almost everywhere, which allows women to avoid such a dangerous disease as cervical cancer. Symptoms and signs of this disease cannot be recognized at home, so patients should consult a specialist for an objective assessment of complaints. This is due to the fact that gynecological diseases and various inflammatory processes of the genital area have similar symptoms.

Vaccine for women
Vaccine for women

It is important to remember that vaccination is an effective method of primary prevention. Vaccination does not replace the need for medical examinations. If the patient is immunocompromised, the required level of immunity may not be achieved as a result of vaccination.
