"Riboxin" and "Asparkam": instructions for use, active ingredient, reviews

"Riboxin" and "Asparkam": instructions for use, active ingredient, reviews
"Riboxin" and "Asparkam": instructions for use, active ingredient, reviews

"Riboxin" activates metabolic processes, increases energy intake, energizes. That is why it is often used by athletes. "Asparkam" normalizes the electrolyte balance, compensates for magnesium and potassium in the body. These drugs are inexpensive and available without a prescription in pharmacies. To understand how "Riboxin" and "Asparkam" work, whether it can be taken together, combining them as supplements, and what is more effective, you first need to consider the effect of each drug separately, and draw conclusions.

asparkam in tablets
asparkam in tablets

Characteristics of "Asparkam"

The drug is indicated for use by athletes with increased loads, as:

  1. Connects lipids, aminocarboxylic acids, saccharides in the blood.
  2. Reduces coronary microcirculation.
  3. Decreases sensitivity to cardiac glycosides.
  4. Results in irritation of the heart muscle.
  5. Removes electrolyteimbalance.

"Asparkam" is produced in the following dosage forms:

  • capsules;
  • ampoules;
  • injections;
  • syrup.
you can take riboxin and asparkam together
you can take riboxin and asparkam together


Cardiologists respond positively to the drug with the pharmacology of adenosine triphosphoric acid. Indications for use of the medicine:

  1. Male infertility treatment.
  2. Arrhythmia (a pathological condition leading to a violation of the rhythm and sequence of heart contraction).
  3. Myocarditis (damage to the heart muscle).
  4. A pathological condition of the liver, which is a consequence of impaired blood circulation in the system of hepatic vessels and dysfunction of the bile ducts.
  5. Defect of the heart (congenital or acquired changes in the structures of the heart).
  6. Increased heart rate from a hundred beats per minute.
  7. Gastritis (a long-term disease, characterized by dystrophic-inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa, occurs with impaired regeneration).

The drug is widely used in cosmetology.

riboxin and asparkam together
riboxin and asparkam together

Pharmacological action "Riboxin"

The drug actively transforms simple compounds into more complex ones. Improves physical endurance, therefore it is used by athletes in practice during mass gain, as:

  1. Activates the processes of metabolism in the myocardium and the connection of nucleotides.
  2. Liquidatesmetabolic disorders.
  3. Steady the circulation of blood through the blood vessels of the myocardium.
  4. Enhances the energy balance of the muscular middle layer of the heart.
  5. Supports the body with vitamin-mineral complexes.

Acceptable dosing for preventive purposes is 0.6-2.4 grams per session by pills with water.

"Riboxin" can be taken together with "Asparkam". But it is not recommended to combine immunosuppressive drugs and 2-aminopentanedioic acid with "Riboxin" because safety and efficacy have not been studied.

can i take riboxin and asparkam
can i take riboxin and asparkam

Can I use the drug during pregnancy?

You can not use "Riboxin" for women in an "interesting position" and during breastfeeding to avoid getting the active substances through the placenta and into the milk. It is forbidden to use the medicine for children under six years of age. Adverse reactions may occur in the form of allergic reactions, itching, burning on the skin.

For bodybuilders, it is better to coordinate the prescribed dosage and method of taking "Riboxin" with a sports specialist. The calculation is based on the level of physical activity, weight and age.

The structure of "Riboxin" includes potassium orotate as an active substance. It fills the muscles with the necessary components, increases and restores the efficiency of the human body. Perhaps intravenous use of the drug in conjunction with glucose and sodium chloride solution bydropper placement. They begin therapy with small dosages - 0.2 grams in the first three days, gradually increasing twice.

If an unstable rhythm is observed and there is an acute course of the disease, then "Riboxin" is injected into a vein.

riboxin asparkam how to take
riboxin asparkam how to take

Can I use "Riboxin" and "Asparkam" at the same time?

The active trace elements in medicines have an increased level of activity, therefore they are often used together by bodybuilders and have no contraindications for use. The average duration of therapy is one month. The maximum dosage per day "Asparkam" - 0.5-0.7 grams up to three times a day, "Riboxin" - 2.5 grams up to four times a day.

These medications can be taken with other dietary supplements in tablet form or as injections. The active substances have a positive effect on the training process, which is why medicines have become famous in sports pharmacology. "Riboxin" and "Asparkam" are food additives, so poisoning with these drugs is excluded.

Adverse reactions are extremely rare. There are manifestations in the form of nausea and vomiting, hot flashes, itching on the skin, sinus rhythm disturbances, gout attacks. "Riboxin" can lead to an increase in the content of urea in the blood, as well as allergies to the skin.

If adverse events occur, discontinue therapy and seek medical advice.specialist.

Both drugs have a mild effect on the body. Often used simultaneously in the treatment of diseases of the heart, the hematopoietic system. They are considered generics of each other and can be used together. But this can provoke an overdose, itching, rashes on the skin. It is not recommended to take "Asparkam" and "Riboxin" together with alcoholic beverages in order to avoid an increase in antianginal properties.

Two drugs in combination

Earlier, "Riboxin" and "Asparkam" were used in the United States of America to obtain excellent sports results, but were later replaced by more modern substitute drugs. These drugs in bodybuilding have a certain popularity because they help restore the rhythm of the heart.

Before using drugs, you should initially consult a doctor, read the instructions for use.

Reviews about "Riboxin" and "Asparkam" are positive and their compatibility is estimated as good. Medicines have long been used by athletes in the countries of the Commonwe alth of Independent Republics, the Russian Federation.
