The main official document that confirms a person's suitability for work in certain areas of the economy is a medical book.
Fields of activity with the obligatory presence of a medical book:
- food storage and production;
- sale and transportation of drinking water;
medical book he althcare;
- serving the population on communal and domestic issues;
- school and preschool education.
Medical book (design)
All representatives of the listed professions can start working only after they complete the medical book and pass the sanitary minimum, including professional hygiene training and subsequent certification.
The list of specialists from whom it is necessary to obtain a conclusion and the list of necessary analyzes directly depends on the scope of the forthcoming activity and is clearly regulated by law.
It is mandatory to test for sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, active staphylococcus, helminthiasis and the presence of pathogens that cause intestinal infections.
Medical book is the main supporting document thatthe employee has fully passed a medical examination and received a work permit.
Its obligatory presence with an employee is due to the strengthening of sanitary control in the Russian Federation, and the absence or forgery of this document

will lead to serious problems for both the employee and the employer.
Medical book is required in both public and private institutions. Moreover, in private institutions they may require that it be available in any case - even if the activity of the enterprise is in no way connected with the above areas.
Only after a person begins to draw it up, he will understand the significance of this procedure - huge queues, passing various tests, obtaining results and providing them to specialists.
There is a great alternative opportunity that allows you to issue and extend a medical book, avoiding endless queues and wasting your nerves by contacting clinics that provide a service for expedited receipt of a document. Naturally, such assistance is paid, but you can always use it if you wish.

Medical book - tests
Today, the sanitary book is filled in by employees of clinics accredited to issue this document. In the appropriate columns and lines of the form, the results of analyzes and examination data by doctors are entered. In addition to a blood test, each medical bookprovides for laboratory research to detect pathogens of various intestinal infections:
• In the laboratory, feces are analyzed to detect the presence of helminth eggs.
• All test results are carefully checked for enterobiasis: people with this disease are strictly prohibited from working with customers, children, patients and just clients.