Which doctors do you need to go through for a medical book? Registration of a personal medical book

Which doctors do you need to go through for a medical book? Registration of a personal medical book
Which doctors do you need to go through for a medical book? Registration of a personal medical book

Everyone has to get a job sooner or later. Many organizations recently require a personal medical book. This document confirms that you are he althy. How to issue a medical book, and will be discussed further. You will find out what documents are required to obtain this document. You can also find out which doctors you need to go through for a medical book.

which doctors do you need to go through for a medical book
which doctors do you need to go through for a medical book

Personal medical record

Who needs this document? In the modern world, almost every serious organization requires a medical book for hiring. What can we say about the service sector!

A document confirming optimal he alth is required for persons in direct contact with people (hairdressers, manicure and pedicure masters, cosmetologists and doctors, sellers, and so on). Also, people who work with food products (merchant managers, cooks,employees of the slaughterhouse and poultry farm). Be sure to get this document for kindergarten teachers, teachers and many other people.

medical book for 1 day
medical book for 1 day

How to issue a document?

The new medical book can be purchased at any bookstore. However, simply buying a document is not enough. Once purchased, you will have to make some effort to obtain medical evidence of good he alth.

First, take a photo of a standard size (three by four). Also attach copies of your passport and medical policy. All your data will be needed by a specialist to fill out the document. After that, you need to get a list of doctors that you have to go through.

Those who are going to work in the food service and direct contact with people need to visit many more specialists than other workers. Be sure to remember or write down which doctors you will need for the medical book.

Where to start?

Which doctors do you need to go through for a medical book? It is better to ask your employer about this or get this information from the personnel department. Below is a complete list of specialists whose opinion you may need. It is worth noting that some organizations require only a partial survey.

First visit a therapist. It is he who will prescribe you tests (for a medical book). These most often include a complete blood count, a biochemical study, scrapings, stool diagnostics for an eggworm and other pathologies. Remember that a medical book is not done in 1 day. Sometests, such as a biochemical study, can take about one week to prepare.

issue a medical book
issue a medical book


So, let's talk about which doctors you need to go through for a medical book. Absolutely all organizations that require such a document insist on the diagnosis of the lungs and heart. It is carried out in a stationary clinic. No special preparation is required for diagnosis.

You can get the result on the same day in a few hours. In some cases, the conclusion is issued immediately. In addition to your hospital card, the doctor's seal must also be placed in the medical book.

Otolaryngologist and ophthalmologist

These specialists must also be visited by almost all employees. Doctors' conclusions can be obtained immediately after the examination. Doctors make an entry in your card and medical book.

An otolaryngologist examines the throat, nasal passages and auricles. If you have no complaints, and the doctor found no pathologies, then this indicates absolute he alth.

The optometrist examines your fundus and measures the pressure. This is followed by a vision test. If you have any deviations, then do not get upset ahead of time. As long as you have glasses or contact lenses, you'll be perfectly fit for any job.

Neurologist and psychiatrist

doctors for medical records
doctors for medical records

The mark of these doctors should also be in the medical book of each employee. Pass them to confirm adequate behavior.

A psychiatrist can ask suggestivequestions and then make a decision. For such an examination, you will definitely need a certificate that says that you are not registered in a psychiatric or narcological dispensary. You can take it at the place of registration.

A neurologist examines your condition with simple tests: hammer tapping, pupillary response, and so on. The conclusion is issued immediately after the consultation.

Venerologist and dermatologist

These professionals need to go through people who work in the service sector. The conclusion can be received both on the same day and within one week.

Dermatologist examines the skin on the abdomen, arms and head. If there are no complaints and the skin is clean, then you will see the entry “he althy” in your medical book.

A venereologist, in addition to examining the genitals and mucous membranes of the mouth, makes an analysis. Most often, studies are carried out on diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea and staphylococcal infection. Also, a specialist can conduct bacteriological diagnostics. It is this analysis that takes about one week to prepare. Therefore, a medical book cannot be done in 1 day.


Workers who come into contact with people or food should definitely visit a dentist. After the examination, the doctor makes an opinion and, if necessary, makes recommendations.

Do not be afraid that you will not get an entry in the medical book because of a small hole or a banal caries. The dentist draws attention to other diseases that can be transmitted by airdrip or household way, for example, stomatitis.

medical records tests
medical records tests


Women of the weaker sex should definitely go through a gynecologist. The doctor examines the genital tract and makes a smear analysis. Such a study can be carried out within a few days (usually 2-3 days). This is another reason that you will not be able to quickly issue a medical book.

If you are not sexually active, you should definitely inform your doctor. In this case, the doctor may order you an ultrasound examination, which will show the condition of the internal reproductive organs.


Often, in order to obtain a medical book, you need to do an electrocardiogram. After receiving the data, you should go to the cardiologist. The doctor will make a transcript and present his conclusion. In some cases, a specialist may recommend an ultrasound of the heart muscle.

new medical book
new medical book


When all the specialists you need are completed, you need to go back to the therapist. It is to this doctor that all your test results are sent. The doctor studies all the information and makes his conclusion.

Remember that in the absence of some results, the therapist may refuse to conclude you. That is why it is worth considering the timing of a particular diagnosis.

How much does it cost to get a medical book?

To pass a medical examination for employment, you will have to pay a certain amount of money. Please note that an examination in a private clinic willcost a lot more than in a regular clinic. On average, the registration of a medical book costs from 1,000 to 7,000 rubles. The region in which you live plays a big role. If the organization in which you get a job sends you for a medical examination, all costs are paid by the employer - this follows from the provisions of articles 212 and 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An employee who paid for a medical examination on his own has the right to demand that the employer reimburse the costs incurred by submitting the relevant documents.

how much does it cost to get medical
how much does it cost to get medical


Now you know which doctors you need to go through for a medical book. Remember that each examination has a certain period of validity. So, fluorography, electrocardiogram should be done once a year. Specialist visits are typically done every two or three years.

Success to you and quick registration of a medical book!
