According to some analysts, stress-related diseases threaten human he alth the most. Increasingly, people are seeking medical help for problems related to emotional disorders. Sometimes there are so many mental and physical stresses that the patient is unable to cope with them on his own. A reliable and effective tool "Glycine" can help in such situations. We will consider reviews about the rescue drug in this article.
Need for sedation
Due to the large overstrain, every person throughout his life feels the negative effects of stress. This is a kind of oppression, plunging the patient into a cycle of harmful emotions. Excessive tension, chronic fatigue, increased nervousness - this is just a part of the many side effects that accompany the failure of the nervous system. If nothing is done in such cases, the mentioned conditions can lead to more serious mental disorders.
Veryit is important to normalize brain function and good performance in a timely manner. Judging by the reviews, "Glycine" copes well with such problems. A new, similar remedy has appeared in pharmacies, which is a dietary supplement.

Glycine forte Evalar
The difference between this drug and the usual "Glycine" is that it contains a large dose of the active protein substance. Because of this, it acts faster and is taken less often. The remedy from the company "Evalar" has a positive effect already on the third day, while the old drug pleases with the results only after a week.
Familiarity with the instructions for use of "Glycine Evalar" and reviews about it will help clarify the following questions: under what conditions does the drug have positive results? What complications were observed in patients? What effects does the drug have on stroke, encephalopathy, neurosis and various disorders of the nervous system? The age categories of patients will also be affected. We need to find out how the drug affects pregnant women, children and breastfeeding. Of particular interest is the opinion of specialists who have repeatedly observed in their own practice, in which diseases the medicine contributed to the recovery of patients. We will also consider them.
During the discussion of the "Glycine forte Evalar", instructions for use, reviews, we will try to give an objective assessment of this medicine.

The central nervous system is the most complex device in the human body that needs constant support. Special dietary supplements can ensure its normalization and cheer up due to their natural composition. What can you learn about the drug from the reviews and instructions? "Glycine forte Evalar" does not cause dependence. It can be taken in long courses, which is very convenient for people with a dynamic lifestyle. Those who are suitable for this drug do not need to waste time going to the hospital to re-prescribe a new drug. Consider what this remedy contains:
- Dietary supplement contains a non-essential neurotransmitter amino acid that binds to receptors in the spinal cord and brain.
- Vitamin B1 has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. It enhances mental capacity and stimulates thinking.
- Vitamin B6 has a calming effect.
- Vitamin B12 renews nerve cells, which improves memory and increases concentration.
- The product contains additional substances: methylcellulose, magnesium stearate.

Issue form
Medication from a domestic pharmaceutical company is designed for resorption. It is produced in the form of tablets, each of which is a unit weighing 0.6 grams, having a white color. In appearance, they are somewhat convex, sometimes with a marblestructure and a cruciform distinct line on the surface. The taste is pleasant, not cloying, slightly sweet. Packaged in blisters with a different number of tablets (from 10 to 60), in one package there are 10 of them. Tablets with a dosage of 0.3 grams are also often found on sale.

Due to the increased amount of active substance, the state of the central nervous system improves significantly. Having reunited with the receptors of the brain, the amino acid contributes to the weakening of neurons, while gamma-aminobutyric acid begins to be released more, which inhibits nerve impulses. As a result of these reactions, anti-stress and sedative effects appear.
Interacting with the receptors of the spinal cord, "Glycine" slows down the flow of impulses through motor neurons, which in turn reduces muscle tone. For this reason, it is an indispensable remedy for many nervous diseases. As the reviews show, "Glycine Evalar" successfully relieves excitement and internal tension throughout the body.
The drug improves metabolism in nerve cells, positively affects the functioning of the brain, speeds up the processes associated with thinking.
The drug quickly penetrates into body tissues and body fluids. It does not accumulate in tissues and is broken down in the liver to the state of carbon dioxide and water. Many people like it because it acts instantly and is easily digested. About "Glycine Forte" in the reviews it is said that it is convenient to use, because it differsfast solubility. Tablets do not need to be kept in the mouth for a long time. They are much more effective than the old drug. The relaxing and soothing effect of the drug is not long in coming. Let's single out a number of positive effects that this bioadditive produces:
- relieves mental fatigue;
- helps deal with social phobias;
- reduces conflict and aggression;
- uplifting;
- relieves conditions in women during menopausal changes;
- improves blood supply to the brain;
- helps with insomnia;
- reduces the toxic effects of other drugs and alcohol that depress the functions of the nervous system.

The drug is prescribed as a dietary supplement, serving as a source of an additional dose of amino acid. Reviews with the instruction "Glycine", which is mentioned in them, show very clearly that the pills are recommended for severe stress, to relieve various symptoms of neuroses. They cope well with both organic and functional failures in the nervous system.
Bioadditive is prescribed for the following indications:
- vegetovascular dystonia;
- hyperexcitability;
- various forms of encephalopathies;
- after suffering strokes;
- deviant behavior of teenagers;
- traumatic brain injury;
- neuroinfections;
- ischemic stroke.

There are many modern medicines that actually strengthen the nerves and increase mental performance. However, not all of these products are safe for he alth. According to doctors, "Glycine" is a reliable and at the same time harmless medicine. In their opinion, a drug containing an amino acid, which plays the role of the main active ingredient and is perfectly synthesized in the body of each person, is an indispensable medicine. Many specialists in the treatment of their patients insist on taking this remedy.
Except for individual intolerance that causes allergic reactions, the biological supplement has practically no contraindications. The only thing is that people with low blood pressure need to take pills with caution and constantly monitor their condition. If the indicators are alarming and the patient is accompanied by lethargy and excessive sleepiness, the drug is canceled.
Unfortunately, the possibility of taking medication during pregnancy and lactation remains in question. Due to the fact that information about the effect of the drug on the body of the mother and the unborn child is not complete, it is not recommended to take it. There are exceptions when the doctor considers the use of the drug during pregnancy a necessity. In this case, this is done under the supervision of specialists.
Sometimes there may be delayed reactions of movements. This is stated in the instructions for "Glycine forte". Feedback from people confirm this fact. Therefore, manage transport during the period of taking the medicineprohibited.

Pills are sucked behind the cheek (in medicine, this method is called transbuccal) or placed under the tongue (sublingually). For best results, keep them in your mouth until completely dissolved.
Drugs are absorbed through small vessels. Thus, it easily enters the bloodstream without touching the digestive system. This is another advantage mentioned about Glycine Forte in reviews.
Instructions for use
When using a dietary supplement, it is important to follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor. If the patient has a tendency to low blood pressure, the rate of medication is reduced.
With strong mental stress, memory impairment, mood swings, chronic fatigue, agitation and anxiety for both adults and children, appoint 0.3 grams twice a day. The duration of treatment is 14 to 30 days.
With neurosis in various manifestations, encephalitis, vegetative dystonia, neurasthenia, the dose and number of doses remain the same as indicated above, and the course of treatment should be no more than two weeks.
According to the instructions and reviews, "Glycine" to restore normal sleep is best taken half an hour before a night's rest.
Significantly increase the dose of medication during an ischemic stroke. The patient needs to alternately dissolve 3 tablets in the first few hours (4-6). The next 5 days you need to take 0.3 grams three times a day. Next, you need to go to 2-timereception and take a dietary supplement for another month. Medical workers noted that with the help of glycine, patients recover faster, negative symptoms are much less common.
During remission, the use of bioadditives in narcology is allowed. Tablets are used to relieve psycho-emotional stress, in case of organic damage to the nervous system.
For the treatment of adolescents with inappropriate behavior, the same dose is indicated as for adults. In such situations, the indicated norm can be assigned individually. It is important to remember that uncontrolled treatment for deviant problems can lead to disastrous results.
As experts explain in their reviews, "Glycine" is able to interact well with other drugs. The use of a supplement along with antidepressants and anticonvulsants reduces the side effects of these drugs.
When taking the drug in combination with antipsychotics, tranquilizers and sleeping pills, their joint effect is observed.
When drinking alcohol, the drug is not contraindicated. However, it is better to avoid alcohol during treatment, as they can blunt the effect of the medicine.
As a result of overdose, the following symptoms were observed in adults:
- loss of concentration;
- dizziness;
- nausea;
- abdominal discomfort;
- failure;
- headaches;
- lower pressure.
Despitethe fact that for many the drug is absolutely harmless, before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo a deep examination and obtain permission from the doctor to use it. Sometimes negative symptoms appear due to incorrect dosage. Only with the right approach can you get the maximum benefit from the use of amino acids.
Treatment of children
Based on the reviews, glycine, that is, the amino acid that is the basis of the drug, has a positive effect on the he alth of children. In babies, sleep normalizes, they become less capricious. It helps well with frights, accompanied by convulsive twitches in a dream.
The medicine can be given to babies from 3 years old. A single dose is 150 mg. It is better to crush the tablet, dissolve in water and drink the child twice a day. Treatment must be continued for 14 days.
It is very important to monitor the level of pressure and in no case exceed the norm of the medicine. Children have a slightly different reaction to an overdose of the drug than adults. On this occasion, there is an important warning about the use of "Glycine forte" in the instructions and reviews of parents, which should not be neglected. If the baby's blood pressure drops, he may lose consciousness. This condition is usually due to hypotension and abnormal sleepiness.
If there is no medicine from the manufacturer "Evalar" in pharmacies, you can buy an analogue. You don't have to choose it yourself. You should always consult with your doctor, the better it would be to replace the desired remedy. Speaking of those drugs,which are similar in terms of the main substance, then the list of analogues in terms of pharmacological action includes:
- "Pyracesin";
- Fezam;
- "Acephen";
- "Phenibut";
- "Dormiplant";
- "Nookleir";
- Intellan;
- Tenotin.
To summarize the reviews: "Glycine forte Evalar", according to experts and patients, is indeed the remedy that can strengthen the nervous system. Doctors write that the rapid elimination of neurosis allows you to treat the underlying ailment that worries the patient. The drug helped even those patients who, prior to its use, were treated in psychiatric hospitals. After using it, many patients suffering from panic attacks felt much better. In most cases, the dietary supplement has a good effect on people's mood and promotes sound sleep. In addition, people are satisfied with the affordable price and the fact that the drug does not cause side effects.
In closing
From all of the above, we can conclude that the drug is trustworthy. This is how "Glycine" is presented in the instructions for use. Feedback from people is fully consistent with the promise of the manufacturer. We can say that the tool copes with its purpose perfectly. The nootropic effect is well reflected in mental performance and improves blood circulation in the brain. Taking a supplement, you will always be in a good mood. This is the best cure for depression!