How does the human papillomavirus manifest itself in men?

How does the human papillomavirus manifest itself in men?
How does the human papillomavirus manifest itself in men?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) manifests itself in the form of characteristic changes in tissue growth. It is one of the main causes of diseases of the skin and lesions of the mucous membranes. There are more than 100 types of this virus.


human papillomavirus in men
human papillomavirus in men

Papilloma is a benign tumor that begins to grow on the surface of the skin in the form of a small nipple. The size of papillomas varies from 1 to 2 cm. Frequent places of detection of papillomas: nose, mouth, pharynx, vocal cords. In rare cases, papilloma can be found on the walls of the bladder and elsewhere.

An impressive number of patients with genital warts (a virus caused by papillomavirus) seek medical help every year. But in frequent cases, this virus goes unnoticed and proceeds without any symptoms.

It should be noted that the symptoms depend on the type of virus.


The papillomavirus is often manifested by the occurrence of genital warts. But this symptom is manifested only in 2% of sick people. The appearance of condyloma, by the way, is alsoa sign of weakened immunity. The human papillomavirus in men and women is localized mainly in places that are in contact during sexual contact (on the genitals, as well as near the anus). The incubation period of the virus can take from a couple of weeks to several years.

papilloma removal
papilloma removal

War warts appear as flesh or pink warty growths. Over time, warts can grow and become confluent warts (multi-layer formation).

Human papillomavirus in men is characterized by the appearance of genital warts mainly near the frenulum, glans penis, and also around the anus. In women, warts spread to the clitoris, labia, urinary inlet, cervix, and vagina.

Depending on the state of the immune system, warts may not change for a long time or go away on their own. A symptom such as warts is considered very unpleasant and dangerous. These formations interfere with sexual activity, causing discomfort, and may also bleed.


papilloma virus treatment
papilloma virus treatment

Human papillomavirus in men and women can manifest itself in the appearance of discomfort, as well as itching in the genital area. Another sign of the appearance of the papillomavirus is the presence of unusual discharge.


Human papillomavirus in men and women mainly appears when infected during sexual contact. Infection can occur through directintestine and vagina, and during oral sex.


Never try to remove warts yourself! An attempt to get rid of papilloma threatens to infect other areas of the skin, which will lead to rather disastrous consequences.

If you find papillomas or warts of unknown origin, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. It is necessary to learn: removal of papilloma is the prerogative of specialists!

In addition to removing the warts themselves, it is necessary to treat the papillomavirus, as well as strengthen the immune system.
