"Fluimucil" is considered an effective mucolytic agent. The medicine accelerates recovery, and also cleanses the respiratory organs, ridding them of mucus and waste products of pathogens. Thus, "Fluimucil" in the form of a syrup plays an important role in the complex therapy of respiratory tract lesions.
What is in the medicine
According to the instructions for use, it is known that the main active ingredient is acetylcysteine. Additional substances are sodium saccharinate and flavors.
Syrup "Fluimucil" has a sweet taste, pleasant aroma, which is very popular with young patients and does not provoke them to vomit when consumed. In this regard, this drug must be kept out of reach of the baby in order to avoid accidental intake and poisoning with the drug. The medicine may have a pleasant fruity taste, which children also like.

Pharmacological properties
The drug has an expectorant effect. And also Fluimucil syrup prevents the spread of bacteria to the bronchial mucosa, activates cells that produce substances that break down fibrin threads. The active substance has the same positive effect on the secretion of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. The drug provides an antioxidant effect, and also neutralizes toxins.

For what diseases do they take the drug
According to the instructions, Fluimucil cough syrup is a remedy that helps overcome an unpleasant symptom. The cough reflex, as a rule, is a companion of the underlying disease, which is associated with inflammation. These diseases include:
- Tracheitis (a disease that is caused by inflammatory changes in the tracheal mucosa, is considered the result of respiratory infectious processes).
- Bronchitis (an inflammatory process in the bronchi that affects the mucous membrane or the entire thickness of the bronchial wall).
- Pneumonia (acute inflammatory lung disease).
- Lung abscess (accumulation of purulent exudate in tissues or organs as a result of their inflammation).
Additional indications for use
The drug is prescribed in the presence of the following conditions:
- Athelectasis of the lung (a pathology in which there is a collapse of the lung tissue, leading to a decrease in the volume of air in the lungs and failure of full ventilation of the alveoli).
- Cystic fibrosis (a disease thatprovoke frequent infectious processes of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs, limiting the functioning of the respiratory, stomach and intestines).
- Laryngotracheitis (inflammation with damage to the throat and trachea, the development of which is caused by infection).
- Atelectasis (a pathology in which there is a loss of airiness in a portion of the lung or the entire lung).
- Bronchoectatic disease (a disease characterized by changes in the bronchi, accompanied by the occurrence of a chronic purulent process in the bronchial tree).
- Condition after lung surgery.

Thus, to eliminate a cough is to eliminate only a symptom, while not fighting the main cause of the disease. To fight diseases, antibacterial drugs are needed, which only a doctor can choose correctly, and Fluimucil is used as an additional remedy.
The drug is not considered an independent drug to eliminate cough and respiratory damage, you should not rely only on its help in the fight against diseases.
Oral Solution Instructions
"Fluimucil" is used in combination with the prescribed main therapy. As can be seen from the annotation, the syrup thins the mucus and activates its discharge from the bronchi and respiratory tract, removing purulent exudate. This prevents congestion, and also helps to ensure normal microcirculation of air in the lungs. Syrup for bronchitis in adults effectively helps andwith other diseases too.
For the treatment of adult patients, a drug with an acetylcysteine concentration of 40 milligrams / ml is used. Use the drug once a day in an amount of 15 milliliters (daily amount of the active substance is 600 mg).

Syrup "Fluimucil" for children
Syrup is not allowed for patients under two years of age. In rare situations, when the possible benefit of Fluimucil outweighs the risk of harm, it is allowed to use the drug in the treatment of young children.
Instructions for use suggests the following dosages depending on age:
- For babies from 2 to 5 years old, Fluimucil is prescribed with an acetylcysteine content of 20 mg / ml, which is used three times a day for 5 milliliters, which provides a concentration of the active ingredient of 200-300 milligrams per day.
- A child from 6 to 14 years old is prescribed a medicine containing 20 mg/ml or 40 mg/ml acetylcysteine. In the first situation, "Fluimucil" is given to the child three times a day for 5 milliliters, and in the second - twice for 4 ml (this provides a concentration of acetylcysteine 300-400 milligrams per day).
- Adolescents from 14 years of age are recommended to use the same dosage as adult patients. A preparation containing acetylcysteine 40 mg / ml once a day in an amount of 15 milliliters, which provides a concentration of the active substance of 600 milligrams per day.
"Fluimucil" is a cough syrup for children that helps to cope well with variousdiseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract of infectious and other etiologies. The drug makes the mucus the most liquid, which facilitates its best waste. This is especially effective for severe coughing, helping to quickly alleviate the baby's he alth.
According to the instructions for use, it is known that "Fluimucil" does not provide for additional dilution with water when used. Use restrictions are:
- Intolerance to individual ingredients.
- Stomach ulcer (a chronic lesion of the stomach, which is accompanied by a violation of the gastric mucosa and tissues located under it).
- Duodenal ulcer (a disease that results from the action of acid and pepsin on the duodenal mucosa in people with hypersensitivity).
- Lactation.
- Under two years of age.
- Phenylketonuria (a hereditary disease that is associated with impaired metabolism of amino acids, especially phenylalanine).
Abstract on the use of syrup for bronchitis and other diseases warns that it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons before using Fluimucil for people with kidney and liver diseases, as well as the following conditions:
- Varicosis of the esophagus (damage to the motor activity of the esophagus).
- Hemoptysis (discharge of pathological secretion with blood).
- High blood pressure.
- Women during pregnancy.
In such conditions, the likely benefit of"Fluimucil" should significantly exceed the possibility of complications.
Negative reactions
Oral solution has minimal risk of side effects. In rare situations, when taking Fluimucil, the following reactions may develop:
- Heartburn.
- Itching of the skin.
- Nettle rash.
- Rashes on the body.
- Nausea.
- Gagging.
- Diarrhea.
- Nosebleeds.
- Bronchospasm (a pathology that develops with contraction of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and a decrease in their lumen).
- Tinnitus.
- Collapse (a life-threatening condition characterized by a decrease in blood pressure and a deterioration in the microcirculation of important organs).
Syrup is dispensed from pharmacies in bottles of 100, 150, 200 milliliters. The duration of treatment is determined by the medical specialist.
"Fluimucil-antibiotic-IT" for inhalation
The instruction says that special attention should be paid to dosing, as non-compliance with it can result in the development of serious side effects, especially in young patients.
The concentration of the active ingredient for children is 125 milligrams of solution per procedure. This is half the dosage for adult patients. Special devices for the inhaler are selected according to the therapeutic purpose: for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract - nasal nozzles. For inhalation of the lower respiratory tract - mouthpiece.
According to the instructions for"Fluimucil-antibiotic-IT", for inhalation, the smallest children are recommended to wear masks during the procedure that cover the nose and lower face.
Adults are prescribed 250 milligrams of the solution. This amount of the drug is required if you dilute the bottle of "Fluimucil" with one ampoule of solvent water and take one second of the resulting solution.

Effective dry cough syrups for children:
- "ACC".
- "Ambrobene".
- "Ambroxol".
- "Ambrohexal".
- "Ambrotard".
- "Lazolvan".
- "Medox".
- "Acetine".
- "Bromhexine".
- "Bronchoval".
- "Fluifort".
- "Flavamed".
- "Helpeks".
Before replacing the original drug with a generic one, you should consult a doctor.

According to the annotation for the use of Fluimucil, it is known that the combined use of cough medicines that inhibit the cough reflex contributes to the stagnation of pathological secretions.
The use of Tetracycline, Amphotericin and Ampicillin leads to a decrease in the effect of both antibiotics and Fluimucil, so the time interval between the use of these medicines should be at least twohours.

Antiaggregant and vasodilating action of "Nitroglycerin" increases when used simultaneously with "Fluimucil". Acetylcysteine helps to reduce the toxic effect of Paracetamol on the liver. Pharmaceutically incompatible with other drugs.
Medicine responses
As confirmed by reviews of Fluimucil cough syrup, this drug has a quick effect compared to other mucolytic agents.
This is a significant advantage in a situation where the cough is severe - relief comes after a couple of hours. Pain in the chest disappears, and it also becomes easier to breathe, which is important, since it is necessary to cough with lesions of the respiratory organs of an infectious origin, this prevents intoxication.
Some patients noticed that they completely got rid of the cough reflex with Fluimucil after about a couple of days. Others note that if you start using the drug as soon as a cold appears, you can initially alleviate the disease.
As the abstract indicates, the composition of the syrup is considered to be a substitute for the ACC drug, but somewhat cheaper than the latter, which is also a significant advantage.
It should be taken into account that there are situations when "Fluimucil" does not help, and may even aggravate the situation when an increased amount of fluid is collected in the lungs. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate therapy withdoctor.
Feedback about "Fluimucil" as a cough syrup for children is positive. Babies like the drug because it tastes sweet, and there are no difficulties in using it.
In addition, the medicine comes in raspberry, as well as strawberry and pomegranate flavors. The syrup has a slightly specific aroma, which does not spoil the overall good impression of the medicine.