For the effective treatment of constipation in children and small babies, Lactulose syrup is actively used. The instructions for use contain information that this medication is a high-quality laxative. The drug is absolutely safe for a developing organism, as it has a minimum of adverse reactions. But before using this medication, you should definitely consult with your doctor to eliminate the likelihood of unwanted side reactions.

To combat constipation, pediatricians recommend using Lactulose syrup. In the instructions for use, manufacturers have described in detail all the properties of this medicine. The basis of the drug includes a component that is a synthetic version of the disaccharide lactose. Such a substance does not occur in nature, since it is synthesized inpharmaceutical industry, to be further used to combat various pathologies. In its original form, lactulose is a regular white powder, but for treatment it is used as a syrup.
In traditional medicine, Lactulose syrup is used to effectively combat severe constipation, as well as to restore the natural balance of microflora in the intestines. The instructions for use indicate that with the help of this medication, various diagnostic examinations of the body can be carried out. A characteristic feature of lactulose is that there are no biological enzymes in the human body that could facilitate the digestion of this component. And this means that the substance necessarily enters the intestines, where it begins to actively act.
Skilled pediatricians often prescribe Lactulose syrup for babies. Reviews of specialists and patients about this medication indicate that the active ingredient does not affect the mucous membrane and muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. The correct dosage of the syrup promotes the absorption of ammonia and its further neutralization, thereby reducing the total amount of toxic substances that enter the bloodstream. The drug has a specific negative effect on the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, which contributes to the speedy improvement of the patient's well-being.
For the treatment of infants and childrenolder people use Lactulose syrup. The composition of the drug is selected in such a way that the active ingredient is absorbed into the bloodstream in a minimal amount. The drug does not affect the degree of absorption of vitamins and other nutrients. It does not cause addiction and withdrawal syndrome. With the breakdown of the active substance in the cavity of the small intestine, a safe acid is formed. Residues of the medication are excreted naturally in the urine.

Composition and release form
In modern pediatrics, Lactulose syrup has received great demand. In the instructions for use, manufacturers indicated that lactulose is used as the main component. 100 ml contains 66.7 grams of the active substance. Purified water and citric acid are used as auxiliary components. For high-quality dosing, a small measuring cup is attached to the syrup bottle.
The drug is sold in liquid form. One bottle may contain 200, 500 or 1000 ml of syrup. The drug has a pleasant taste and viscous consistency. The syrup is colorless, but in some cases a yellow or light brown tint may be present.
Indications for use
In modern pediatrics, the universal laxative syrup "Lactulose" has received great demand. The indications for the use of this medication are as follows:
- Severe constipation.
- Hepatic coma.
- Hemorrhoids caused by difficulty with bowel movements.
- Dysbacteriosis.
This drug is increasingly used in preparation for various examinations of the gastrointestinal tract. If the patient needs to clean the intestines without injuring the rectum, then it is forbidden to use a classic enema, but Lactulose syrup does an excellent job.

For the treatment of dysbacteriosis and constipation in infants, experts recommend using Lactulose syrup. Side effects occur in isolated cases. The deterioration in the well-being of a small patient may be due to the fact that the patient's parents did not study the instructions well before starting treatment. Syrup "Lactulose" is prohibited in the following cases:
- Galactosemia.
- Intolerance to drug components.
- Suspicion of appendicitis, intestinal obstruction.
- Rectal bleeding.
- Severe lack of lactase in the body.
- Glucose-galactose malabsorption.
- Intolerance to galactose, fructose.
If a child has been diagnosed with diabetes, then the syrup can only be used under the supervision of a qualified attending physician.
Treatment regimen
To eliminate problems with defecation, experts recommend giving Lactulose syrup to small patients once a day. The price of this medication is more than affordable, so you don’t need to have largefinancial savings. The entire daily dose of syrup is given at the same time, preferably after breakfast. It is preferable to give medication to infants even before feeding, so that the baby cannot subsequently burp the drug. To determine the optimal dose, use a measuring cup. The youngest patients are given medicine with a syringe without a needle.
The duration of therapy is determined on an individual basis. For a child in the first year of life, 5 ml of the drug per day is sufficient. Children from 1 to 7 years of age should be given 5 to 10 ml syrup per day. Overcoming constipation in an older child is possible only if the dosage is increased to 15 ml.
To approach the treatment of children is the most responsibly, since an organism that has not yet been formed can unexpectedly react to the components of the drug. It is necessary to start therapy with lower doses to avoid the manifestation of undesirable effects.

Adverse reactions
Numerous reviews of parents of young children have shown that Lactulose syrup is very effective in normalizing natural defecation in children. How to take this medication, you can understand if you carefully study the instructions. The main adverse reactions include:
- Weakness all over the body.
- Headaches.
- Allergic reactions.
- Muscle pain.
- Dizziness.
- Irregular heart rhythm.
- Nausea.
- Impaired water and electrolyte balance.
Qualified doctors categorically do not recommend self-medication, since only after a full examination of the body can you choose the most appropriate course of treatment. If at least one adverse reaction occurs, it is imperative to interrupt therapy and seek help from the hospital.
Interaction with other medicines
When visiting a doctor, it is imperative to inform the specialist about all recently taken medications, even those that are sold in modern pharmacies without a prescription. The active component of the syrup "Lactulose" lowers the pH level in the colon, which can significantly reduce the effect of drugs, the release of which directly depends on biological parameters. "Lactulose" has a specific synergistic effect with neomycin during the treatment of diagnosed hepatic encephalopathy. Long-term use of syrup in large doses is fraught with a decrease in the total concentration of potassium in the blood serum, which may increase the action of cardiac glycosides.

Special Instructions
If the patient experiences diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, then the syrup can be used only after a qualified diagnosis of the pathology and basic laboratory tests. Patients with diabetes are advised to consult a doctor beforehand. If the child is undergoing a long course of treatment, then it is extremely important to control the content of carbon dioxide, chlorine and potassium in the blood. If abdominal pain and diarrhea occur, treatment should be stopped immediately.
Available analogues

In most cases, all children tolerate treatment with Lactulose Syrup well. The price of this medication compares favorably with its availability, but due to the individual characteristics of the organism, in some cases a high-quality analogue may be needed. The following medications can replace Lactulose syrup:
- Bionorm.
- "Dufalak".
- Laktuvit.
- Portalak.
- Bioflorax.
- Laxarine.
- Depurax.
Before buying a medicine, you should consult with your doctor so that he can assess the real condition of the child and prescribe the most appropriate drug.
Universal combined products are also on sale, in which the main component lactulose is only one of the list of active substances. For example: the composition of the demanded "Laktofiltrum" contains hydrolytic lignin, which has the properties of an enterosorbent. Such tablets are most often prescribed for children over 1 year old with dysbacteriosis, atopic dermatitis, and other he alth problems. Combination therapy helps relieve bloating, bad breath, and other discomforts.
In addition to those drugs that contain universal lactulose, other medicines can also overcome constipation in a child. Suppositories based onglycerin, which received the name "Glycelax". For the treatment of children, this medication can be used from three months.