Psychopathy is considered a pathology, but not serious. However, in some cases, such an ailment requires an appeal to a specialist with subsequent treatment with the pharmacological preparations proposed by him. In addition, if psychopathy leads to a complication of relationships, then it will require special attention. Indeed, in this case, a person is not only unpleasant for communication, but also dangerous for others. A woman who is in a relationship with a psychopathic man should act detached and cautious. Only this will allow her to predict and not provoke another tantrum on his part.
Psychopathy is nothing more than a pathology caused by deviations in the functioning of the central nervous system. As a result of such a failure, human behavior begins to have some differences from generally accepted rules and norms. In addition, his way of thinking is being transformed, as well as his idea of the role he plays in society.
As for the modernmedical literature, there is no term "psychopathy" in it. It has been replaced by such a concept as "personality disorder". The obsolete terminology was abandoned due to the fact that such a name has become extremely negative.

Psychopathy can be considered a personality anomaly. The person to whom it is inherent changes his behavior based on the form of the disorder. First of all, psychopaths are egoists, for whom it is very important to be in the spotlight. However, due to the absence of symptoms of brain damage, experts cannot give an unequivocal answer to the question of whether such a personality disorder can be attributed to mental illness. Most of them agree that such a condition is a line between he alth and pathology.
How to recognize a psychopath? People suffering from this pathology are not able to show empathy, sympathy. It is impossible to wait for gratitude and other high emotions from them. But at the same time, such a person, if he has a well-developed intellect, perfectly manipulates others, depicting the necessary reactions that are perfectly suited to a given situation.
Psychopathy, despite the fact that it is not regarded as a serious illness, nevertheless, requires an appointment with a specialist. This pathology occurs in childhood or in adolescents, and its development is facilitated by the underdevelopment of personal qualities.

A male psychopath is characterized by aggressiveness and egocentrism whena clear lack of self-control and empathy. At the same time, he is not even able to realize his own emotions. How to recognize a psychopath? Of course, the behavior of such people can have different shades. However, they are always unstable emotionally. This is what indicates psychopathy.
Disease prevalence
According to statistics, 1-2% of the world's population suffers from psychopathy. Moreover, 80% of such patients are representatives of the strong half of humanity.
Psychopathy often affects quite successful people in leadership positions. Of the men in prison, pathology was detected in 1/3 of their total number.
Approximately 10% of the population has psychopathic behaviors. They are also capable of harming others. However, there is clearly not enough evidence to make a clinical diagnosis in these cases.
Causes of disease
Why the disease occurs is not exactly known. Scientists suggest that psychopathy develops due to the following:
- heredity;
- injury received during childbirth;
- fetal hypoxia during its development in the womb;
- bad environment;
- childhood trauma;
- being in a children's institution apart from the family;
- overprotection;
- adult attention deficit disorder.
The presence of these factors is not a prerequisite for the development of psychopathy. They only provoke development or contribute to the aggravation of the pathology.

How to recognize a psychopath? With superficial communication with such a person, it is unlikely that it will be possible to determine his illness. Such people are able to hide the peculiarity of their character very well, corresponding in appearance to the expectations of others. To achieve this psychopath allows his intellectual level, which can be either medium or high.
What are the symptoms and signs of a personality disorder?
Special attraction
It will not be difficult for a male psychopath to charm a woman. In the process of communication, such a gentleman actively shows signs of attention and strives to be near his chosen one as often as possible. At the same time, he is always romantic and stands out for his originality. Also, a male psychopath easily maintains conversations on a variety of topics. Such courtship leads to the fact that the victim of a person with a personality disorder is not able to notice the dangerous signs of pathology. Consider what they are expressed in.
How to spot a psychopath? Such men are firmly convinced that only they can always be right. And if in their address they receive even the slightest remark that their judgments are incorrect, then all this is perceived very sharply and aggressively. At the same time, the person begins to negatively assess the current situation. He is firmly convinced that it is not he who is to blame, but fate, and sometimes even the state.
Symptoms and signs of a personality disorder are often manifested in the constant deception of a partner. At first, the woman does not attachthis value, because the chosen one is lying to her on trifles. However, after some time, the deception becomes impressive.

Nevertheless, a woman cannot accuse him of being a psychopath. With any attempt to find out the truth, he immediately shows resentment or aggression. At the same time, thanks to his high intelligence, the man deliberately deceives his victim in such a way that she notices his lie. And this moment is quite joyful for the psychopath, allowing him to enjoy the helplessness of the victim and his impunity.
Public play
Most often, the psychopath's aggression is directed at the victim when the partner is alone with her. In the presence of strangers, the behavior of such a person changes dramatically, and he begins to take care of the woman, showing goodwill towards her. That is why friends and close relatives sometimes do not believe the victim. They are sure that she either provokes a good person or slanders him.
The emergence of this feeling is often regarded by women as one of the manifestations of love. However, in fact, for a psychopath, jealousy serves as a tool with which he carries out moral violence. Communication with a psychopath is full of hidden threats. Such a person sacredly believes only in his fantasies. The arguments of the victim mean nothing to him. And if at the beginning of a life together, jealousy can be mistaken for a harmless game, then gradually this feeling will make the relationship unbearable.
Pitches of rage
Anyone can provoke an outbreak of aggression in a psychopathtrifle. It can be a poorly prepared breakfast, a dirty glass, and sometimes just a woman's good mood. Outbursts of anger flare up in the same scenario.

At first, the man simply raises his voice, and then gradually brings himself to rage. And when his anger reaches its highest point, in addition to words, physical strength begins to go.
Psychopaths try to get their way in every way possible. They manipulate people using blackmail and lies, raising their voices, pressing for pity or using physical violence.
Asocial behavior
In their desire to receive benefits without putting any effort into it, people with a personality disorder end up leading a disorderly life and committing crimes. Psychopathic children show their failure in learning, and regardless of their level of intelligence. This is observed in the future in professional activities.
Types of disorders
There are different types of male psychopaths.

And each of them has its own characteristics. Let's take a closer look at them.
- Hysteroid. How do psychopaths who are characterized by this type of disorder behave? They strive for universal recognition of themselves as individuals, in connection with which they demonstrate to others their significance and superiority. Often these people behave theatrically, gesticulating strongly, enthusiastically hugging the interlocutor and sobbing uncontrollably duringof his story. They also have pathological lies. Representatives of this psychopathic personality type are very infantile. They always strive to be the center of attention. An example of this type of psychopathic personality is Harvey Dent, a well-known comic book character.
- Schizoid. This category of people is vulnerable. But at the same time, schizoid psychopaths are despotic and pedantic. These people are hostile to others and are not able to empathize. A striking example of a schizoid psychopath is Dr. Mengele. This is the man who experimented on people in Auschwitz.
- Paranoid. Representatives of this psychopathic personality type are constantly striving for their super-goals. The main distinguishing features of such people are limited interests and self-centeredness, high self-esteem and narrow thinking, a strong sense of jealousy and excessive suspicion. Paranoid invent for themselves ill-wishers. The most famous representative of this type of psychopathy is Adolf Hitler, who is known to us as a Nazi criminal.
- Asthenic. Individuals with this type of disorder are sensitive, anxious, insecure, and fearful. Their life plans have nothing to do with reality. Such people are constantly obsessed with obsessions and cannot exist without introspection.
- Dissocial. These patients are characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, the manifestation of which is expressed in impulsiveness and lack of guilt. They are not able to maintain close relationships for a long time, they are aggressive. Their basic life principle is “here andnow". At the same time, such people do not care at all about the consequences of their actions. As a rule, these psychopaths are children from low-income or large families, urban residents, as well as former prisoners.
Building Relationships
How to resist a man-psychopath and a manipulator? Not every woman is able to find the right approach to a person suffering from this pathology. This is what causes the destruction of relationships.
It is necessary to understand that these people, despite their inability to understand higher emotions, have egocentrism, which is combined with a subtle instinct for the state to which they bring others. This is the main condition for successful manipulation for a person with a personality disorder. Often they show tenderness and sympathy. However, this is only an imitation of such feelings, through which one can clearly see the indifference and detachment in understanding the state of mind of others.
In those cases where people with a personality disorder were able to achieve a comfortable psychological atmosphere for themselves thanks to manipulation techniques, there will be no aggression on their part. Most of them enter into marriage only for the sake of not standing out from the general background. Nevertheless, their family, as a rule, is dominated by psychological pressure and violence. That is why, in most cases, the life of psychopaths is a whole series of divorces and marriages. At the same time, not all women are able to resist the pressure of such a spouse and delete him from their lives in the future. It leadsthem to depression, deep disappointment and severe emotional distress.
How to behave as a wife?
Psychopathy is not a sentence. Men with abnormal personality traits may well be successful in business and in leadership positions, directing their ability to manipulate people and instinct for the feelings of others in a creative direction.
How to live with a psychopath? After all, this personality disorder harms loved ones, and often a woman who has become a victim of such a spouse does not even know how to build a relationship with him. The most dangerous is the situation in which a tyrant husband, having fallen into a criminal environment, also pulls his wife along with him. In this case, a woman needs to contact a psychologist. The specialist will be able to either confirm or deny the presence of a pathology, after which, if necessary, he will advise how to communicate with a psychopath. Such people like to play on the feelings of their partners, which makes it very difficult to break up with them.
Experts recommend these women:
- in moments of psychological attacks of the spouse to distance themselves from him, demonstrating, for example, strong employment;
- when ending a relationship, report a breakup, being careful, as such news is sure to provoke rage;
- notify the spouse of loved ones who can provide support about the problem;
- severing relationships, not giving in to guilt, remembering that a psychopath is a threat not only to his wife, but to all other family members;
- when a feeling of permanentrisk to your he alth and life, do not hesitate to end the relationship;
- do not believe the words of her husband, check the source of the information received from him and look at his behavior from a philosophical point of view.
Psychopaths have a constant need to control other people. They want to be in charge, for which they use their charm along with pressure and intimidation. During violence, you do not need to interact with such people. Instead, they need to be made aware that there will be consequences for such behavior.
How do you define a personality disorder?
A person who is interested in the question of whether he is prone to antisocial behavior can find out for sure about this. To do this, it is enough to pass the test for psychopathy. If suspicions are confirmed, it is recommended to contact a specialist who will correct this condition.

The standard and most commonly used test is a questionnaire compiled by Robert Hare. This doctor offers an assessment of a person's condition based on 20 different criteria. The points received are cumulative. If there are 30 or more of them, then this clearly indicates a tendency to psychopathy. An adequate test result can only be obtained by a specialist. However, such a questionnaire is in the public domain. This makes it possible for anyone to assess their tendency to a personality disorder such as psychopathy.