Redness of the eyes: causes of the phenomenon

Redness of the eyes: causes of the phenomenon
Redness of the eyes: causes of the phenomenon

Eye condition is an important aspect of your he alth, on which a lot of things in your life depend. After all, it is known that a person receives the lion's share of information from the environment with the help of the organs of vision. Have you noticed that you sometimes have redness of the eyes? The reasons will be discussed below.

eye redness causes
eye redness causes

Do you sit for hours in front of a computer monitor or TV? This is what most often causes this phenomenon. At least you need to correctly determine the distance from your eyes to the monitor, depending on the size of the latter. Ideally, you should strictly limit the time you spend at the computer. In addition, lighting plays an important role.

Let's say you follow the above tips, but you still have red eyes. The reasons why this may be include more than just violating certain hygiene rules. The condition of the organs of vision themselves can cause such a symptom. This is possible with farsightedness or nearsightedness.

redness around the eyes
redness around the eyes

Many women who are overly fond of cosmetics experience redness of the eyes. The reasons are that some substances can cause allergies. A similar reaction is possible in the case of pollen, ingresshousehold dust into the organs of vision, unsuitable eye drops, etc. In particular, redness around the eyes may occur due to the use of one or another cream. Therefore, pay attention to the impact of the external environment, as well as what cosmetic and medical products you use.

It is not uncommon for dryness to cause redness in the eyes. The reasons for this in this case are associated with poor secretion of tear fluid. Especially often this is manifested in winter due to the fact that the room does not have a sufficient level of humidity. In such cases, artificial tears will help. In any pharmacy they are issued without a prescription. Also, redness caused by dilated capillaries can take away a cold compress. Wrap ice in a clean cloth and apply to closed eyes. In addition, for a compress, you can use tea leaves, chamomile tincture, fresh slices of chopped potatoes.

If you have this symptom combined with increased tearing, swelling, sticking of eyelashes and periodic purulent discharge, this is conjunctivitis. Such a disease is infectious and very unpleasant. For treatment, you will need special ointments and drops.

Fatigue and redness of the eyes are often interrelated. If you do not allocate enough time for a good night's rest, this will affect the organs of vision. It is important to go to bed on time and not wake up too early.

eye fatigue and redness
eye fatigue and redness

If you wear contact lenses, then do not forget to remove them at night, placing them in a special solution for storage. These accessories can irritate the eyes worseallergens. They wear out over time, starting to rub against the cornea.

Naturally, not all the reasons that can affect the condition of the eyes are listed here. If your organs of vision have acquired a reddish tint, and you have tried all the methods suggested above that did not help you, you should consult an ophthalmologist. A change in eye color can be caused by much more serious causes than allergies or lack of sleep, such as foreign body ingress, some kind of infectious disease, and so on.
