The menstrual cycle is a set of normal physiological changes in the female reproductive system. Its main purpose is to create optimal conditions for the conception of a child and prepare the body for implantation of the fetus. To manage her reproductive function, every woman should know how to count the cycle and what time of the month it is possible to get pregnant.
The female reproductive system
The main organs of the female reproductive system are the sex glands - the ovaries and uterus. They are directly involved in the conception and bearing of offspring.
The uterus is located in the center of the pelvic cavity, pipes extending to the sides of it, ending in wide funnels. Under the shadow of these funnels are the ovaries, inside which the reserves of embryonic eggs are stored and their growth and development occurs.

Having reached physiological maturity, the germ cell leaves the gland and is sucked into the fallopian tube. It is here, with a successful combination of circumstances, that a meeting of male and female gametes will occur. If fertilization is successful,the tiny zygote will continue on its way to the fundus of the uterus, where it will try to gain a foothold. After successful implantation, we can talk about the beginning of pregnancy.
Cycle hotspots
Having understood the basics of reproduction, we can highlight the critical moments of this process:
- Activation of egg growth. The rudiments of germ cells in the ovaries are in a passive state. Some kind of incentive is needed to get one or two of them out of hibernation and start developing.
- Exit of the gamete from the ovary. At a certain point in time, the body decides that the cell has already reached the threshold of maturity and can go to meet with the sperm. For this to happen, it is required to break the wall of the follicular bladder.
- Fertilization in the fallopian tubes. If an active viable spermatozoon gets on the way of the egg inside the uterus, their meeting with a high degree of probability may end in a fusion.
- Implantation of a unicellular embryo into the uterine wall. The zygote will not be able to independently penetrate into powerful muscle tissue. Serious preparation of the inner layer of the uterus is required for the successful acceptance of a fertilized egg.
- Preparing for the start of the cycle. If fertilization did not occur or the embryo could not implant, it is necessary to quickly eliminate all unnecessary and start the reproductive cycle from the very beginning.

These turning points help us understand how to count the menstrual cycle and define its phases:
- growth of the egg, organization of a comfortable landing zone for the embryo;
- rupture of the follicle and ovulation, hormonal preparation of the body for the upcoming pregnancy;
- implantation of a fertilized fetus and the beginning of gestation or cleansing of the uterus and the beginning of a new cycle.
Let's consider the phases of this reproductive process in more detail.
Countdown start
Since the change in the state of the female body occurs in a certain circle, it is important to mark the start and determine from which day to count the cycle. In medicine, the first day of monthly bleeding is taken as a starting point.
This event marks the cleansing of the uterus and indicates that the body has officially stopped expecting a possible pregnancy and is ready to start over.
To understand how to calculate the duration of the cycle, you should take the period from the beginning of one period to the first day of the next, not including it. This will be the desired result. Normally, it is 28 days, approximately coinciding with the cyclic movement of the moon across the earth's sky.
If the menstrual cycle lasts less than 24 or more than 35 days, a woman should consult a gynecologist. This symptom may indicate serious disorders in the reproductive or hormonal systems.
A separate discussion requires the question of how to count a cycle that has not yet settled. In young girls under 18, an unstable cycle is normal. From month to month, the duration of the intermenstrual period may vary, it is very difficult to make accurate calculations at this time.

First phase
Having completed oneturn the wheel, the body starts the next one. Its most important regulator - the hormonal system - takes a course in preparation for reproduction. According to the evolutionary idea, this includes the following major events:
- activation and maturation of one of the eggs stored in the ovaries since the embryonic period;
- build-up of soft endothelial layer rich in blood vessels in the uterus;
- search and attract a partner for fertilization.
Fulfillment of all three points is provided by the action of follicle-stimulating hormones of the pituitary gland. Under their influence, the active growth of several ovarian follicles begins, from which, after a while, one dominant one is released. The uterine wall is overgrown with several new layers of cells.
When there is very little time left before the X-hour, the brain turns on the ancient instinct of reproduction. For every woman, it manifests itself to varying degrees, however, almost everyone notes an increase in libido somewhere around the middle of the cycle. This happens in advance, a few days before ovulation, so that the sperm have the opportunity to get to the date without haste.
The average duration of the first phase is 14 days, however, it can vary significantly.

Change of course
At some point, the body releases a large dose of the hormone into the bloodstream, and the follicle shell ruptures, releasing a mature egg into the abdominal cavity, where it is picked up by the funnel of the fallopian tube.
The moment of release of the female germ cell is called ovulation and marksis the semantic middle of the next round of the functioning of the reproductive system.
While the gamete is moving down the tube, the brain is actively signaling to the body that it is a great time to reproduce. Another 2-3 days after ovulation, sperm have a chance to get to the egg and fertilize it, after which it will either die or implant in the uterine wall.
Ovulation and conception
To calculate the right moment of conception, the most important thing is to understand how to count the ovulation cycle. It is during this period that the fertilization of the egg is in principle possible, since it is outside the ovary and is actively functioning.
Rupture of the follicular membrane, or ovulatory peak, occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle. The exact date may differ for each woman.
Doctors recommend focusing on a two-week period before the expected date of the next menstruation. This is because the second phase of the cycle is more stable and lasts 14 days for most women, while the duration of the first phase is not so predictable.
Unprotected sex 2-3 days before ovulation and 2-3 days after it can lead to conception. During this period, there is a possibility of meeting viable germ cells in the fallopian tube.

The hormonal background of the body is being rebuilt, and these changes can be detected by special ovulation tests.
Second phase
The body did everything it could to start the process of fertilization. Now all he has to do is wait.
If suddenlyit turns out that the meeting of two gametes took place, the unicellular embryo will need a soft place to land and rich nutrition from the very first moments. Therefore, the body does not stay in passive expectation. The hormonal system is actively working in accordance with the pregnancy preparation policy.
This phase lasts two weeks for most women and can have two outcomes:
- interruption of the cycle as a result of successful implantation of the embryo and the beginning of pregnancy;
- beginning of a new cycle if fertilization did not occur or the zygote could not implant in the uterus.
In the second case, it is necessary to remove the soft endothelial lining that has grown on the uterus. Since it is extremely rich in blood capillaries, cell rejection is accompanied by their rupture and profuse bleeding, which is called menstruation.

How to count the menstrual cycle
Monitoring the normal functioning of the reproductive system is very important for a woman's he alth. Knowing how to correctly count the cycle allows you to calculate the period of possible conception and prepare for it, or protect yourself from pregnancy if it is undesirable. In addition, failures of the monthly mechanism may indicate serious diseases of the gynecological or hormonal sphere, which are easier to cure in the early stages.
There are several reliable ways to count a cycle, with varying degrees of accuracy.

The most common and simplest of them -calendar. A woman marks the beginning of each menstruation on the calendar. Having collected a certain statistical base, she will be able to calculate the average cycle length and roughly determine the date of the next menstruation and ovulation. The availability of such data will be useful for the gynecologist during routine examinations, as well as in determining the exact gestational age.
Let's look at an example of how to calculate the cycle of menstruation using a calendar. Suppose a woman regularly marks the onset of her periods and knows that there are 28 days between them. She last got her period on January 1st. Based on this data, she suggests that the next cycle will begin on January 29 and for a few days after that it is better not to schedule gym sessions. Besides, she knows that she will ovulate on January 14-15, so it is better to postpone the date for a couple of days.
Ovulation detection
The method of tracking changes in basal temperature has a fairly high accuracy. Not every woman knows how to correctly calculate the cycle using this chart, but it allows you to very accurately determine the moment of ovulation. The main difficulty of the method is the need for regular measurements strictly immediately after waking up. During ovulation, the basal temperature reaches its minimum, and then begins to increase, reaching the threshold of 37 degrees.

These methods describe how to count the menstrual cycle at home. More accurate results are obtained by ultrasound, demonstrating the conditionovaries and allows you to determine the specific phase of the cycle.