High quality pain relief tiger ointment is made in Thailand. This remedy is actively used to treat a whole range of different pathologies. Today on sale you can find several variations of the composition and the final method of application. Due to its high efficiency, this remedy is the basic component of many pharmacological products that are used to neutralize pain in muscles and joints. In traditional medicine, tiger ointment is increasingly used to relieve the inflammatory process. The instructions for use describe in detail all the indications and contraindications that must be studied before using the medication.

Composition of the ointment
This product is made exclusively on a natural basis. The composition includes more than 100 plant components. All of them are selected in such a way that each substance interacts with other components, enhancing the final effect of the drug andthe effectiveness of the therapy. Many therapists and rheumatologists prescribe tiger ointment to their patients. In the instructions for use, manufacturers indicated that the following substances of natural origin are used as the main components:
- Camphor. The remedy is relevant for bronchitis, as well as inflammatory processes.
- Peppermint oil. It copes well with viruses that reduce the protective functions of the immune system.
- Clove oil. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that has an analgesic effect.
- Cassia oil. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, eliminates nail fungus, and also treats parasitic diseases.
- Cajuputa tree oil. This substance has a strong antiseptic and antiviral effect. This oil can be used as a standalone remedy for colds, coughs and runny noses.
In the fight against common ailments, tiger ointment is increasingly being used. The instructions for use contain information that the herbal composition can significantly reduce the final list of adverse reactions. As a basis, drug manufacturers use paraffin, wax, petroleum jelly.

Pharmacological principle of action
Tiger salve is used as a topical pain reliever. In the instructions for use, the manufacturers indicated that the drug is intended for external use. The combined composition has a warming andanti-inflammatory action. The ointment can be applied to the skin with insect bites to eliminate itching and burning. The high efficiency of the product is due to the unique selection of active ingredients and their positive effect on human organs:
- Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.
- Powerful local irritant action.
- Normalization of blood circulation.
- Elimination of pain syndrome when stretching muscles and ligaments.
- Analgesic, soothing, restorative effect.
The natural essential oils included in the ointment are absolutely safe and effective in the treatment and prevention of pathologies of various etiologies. If the patient uses a massage product, then in the end he will be able to increase muscle tone, as well as relieve the feeling of overstrain and fatigue.

Indications for use
Every year, more and more people begin to use those medicines that are made from natural ingredients. That is why the healing tiger ointment from Thailand has received huge demand. The instructions for use indicate that this remedy is intended to combat the following pathologies and conditions:
- Relieves acute heartburn and stomach pain.
- Allows you to overcome irritation, peeling, redness and dryness of the skin.
- Warms up muscles before competition.
- Helps in the treatment of arthritis, sciatica, rheumatism.
- Providespowerful analgesic effect, eliminates soreness in muscles and joints.
- Excellent for acute respiratory infections, coughs, colds, runny nose.
- Significantly improves blood flow and promotes resorption of hematomas.
- Starts natural tissue regeneration and improves bone fusion.
- Eliminates pain and heaviness in joints, muscles.
Patients need to know that there are two common varieties of tiger salve today, red and white. The first has a powerful warming effect, while the second cools the tissues.

Tiger ointment from Vietnam is not suitable for all patients. Instructions for use contain a number of contraindications:
- The ointment must not be applied to the mucous membrane, as this remedy can cause a burn of sensitive tissues.
- With extreme caution, I use the product during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The main danger is that the essential oils of eucalyptus and cloves can harm the fetus.
- Ointment should not be used to treat children under 3 years of age. Otherwise, a small patient may experience pulmonary spasm.
- The main contraindication is the presence of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
Use and dosage
First of all, the patient must definitely study the instructions for use. Ointment "Tiger's eye" is intended exclusively for external application toproblem areas of the skin. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to rub the product with light massaging movements until a warming effect appears. Experts recommend following the following treatment regimen:
- Headache. Ointment is applied to the temples and forehead, as well as the skin in the area of reflexogenic points 3 to 5 times a day.
- Pain in joints or muscles. The product is applied with massaging circular movements 5 times a day.
- Itching from animal bites. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the bite site.
- Cold diseases. The agent is rubbed into the bridge of the nose, neck, chest. The ointment can only be used in combination with inhalations.
- Different forms of the common cold. The ointment covers the wings of the nose, temples and bridge of the nose.
- Heartburn, stomach pain. The ointment is applied to the abdomen at the site of pain.
Chinese tiger ointment is widespread among athletes and athletes. The instructions for use describe in detail that the tool can be used for high-quality muscle warming up 10 minutes before training. Experts recommend applying massage with a small amount of healing agent.

The main difference between red and white ointment
These two remedies differ from each other, but not radically. The main difference is that the red ointment has more pronounced effects on the body, since it contains various essential oils. But the white version of the healing agent is less concentrated. Highest Efficiencypossesses red tiger ointment from China. Instructions for use fully describe all the properties of this tool. The red balm has a strong stimulating and regenerating effect, while the white ointment is more suitable for treating people with sensitive skin types.

Adverse reactions
Numerous reviews of qualified doctors and patients indicate that tiger ointment does an excellent job with joint pain and colds. The instruction contains information that exceeding the permissible dosage of the agent is fraught with the development of various adverse reactions:
- Burn of treated area of skin.
- Nausea.
- Dizziness.
- Weakness.
- Allergic manifestations in the form of hives and severe itching.
- Insomnia.
- Irritation of mucous membranes and respiratory tract.
Each patient must know how to properly apply Tiger's Eye ointment. The instructions contain basic precautions, according to which it is necessary to try to avoid getting the product into the eyes or mucous membranes. Since the drug has a pronounced irritating effect, it is forbidden to apply it to those areas of the skin where there are open wounds and scratches.
Today, a lot of fakes have appeared on sale, which is why you need to be as careful as possible when buying an ointment. Only a high-quality remedy can cope with diseases and improve the conditionhe alth.

Patient testimonials
In 98% of all cases, responses to tiger ointment are positive. Many patients believe that this remedy copes well with headaches, and also normalizes the condition in case of muscle fatigue after heavy physical exertion. With a cold in children, many parents use tiger ointment for rubbing and inhalation, which is also very useful. But in this case, it is necessary to be as careful as possible, since too frequent use of the ointment is fraught with the development of adverse reactions. In case of manifestation of any complications, it is necessary to seek qualified help from doctors.
Storage conditions
Tiger salve should be kept away from children. The medicinal product can be stored at a temperature of +15 to +28 °C. The manufacturer must indicate the final expiration dates on the packaging.