Respiratory infections caused by viruses and bacteria cause coughing. In the fight against this symptom, Gerbion syrup with ivy can help. What kind of cough is this medicine for? How to apply it? Does it have contraindications and side effects? Answers to these questions in our article.
What it consists of and how it works
The active ingredient in the drug is a dry extract of ivy leaves. Additional substances in the preparation are purified water, aromatic balm, citric acid monohydrate, sodium benzoate, glycerol, liquid sorbitol. Aromatic balm made from ethanol, propylene glycol, coriander and lemon extracts, citronella oil. This component also contains citral from Litsea cubeba. There is no sugar in the preparation.
Biologically active substances contained in the dry extract of ivy leaves, when penetrated into the body, begin to have an expectorant, bronchospasmolytic and mucolytic effect.

When is it recommended to drink syrup
Doctors do not prescribe "Gerbion" with ivy for dry cough to their patients. To treat this symptom, there is another drug from the same line. The purpose of using ivy syrup is to treat a wet cough. "Gerbion" dilutes thick and viscous sputum (bronchial mucus) and promotes its removal from the respiratory tract.
To whom "Gerbion" is contraindicated
The medicine is not given to children under two years of age. Other contraindications indicated in the official instructions for use of Gerbion syrup with ivy:
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding. During these periods of life, the drug is not prescribed to women due to the lack of sufficient information confirming the safety of Gerbion.
- Increased sensitivity to the substances that make up the drug.
- Lack of sucrase/isom altase in the body.
- Fructose intolerance.
- Glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

How to apply
Gerbion syrup is recommended to drink after meals. The dose depends on age. For children aged 2-5 years, it is enough to drink 2.5 ml of the medicine twice a day. For ages 6 to 12, the recommended dose is 5 ml twice a day. Children over 12 years old and adults can drink 5-7.5 ml of syrup in the morning and evening.
It is convenient to take medicine, as the manufacturer puts a special measuring spoon into each package. Its volume is 5 ml. From this it follows that 2.5 ml of syrup is 0.5 spoons, and 7.5 ml is 1.5 spoons.
To medicin althe remedy turned out to be effective, it must be taken for 1 week as part of complex therapy. During treatment, it is very important to drink enough warm liquids (tea, water). It is needed so that the sputum in the respiratory tract is better liquefied and quickly excreted from the body.

How to store
The instructions for "Gerbion" with ivy indicate that the syrup in an unopened bottle is good for 2 years from the date of manufacture. To preserve the medicinal properties, the drug must be stored in its original packaging at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. Do not put syrup in the refrigerator.
The open bottle has a short shelf life. It is 3 months from the date of opening.
Side effects and overdose
The manufacturer of the drug warns that during the period of use of the drug, the active ingredient can cause an allergic reaction, and sorbitol can cause diarrhea. To determine the frequency of other side effects, experts conducted a comparative study in which 63 people were involved. The results showed that unwanted symptoms rarely occur. A total of 1 case each was reported with skin rash, itching and nausea.
Overdose possible. This condition occurs when a sick person begins to take daily doses that are 3 times higher than those recommended in the instructions. "Gerbion" with ivy in large quantities causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. With such symptoms caused by an overdose, the syrup is canceled, and the sick personsymptomatic treatment is prescribed.

What else is important to know
Since the syrup is of plant origin, it does not cause interactions with other medicines. Thanks to this, "Gerbion", made on the basis of ivy, can be taken in conjunction with antipyretic drugs and antibiotics. The manufacturer only notes that the syrup should not be drunk simultaneously with antitussives. With a dry cough, they block this symptom, and with a wet cough, they prevent the removal of sputum.
In some cases, when taking Gerbion, you may need to see a doctor immediately:
- Severe respiratory disease with symptoms such as difficulty breathing, fever, prolonged cough or bloody sputum.
- In the absence of positive dynamics against the background of taking syrup for 7 days and deterioration.
Other information about "Gerbion" with ivy from the instructions:
- There is no data on the effect of syrup on the ability to drive machines, various technical devices.
- Gerbion Ivy Syrup is available without a prescription.
- 5 ml of the drug contains sorbitol in a volume of 2.5 g, which corresponds to 0.21 carbohydrate (bread) units (XE).
Opinions about Herbion
The main part of the reviews about the drug contains a positive assessment. As many people note, "Gerbion" with ivy has the following advantages:
- The drug effectively copes withcough.
- Adverse symptoms have a low incidence.
- Syrup helps with both moderate and severe coughs.
- The preparation has a natural and pleasant taste of lemon balm. Thanks to this feature, babies do not refuse to take this medicine.
An important advantage - the syrup is of plant origin. Natural ingredients make it possible to use "Gerbion" with ivy, starting from the age of 2.

In the positive feedback about "Gerbion" with ivy, people note that it is very important to take the drug correctly, that is, in accordance with the instructions. Some patients admit that during treatment they drank syrup for more than 1 week. Due to prolonged use of the drug, undesirable symptoms developed in the form of a rash on the skin, itching.
There are few negative reviews about the drug. In them, some people complain that ivy syrup does not give the desired effect, is simply advertised and too expensive. The price of "Gerbion" is from 330 to 450 rubles.
Other medicines in this line
"Gerbion" is not one drug, but a whole line of medicines. They are designed for different types of coughs. When wet, it is recommended to use "Gerbion" with primrose and ivy, when dry - "Gerbion" with plantain.
The primrose syrup is made up of liquid extracts of the roots of this spring plant and thyme herb. The first component increases bronchial secretion and thins sputum. Secondthe component facilitates expectoration, that is, it helps to remove sputum.
The preparation with plantain contains several active ingredients - plantain herb extract, mallow flower extract, vitamin C. This "Gerbion" gradually soothes cough, envelops the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, helps to eliminate the inflammatory process.

Ivy syrup is considered safe. This feature of the drug is due to the natural composition. However, the instructions for "Gerbion" with ivy must be studied before starting treatment, because the drug has contraindications.