Medical tourism 2024, October

Sanatorium "Narzanov Valley", Essentuki: reviews

Sanatorium "Narzanov Valley", Essentuki: reviews

Sanatorium "Narzanov Valley" (Essentuki) is one of the oldest he alth resorts in the Caucasian Mineral Waters and has been operating since 1915. Vacationers receive high-quality treatment, full and varied leisure, an excellent charge of vivacity for a long time

Coxsackie virus in Anapa: features of manifestation, symptoms and treatment

Coxsackie virus in Anapa: features of manifestation, symptoms and treatment

Cases of Coxsackie virus infection in Anapa are detected annually. This "heat-loving" infection is often found in resorts. However, this does not mean that this is a special virus characteristic exclusively for southern latitudes. Infection can also occur in central Russia, especially in the summer and early autumn. Children are most often infected; in adults, the disease is less common. Cases of familial infection have been observed, when parents were infected from a sick child

Clinical Hospital No. 5 (Medgorodok), Togliatti: doctors and reviews

Clinical Hospital No. 5 (Medgorodok), Togliatti: doctors and reviews

Medgorodok Tolyatti was built in the 80s for AvtoVAZ plant employees, and today serves residents of the city and the region. The clinic has several specialized centers, the most famous is the modern perinatal center

Sanatorium "Plyos". Reviews about the tuberculosis sanatorium "Ples" of the Ivanovo region with a photo

Sanatorium "Plyos". Reviews about the tuberculosis sanatorium "Ples" of the Ivanovo region with a photo

In our crazy time, when everything costs money, it turns out that there are still selfless altruists who strive to give all their strength for the happiness of others. To be convinced of this, it is enough to come to the tuberculosis sanatorium "Ples"

Center Dikul in Kuntsevo: reviews, address, phone

Center Dikul in Kuntsevo: reviews, address, phone

The Dikul Center in Kuntsevo (Moscow) is one of the most important institutions in Russia that specialize in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is here that many patients try to get, for whose recovery doctors have long lost all hope

In China, treatment: reviews. Treatment of cerebral palsy in China

In China, treatment: reviews. Treatment of cerebral palsy in China

The popularity of treatment in China is growing every year: both traditional Asian medicine and pharmacology are highly valued, as is the philosophy of perception of the human body. For Chinese healers, a person is a separate universe, the state of which depends on interaction with the outside world. In China, treatment is organized differently than in the rest of the world. There, the main emphasis is on healing not only the body, but also the soul, on relieving stress

Sanatoriums of Yangantau, Bashkortostan. Treatment Reviews

Sanatoriums of Yangantau, Bashkortostan. Treatment Reviews

Legends can be added about the sanatorium "Yangantau". This medical and he alth resort took first place in the rating of Russia's "50 best he alth resorts" and is really the best. Treatment, housing, food here at the highest level. But still, therapy and relaxation in this sanatorium have their own nuances. Read this article to learn about how treatment is actually carried out in Yangantau and what conditions for recreation are here

Israeli medicine in benefits

Israeli medicine in benefits

Israel is a country that provides highly qualified medical care. Israeli medicine is based on the use of modern methods of treatment and state-of-the-art equipment

Sanatorium "Nizhne-Ivkino" (Kirov region): photos and reviews

Sanatorium "Nizhne-Ivkino" (Kirov region): photos and reviews

The Nizhne-Ivkino sanatorium near Kirov is located a stone's throw from a group of healing springs, the healing power of which surprises even doctors. The balneological base of the sanatorium, the amazing nature of the area in which it is located, modern diagnostic and physiotherapy equipment, comfortable living conditions, high professionalism of all the staff - this is what awaits every vacationer here. All details in this article

Rehabilitation, types of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation methods

Rehabilitation, types of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation methods

Multifaceted and rather lengthy work to restore the patient's he alth and reintegrate him into work and social life is rehabilitation. Specialists consider types of rehabilitation in interconnection and unity

122 medical unit, St. Petersburg: doctors, address, reviews

122 medical unit, St. Petersburg: doctors, address, reviews

Medical Sanitary Unit No. 122 in St. Petersburg is one of the oldest and most respected medical institutions in the city. This multidisciplinary clinic specializes in providing medical services to all categories of citizens. In it, each patient receives high-quality treatment and proper care. This well-known institution will be discussed in this article

City Medical Center, Mytishchi. Address, services, reviews about doctors

City Medical Center, Mytishchi. Address, services, reviews about doctors

The City Medical Center of Mytishchi is an outpatient multidisciplinary institution serving the adult and children's population of the city. It provides paid medical services to everyone. For its many years of activity, this center has managed to take a leading position among other private clinics in Mytishchi

Sanatorium "Metallurg" (Essentuki): reviews, prices

Sanatorium "Metallurg" (Essentuki): reviews, prices

Among numerous recreational facilities, the Metallurg sanatorium (Essentuki) stands out for its hospitality, quality services and modern medical procedures. The visiting card of the he alth resort is an individual approach to each guest and a guaranteed recovery of patients

City oncological dispensary on Baumanskaya: photos and reviews

City oncological dispensary on Baumanskaya: photos and reviews

Oncological diseases have become a real scourge of our time. Their occurrence is often asymptomatic, which means that the patient does not know anything about his terrible diagnosis for some time. But when the secret becomes clear, and a person realizes the mortal threat looming over him, what should he do, where to turn for help? Many recommend the medical center located at the address: Moscow, Baumanskaya street, 17/1

"Diagnostics plus", Voronezh. Reviews, prices

"Diagnostics plus", Voronezh. Reviews, prices

Private medicine in our country is gaining momentum every year. It is in this area of he althcare that the Diagnostics Plus Center (Voronezh) operates. The doctors of this medical center are famous for their professionalism and enjoy well-deserved respect among colleagues

"Admir alty Shipyards", medical center. Address and reviews

"Admir alty Shipyards", medical center. Address and reviews

Residents of St. Petersburg have long been familiar with the medical center "Admir alty Shipyards". This is a huge multidisciplinary center that allows you to quickly get the full range of medical services

"IVF Medical Center" on Argunovskaya

"IVF Medical Center" on Argunovskaya

Clinic "Eco Center" deals with women's problems. Also in this medical complex you can cure male infertility

"He alth Workshop": patient reviews

"He alth Workshop": patient reviews

"He alth Workshop" - a network of medical centers in St. Petersburg, dealing with the treatment of diseases of the spine, nervous system, joints. Over the thirteen years of its work, the specialists of this network have managed to help several thousand patients get rid of existing diseases and avoid the emergence of new ones

Children's Clinic No. 110 in Moscow

Children's Clinic No. 110 in Moscow

Children's Polyclinic 110 in Moscow provides a full range of services for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases for small residents of the city. Today we will find out which branches are included in this institution, as well as what parents think about the polyclinic service

"Tsiolkovsky" (sanatorium): photo, reviews, address

"Tsiolkovsky" (sanatorium): photo, reviews, address

Sanatorium "Tsiolkovsky" in Samara throughout the year awaits guests from different cities and offers them a wide variety of services for a good rest and programs to improve the body

How to choose a pulmonology center in Moscow: tips and reviews

How to choose a pulmonology center in Moscow: tips and reviews

If you or your child suffers from a strong incessant cough, then you should definitely contact a pulmonologist. This is a specialist who treats diseases of the respiratory system, such as pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis. Today we will find out which clinics in Moscow provide pulmonological services, as well as what people think about these institutions

Sanatoriums of Pyatigorsk with radon baths: an overview of popular he alth resorts

Sanatoriums of Pyatigorsk with radon baths: an overview of popular he alth resorts

The city of Pyatigorsk is known for its numerous mineral springs containing the chemical element radon. At least 50 healing waters have been discovered on the territory of the resort, in terms of ionic composition and concentration they are not inferior to any world source. Pyatigorsk sanatoriums with radon baths are scattered throughout the city. The publication provides information about which sanatorium in Pyatigorsk has radon baths, and for which diseases procedures are prescribed

Treatment and diagnostic sanatorium "Obolsunovo" in the Ivanovo region: he alth holidays

Treatment and diagnostic sanatorium "Obolsunovo" in the Ivanovo region: he alth holidays

Ivanovo region is famous not only for brides, but also for numerous places for active and therapeutic recreation. The sanatorium "Obolsunovo" is comfortably located 250 km from Moscow, which has the status of a balneological center for having its own highly mineralized water and natural resources

Sanatorium Sochi "Chernomorye": address and reviews

Sanatorium Sochi "Chernomorye": address and reviews

The Black Sea resort of Sochi is replete with hotel complexes for every budget and taste. We althy people, world-class celebrities and even presidents of other countries come to rest. With hospitality and cordiality all tourists are greeted by the Sochi sanatorium "Chernomorye", owned by the Ministry of Russian Railways. The fashionable he alth resort, founded 15 years ago (in 2001), is famous for the tropical park that surrounds the residential complex and the improved medical base

Where is the Endocrinology Center located in Moscow? Endocrinological centers in Moscow (reviews)

Where is the Endocrinology Center located in Moscow? Endocrinological centers in Moscow (reviews)

If you are a resident of the capital, then you must definitely know where the Endocrinology Center is located in Moscow. A huge amount of various toxic substances in the air negatively affects the human body, which is why it is necessary to constantly be checked for the appearance of various diseases of the endocrine system

"Medgard" (Tolyatti): doctors, reviews, address

"Medgard" (Tolyatti): doctors, reviews, address

Clinic "Medgard" (Tolyatti) is one of the few institutions in the city that provide professional services in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery. Wellness cosmetology is gaining momentum, and every year more and more people resort to its services, wanting to look younger and feel better

"Podmoskovye" - a sanatorium of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (UDP RF)

"Podmoskovye" - a sanatorium of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (UDP RF)

One of the places in the Moscow region, which is perfect for both family vacations and for the restoration and improvement of the body, is the sanatorium "Podmoskovye" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Clinic "Mother and Child", Savelovskaya: address and reviews

Clinic "Mother and Child", Savelovskaya: address and reviews

Mother and Child Clinic (Savelovskaya) is part of a network of medical institutions that provide consulting services during pregnancy. High-class specialists are ready at any time to diagnose your body, identify the presence or absence of diseases, and prescribe high-quality treatment

Sanatorium "Ozerny" Grodno region: photos and reviews

Sanatorium "Ozerny" Grodno region: photos and reviews

There are many natural reservoirs in the Grodno region (Belarus). Picturesque forests around them create an incredible atmosphere. Clean air and healing springs have a beneficial effect on the human body. It is not surprising that Grodno sanatoriums offer their services in these places

"Staritsa" - a sanatorium in the Ryazan region. Description, contact information, reviews

"Staritsa" - a sanatorium in the Ryazan region. Description, contact information, reviews

As the prices for foreign travel are constantly rising, more and more Russians prefer to rest in their own country. "Staritsa" - a sanatorium located in the Ryazan region, is perfect for relaxing at any time of the year. It has gained popularity not only among the residents of the region, but also guests from neighboring cities who come here with their families and even large companies

Burdenko Institute, Moscow (Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after N. N. Burdenko)

Burdenko Institute, Moscow (Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after N. N. Burdenko)

The Burdenko Institute (Moscow) is one of the largest medical institutions in Russia, where they are actively involved in the treatment of diseases with the help of neurosurgery. It is there that patients with craniocerebral injuries most often end up, who are simply refused to operate in other hospitals, considering the disease incurable

Sanatoriums Kudepsta with treatment: reviews and photos

Sanatoriums Kudepsta with treatment: reviews and photos

A small, quiet village consisting of 8 streets, located at the mouth of the river of the same name, is called Kudepsta. The name of the microdistrict of Greater Sochi from the Adyghe language is translated as "black, oily river"

Children's polyclinic No. 58 in the Nevsky district. Address, patient reviews

Children's polyclinic No. 58 in the Nevsky district. Address, patient reviews

Parents can entrust the he alth of the child only to qualified specialists. It is these doctors, according to reviews, who work in polyclinic No. 58 of the Nevsky district of Moscow

Treatment in a sanatorium in Sochi for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints

Treatment in a sanatorium in Sochi for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints

Sanatoriums of the city of Sochi with treatment, which are located along the entire coast from Adler to Lazarevsky, hospitably open their doors to visitors. All of them offer a wide range of services. Among them, it will not be difficult to choose sanatoriums in Sochi, the treatment of joints in which is profiling

The village where the sanatorium "Agria" used to be located is a wonderful vacation for the whole family

The village where the sanatorium "Agria" used to be located is a wonderful vacation for the whole family

The settlement of the sanatorium "Agria" is located in a unique picturesque area. There is everything for a bright and high-grade rest

The best sanatoriums in Teberda with treatment

The best sanatoriums in Teberda with treatment

The city of Teberda is located in the Caucasus. It is located in a mountainous area, at an altitude of about 1300 m above sea level. This settlement is widely known for a number of sanatoriums, resorts and boarding houses, where people come not only for tourism purposes, but also for he alth improvement

Sanatorium "Lastochka" in Tyumen: quality treatment and comfortable rest

Sanatorium "Lastochka" in Tyumen: quality treatment and comfortable rest

Sanatorium "Lastochka" of the Tyumen region welcomes guests all year round. This is one of the best he alth resorts in the region. After a major overhaul, the sanatorium pleases guests with clean and comfortable rooms, combined with high-quality treatment and reasonable prices

Sanatorium "Oktyabrsky", Sochi: reviews, treatment programs, food, room descriptions, entertainment

Sanatorium "Oktyabrsky", Sochi: reviews, treatment programs, food, room descriptions, entertainment

The article will tell about the features and reviews of the Oktyabrsky sanatorium in Sochi. The hotel operates as part of the RZD-He alth project and is classified as 4 stars

Sanatorium "Centrosoyuz", Kislovodsk: reviews, photos, medical services, how to get

Sanatorium "Centrosoyuz", Kislovodsk: reviews, photos, medical services, how to get

Choosing a place for a pleasant weekend or a full vacation away from the bustle of the city and the fast pace of life, Russian citizens often pay attention to one of the best resorts in the Stavropol Territory - the city of Kislovodsk. It is located in a picturesque valley at an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level. The favorable climate is due to the mountainous terrain, which protects the resort from gusty winds and fogs

Sanatorium "White Stone", Sverdlovsk region: photo, description, reviews

Sanatorium "White Stone", Sverdlovsk region: photo, description, reviews

The sanatorium "White Stone" in the Sverdlovsk region was built more than 80 years ago on the banks of the Pyshma River, surrounded by a pine forest. One of the oldest sanatoriums in the Urals was reconstructed and became modern. New methods of recovery and programs have appeared. In the resort and he alth complex, you can not only replenish your strength, but also undergo a rehabilitation course, improve and strengthen your body