If you are a resident of the capital, then you must definitely know where the Endocrinology Center is located in Moscow. A huge amount of various toxic substances in the air negatively affects the human body, which is why it is necessary to constantly be checked for the appearance of various diseases of the endocrine system.

What is the endocrine system, why is it so important?
In the human body there is a system that regulates the work of internal organs with the help of hormonal effects, and it was she who was called the endocrine system. With its help, it is possible to regulate the work of almost all components of the body, adapt them to changes in the external environment and keep them in a consistently good condition. But there are a number of external factors that can negatively affect this structure, which is why the Endocrinology Center is needed in Moscow, because in this city such an impact canbe very strong.
This system not only actively affects the activity of all existing organs, but is also responsible for a stable state of homeostasis. The endocrine system works in tandem with the immune and nervous systems, together they control the development and growth of the body, human reproductive function, mental activity, and are also responsible for emotional reactions.

What to do if you notice a disruption in the endocrine system?
Symptoms of a disruption in the functioning of this system can be considered poor he alth, emotional incontinence, difficulties with reproductive function, nervous diseases, the appearance of various rashes on the body, etc. If you observe any changes in your condition that bother you, immediately contact your therapist, and he will already refer you after the initial examination to the endocrinologist, if he finds grounds for this.
You can bypass the therapist and immediately go to a specialist. If you live in Moscow, the Center for Endocrinology is the best solution, since it is here that professionals in their field with great experience and practice work. You should not delay contacting a doctor, as this can lead to serious he alth problems in the future.

Center under the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation
The Endocrinological Center in Moscow under the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation plays the role of a leading medical and diagnostic institution in this area. It is here that flocks from all over the countryinformation on clinical and fundamental endocrinology, which is subjected to careful analysis. From here, regional specialized centers are managed, which are also involved in the treatment of patients.
The center employs more than 40 doctors and 120 candidates of sciences, academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Thanks to a large number of scientists, the center has the opportunity to constantly develop the latest and existing trends in endocrinology. In the 2000s, it was reconstructed, a new complex appeared, which was given over to the children's department.

Children's department
The Center for Pediatric Endocrinology in Moscow was opened in 1961 and soon acquired the status of an institute. It is the first specialized clinic in the Russian Federation, where endocrine diseases are diagnosed in children and adolescents, and then treated. Recently, treatment with the help of genomic markers, as well as the latest achievements in the field of pharmacology, has been actively practiced here.
One of the priority tasks that the institution sets for itself is to help children form a timely path of physical development by treating existing diseases of the endocrine system. In parallel with this, the Center for Endocrinology in Moscow is creating preventive programs designed to prevent the occurrence of ailments of the endocrine system. Those who already have this type of disease will be able to take courses on psychological adaptation in society at the center. Meetfamilies where children suffer from completely different endocrine diseases, the center will help them adapt to each other.

Institute of Diabetes
The Center for Endocrinology in Moscow also has under its control the Institute of Diabetes Mellitus, which deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of this disease. The institution is one of the leading on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is here that they use cutting-edge techniques that have no analogues abroad. One of them is the method of systemic diagnosis and further treatment, according to which all patient consultations are held in one medical institution.
You can get the highest quality diabetes treatment in Moscow, the Endocrinology Center uses the principle of maximum organ protection, so the chances of a full recovery are very high. Minimizing injuries and avoiding amputations of limbs is the goal that doctors most often have to set for themselves when developing a treatment program for patients. According to experts, the disease can be cured or at least stopped if you seek help in a timely manner.

The Endocrinological Center in Moscow, reviews of which are mostly positive, is ready to accept patients with diseases at various stages. Some former patients of the institution note that doctors are very scrupulous in their approach to treatment issues and prescribe the necessary procedures only afterhow the person gives their consent to it. The attitude of doctors to a positive result makes patients strive for a complete or at least partial recovery.
Doctors, after carrying out all the necessary medical procedures, continue to monitor their patients for a long time, which allows them to track the dynamics of their condition in a timely manner. Among the negative aspects, patients highlight the expensive cost of treatment, however, many admit that they are ready to give any money just to get rid of their diseases.

One of the areas in which the endocrinological center in Moscow specializes is IVF (in vitro fertilization). Some couples suffer from diseases of the endocrine system that prevent them from having children. Especially for them, the facility has created a department of assisted reproductive technologies, which deals with the treatment of infertility using cutting-edge medical techniques.
Family couples are offered a choice of more than 10 IVF programs that they can use to artificially conceive a child. If any difficulties arise, you can count on highly qualified assistance, specialists simply will not be able to let you go home, leaving the situation to its fate.
Private centers
If you live in a city like Moscow, the Endocrinology Research Center can really be the best place to treat related diseases. The address of this medical institution is as follows: st. DmitryUlyanova, house 11. The nearest metro stations are Akademicheskaya and Kashirskaya.
However, there are other institutions that specialize in endocrine diseases. However, all of them are much less popular due to the high cost of treatment, as well as a high percentage of errors in the diagnosis.
Patients of other medical centers dealing with diseases of the endocrine system note that they most often deal with treatment using traditional methods. In rare cases, truly innovative methods are offered that give positive results. Patients also note that after treatment, specialists stop monitoring patients, while the disease can return at any time. Therefore, those who suffer from diseases of the endocrine system prefer to be treated in public institutions.