Most adults forget about their own he alth. But when the baby's he alth worsens, moms and dads start to sound the alarm. And this is absolutely correct. After all, the children's body is distinguished by fragile immunity and reacts to almost any change in conditions. In summer, intestinal infections are common, and in winter, almost every child is diagnosed with acute respiratory infections. Parents feel more confident if there is a good medical facility with qualified specialists nearby. For residents of the Nevsky district of Moscow, this is children's polyclinic No. 58. Only positive reviews can be heard about the institution.
Basic information
The main building of the medical institution is located in Moscow at the address: st. Tvardovsky, 5. You can get to a scheduled appointment with specialists only by prior appointment at the number: (495) 491 15 70. You can call a therapist at home by the same number if the child has a fever or other unpleasant symptoms. The chief doctor of the polyclinic today is Gornostaeva Lyubov Mikhailovna. If you believe the reviews of patients, this is a pediatrician with a capital letter. Lyubov Mikhailovna not onlysolves the working issues related to the clinic, but also accepts small patients.

Today, the 58th children's polyclinic in the Nevsky district is very popular not only among residents of Moscow. Visitors can also visit specialists on a paid basis. Parents of young patients only need to provide a compulsory he alth insurance policy, as well as provide basic information about the baby.
Work areas
The medical institution provides services in all major areas. The entire Nevsky district is subdivided into sections, each of which has its own specialist. For babies up to a year old, whom parents bring for a monthly scheduled examination, there is a separate room. This greatly simplifies the work. In the corridors of the clinic, you rarely see a queue. Reception of patients by specialists is carried out by appointment. Only children with acute pain go out of line.

Children's Polyclinic No. 58 gathered within its walls the best specialists in all areas. It is possible to make an appointment with a neuropathologist, cardiologist, dentist, endocrinologist, orthopedist, ophthalmologist. In addition, there are: a physiotherapy room, a laboratory, a day hospital department.
Great attention is paid to women who have just returned from the hospital. Within the walls of the clinic, lectures are held on breastfeeding and proper care of babies. Such studies are especially relevant forwomen who experienced the joy of motherhood for the first time.
Full examination of the child
At the request of parents, children's polyclinic No. 58 can conduct a complete examination of the child. This includes visiting the main specialists, as well as collecting all the necessary tests. The baby takes blood from a finger and a vein, performs an ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs. If the specialist detects any abnormalities, treatment is prescribed for the small patient.

Medical examination for visiting a preschool institution can also be carried out by the children's city polyclinic No. 58. Parents' reviews show that a visit to specialists here is a real pleasure. There is no need to stand in a long line with a small child. One has only to come to the medical facility at the exact time indicated on the ticket.
He alth Center
For children from 7 to 18 years old, the He alth Center operates within the walls of the polyclinic. Qualified specialists work here, who can assess the main indicators of the he alth of a small patient in a few days. First of all, attention is drawn to the ratio of body weight and height. Unfortunately, the problem of childhood obesity is relevant today. Many babies eat fast food and don't move much.

Children's Polyclinic No. 58 in the Nevsky District gives parents the opportunity to show babies with problematic weight to a nutritionist. After a complete examination, the specialist will help to draw updaily ration, as well as write out a referral to the pool and the physiotherapy room.
Additionally, the "He alth Center" studies the indicators of the heart, as well as the respiratory system. Sometimes only a comprehensive examination makes it possible to identify a particular chronic ailment. If a child often complains of headaches after school and does not eat well, it is worth visiting a medical facility. Children's Polyclinic No. 58 is open daily, except weekends and holidays.
Paid services
Patients from other regions and cities are served on a paid basis. For the first consultation with a specialist, you will have to pay 100 rubles. The cost of further treatment will depend on the diagnosis. It is possible to undergo a full medical examination, including diagnostics of the main organs and systems of vital activity. The cost of a full examination is 2000 rubles. Money is deposited into the cashier. Each patient has the opportunity to receive a receipt.

On a paid basis, services are provided not only to small patients, but also to adults. There is a dental office where you can undergo therapeutic treatment. Admission is by appointment. Only patients with acute pain are admitted without a queue.
Children's polyclinic No. 58 of the Nevsky district differs from other similar institutions by the presence of a swimming pool. Any specialist will say that water procedures help to get rid of many diseases. Real professionals work with children. Direction to the poolreceive primarily kids who have problems with the musculoskeletal system. Swimming also has a positive effect on the child's nervous system, and cool water helps strengthen the immune system.
To get a referral to the pool, you first need to visit the local pediatrician. The specialist will offer to pass basic tests and visit a dermatologist. If there are no contraindications, a child with parents can visit the pool. It works daily from 9:00 to 18:00. Be sure to have rubber slippers, a special hat, and a towel with you. Babies under one year old need to purchase special waterproof panties.
Pediatric dentist
Some parents mistakenly believe that milk teeth should not be given special attention. After all, all the same, sooner or later they will change to permanent ones. In addition, adults remember their childhood years. Going to the dentist was associated with real torture. Much has changed today. And you need to take care of your teeth from the first days. Scientists have already established that the he alth of permanent teeth depends on the quality of milk teeth. Therefore, parents are advised to bring their child to the dentist for a preventive examination every six months.

Children's Dental Clinic No. 58 offers a wide range of services. Some of them, such as silvering, are paid. A simple filling or removal for residents of the area will be done free of charge, subject to the presence of a he alth insurance policy. The dental office in the children's clinic does not scare the kids at all. There are many toys here, and the specialist treats the child gently and carefully. Technology has come a long way. Even drills work almost silently. According to parents' reviews, most kids visit the dentist at Polyclinic No. 58 without fear or tears.
Therapeutic exercise
You can talk about the benefits of physiotherapy exercises for hours. 58 children's polyclinic of the Nevsky district invites parents with kids to visit the gym, which is open daily, except weekends. There are treadmills for adults and older children. With young patients, you can practice on a gymnastic rug or use a fitball. A qualified specialist will develop a system of exercises for each child.
Therapeutic exercise is shown primarily to children who have problems with the musculoskeletal system. In just a few days, you will be able to correct your posture, strengthen your muscles. The kids with whom they are engaged begin to walk much faster. Sport from an early age helps to strengthen the immune system. Therefore, pediatricians prescribe a referral to the gym for physiotherapy exercises also for frequently ill babies. If you believe the reviews of parents, such classes really give results. A set of exercises in parallel must also be performed at home.
Calling a doctor at home
The children's polyclinic No. 58 offers the help of a qualified pediatrician. A doctor can be called at home if the child feels unwell, histemperature. Registration takes place by phone number of the registry. In the most difficult situations, such as continuous vomiting, diarrhea, experts still recommend calling emergency care.

The on-call pediatrician comes within two to three hours. A specialist can make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe drugs to improve the condition of the baby. However, only tests can accurately determine the disease. In some cases, you can not do without treatment in a hospital. It has its own day hospital for children's city polyclinic No. 58. Department address: st. Tvardovsky, house number 5, building number 4.
Reviews of parents about the medical institution
Most patients speak well of the children's clinic. Pleases first of all the service by appointment. This avoids queues and large crowds in the corridors. The clinic staff knows how to properly behave with babies. Almost every office has toys. Children are not afraid to visit a dentist, neurologist, orthopedist and other specialized doctors.
Another significant plus, according to many, is the presence of a swimming pool in the institution. At the same time, in order to get into it, it is not necessary to have one or another diagnosis. It is only necessary to pass a preliminary examination and obtain permission from a pediatrician.
Located in a place with convenient transport interchange, children's clinic No. 58. Main building address: st. Tvardovsky, house number 5. There is also a dental department, andAlso a day hospital. The medical institution is open daily from 8:00 to 20:00, except weekends.