Jujube: useful properties and contraindications, use in medicine

Jujube: useful properties and contraindications, use in medicine
Jujube: useful properties and contraindications, use in medicine

According to the legends of the East, this tree is in paradise, and its leaves are covered with the names of people living today. If a leaf falls from a tree, the person whose name is written on it has died. Snakes never crawl too close to this amazing plant. It is sacred among the Eastern peoples.

jujube useful properties and contraindications
jujube useful properties and contraindications

The tree has dozens of names: jujube, Chinese date, jujube, unabi, jujube - useful properties, indications for use in medicine allowed him to get into the top five most effective medicinal plants on the planet. Already at the present moment in stores and on the Internet, you can find a huge amount of funds that are created on its basis. You just need to learn how to use them, then many problems of appearance and he alth will be solved safely and quickly.

Useful properties

Jujube (unabi), useful properties, composition and contraindications of which we will analyze in detail below,was cultivated in ancient times. It mainly grows in the Mediterranean countries, Asia, Australia and Japan. At the moment, it is beginning to be actively grown in the Caucasus. The plant, found on the sunny dry slopes of the mountains, is valued for the huge amount of active substances in its composition. They, in fact, determine its useful properties:

  • proteins, being a building material for tissues, contribute to rapid regeneration, and also restore damaged areas;
  • ascorbic acid improves immunity;
  • vitamins are necessary for the full functioning of the systems of the whole organism;
  • fats are considered the energy "fuel" of the human body and are necessary for him as a building component of hair, nails, skin;
  • amino acids are involved in many vital processes that occur in our body: naturally without them, proteins will not form, the body will begin to age, there will be malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system and brain;
  • micronutrients improve metabolic processes;
  • flavonoids eliminate the harmful effects of free radicals, while having a wonderful anti-aging effect;
  • organic acids affect reactions occurring in cells, restore the acid-base balance in the body, and also have a disinfecting property.
  • jujube unabi useful properties composition and contraindications
    jujube unabi useful properties composition and contraindications

It is easy to explain that Chinese jujube is so widely used in traditional medicine: useful properties and benefits, harm andcontraindications of this miracle plant make it possible to cure various diseases by choosing the right recipe for each specific case.

Medical use

Not everyone knows that jujube is a very valuable medicinal plant. For example, in Chinese folk medicine, all its parts are actively used to treat various diseases: seeds, fruits, bark, leaves. And today they are increasingly used in our country. How to apply it correctly?


It is used for diarrhea, because it has a fixing effect. To prepare such a decoction, you will need 10 g of bark: you need to pour it with a glass of boiling water, put it in a water bath for an hour. Ready broth should be taken in a couple of spoons half an hour before meals.

jujube useful properties indications for use in medicine
jujube useful properties indications for use in medicine


They have an excellent sedative effect, help with depression, stress, nervousness, calm the nervous system. In addition, they tone up digestion, affecting it favorably. It is necessary to pour 100 g of seeds with 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook for ten minutes, add 200 ml of alcohol. Leave for at least 8 hours. Drink three times a day on a spoon for dizziness, tachycardia, neurasthenia, insomnia, hysteria.


Jujube useful properties and contraindications has a wide variety. So, its leaves are known for their expectorant, as well as hypotensive effect, they regulate the rhythm of the heart. It is necessary to pour boiling water over the leaves, and then insist them for about an hour. Drink 3 tablespoons daily.

jujube useful properties and benefits harm and contraindications
jujube useful properties and benefits harm and contraindications


Various clinical studies have shown that the fruits of the jujube plant, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described in this article, with regular use, cure chronic constipation and jaundice. With hypertension, you need to eat 20 fruits for three months, 3 times a day.

For smallpox, dry cough, anemia, weakness, diarrhea, dizziness, a decoction of dried fruits is used - pour 10 pieces into 0.5 liters of water, boil for about 20 minutes, then leave for another 30 minutes. Take three times a day for half a cup.

But jujube is used not only in traditional medicine: it is a raw material for the production of dietary supplements. It also makes excellent beauty products.

Chinese date in cosmetology

The benefits and beneficial properties of jujube are determined by its rich chemical composition. So it is not surprising that it is used even in cosmetology.

the benefits and beneficial properties of jujube
the benefits and beneficial properties of jujube


To solve the problem of inflammation on the face and acne, jujube is also used, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described in the article. Fresh leaves are mixed with high-quality olive oil, heated to 90 ° C. Next, you need to leave them to infuse for ten days. Strain and apply as an ointment for boils, acne, abscesses and pimples.


Various plant-based masks are mainly used for the beauty and he alth of the hair, becausesuccessfully cope with the disturbed work of the sebaceous glands, dandruff and hair loss. Curls with regular use will begin to grow much faster, in addition, they will become very shiny. Such complex care can be done at home. To do this, you need to purchase jujube powder, soluble in water, and make decoctions and infusions from it.

jujube useful properties and contraindications
jujube useful properties and contraindications


Like any medicinal plant, jujube has useful properties and contraindications combined into one. They will depend on how it is used. First you need to make a light decoction of unabi leaves and try it to understand the body's reaction to such a drug. If during the day you do not feel anything, then you can gradually increase the dosage. Although individual intolerance is not the only contraindication to the use of jujube. With hypotension and pregnancy, doctors advise not to use it at all.
