During his whole life, any person can more than once encounter poisoning of the body of varying degrees. The cause of intoxication are chemical compounds, food and a host of other harmful substances. Almost all of them tend to accumulate in the body, which provokes serious intoxication and leads to the development of pathogenic microorganisms. To neutralize them, modern medicine has been using sorbents for many years.
To cleanse the body and for allergies, such drugs are the best way out of this situation. Thanks to them, you can very quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of poisoning and improve the well-being of a person. The speed of the onset of the therapeutic effect is especially important when we talk about sorbents for cleaning the body of children. With allergies, such drugs can even save a baby's life, so they are prescribed even for babies. Today modernpharmacology knows about dozens of sorbents used in different situations and suitable for adults and children. Each mother should at least have a list of sorbenes for allergies detected in a child, and as a maximum, keep several effective drugs in the first-aid kit at home. We will talk about them in this article, paying special attention to classifying them relative to the age of a small patient.
![manifestations of allergies manifestations of allergies](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/014/image-39451-1-j.webp)
General information about sorbents
In medicine, sorbents are prescribed for cleansing the body and for allergies in almost one hundred percent of cases. However, this is not the only use of such substances in the modern world. Their name comes from the Latin language. In translation, it means "absorbing", which reveals the very essence of the action of such substances.
Sorbents can be in solid and liquid states, and are designed to absorb gases, chemical compounds, vapors and other components. In some cases, the use of sorbents can save people from an environmental disaster. For example, when an oil spill occurs in open waters, it is the substances from this group that are used to prevent the oil slick from spreading over the surface. Often, sorbents are used to treat wastewater, emissions from enterprises into the atmosphere, and so on.
We think our reader understands that the range of use of the described substances is extremely wide. Therefore, they have their own classification according to the principle of impact. According to this, there are four types of sorbents:
- Absorbents. They effectively absorb gases andcertain components of solutions. At the same time, absorbents act with their entire volume.
- Adsorbents. Substances from this group are able to contain certain components. They seem to compress them on the surface, preventing them from spreading freely.
- Ionites. The mechanism of their action is slightly different than that of the previous groups. They are effective mainly in working with solutions. Ion exchangers can absorb some ions and release others in return.
- Chemical. These sorbents act on toxins through chemical reactions. Due to this, they absorb harmful components in their various states from the environment, including water.
In pharmacology, sorbents from different groups are used. More about them and will be discussed in the following sections.
![allergy treatment allergy treatment](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/014/image-39451-2-j.webp)
Means to neutralize intoxication
For adults and children, sorbents for cleaning the body in case of allergies or in cases of poisoning of a different nature are prescribed mainly from the group of adsorbents. Such drugs bind most of the known toxins in the gastrointestinal tract, and then they are excreted through the excretory system.
It is interesting that for several years the scientific world has been developing a new drug that will effectively fight cancerous tumors. This tool is an adsorbent polymer. It is introduced into the tissues affected by cancer, and gradually releases the substances contained in it. Thus, in the near future it is planned to carry out chemotherapy, but at the moment this drug is onunder development.
Today, doctors actively prescribe various types of sorbents to their patients, most of which are available in the form of tablets, capsules and gels for oral administration. There are also preparations for neutralizing intoxication for external use. They are powder-shaped.
The effectiveness of each specific tool is evaluated by a combination of characteristics. Initially, it is necessary to focus on the capacity of the sorbent. It is expressed as the amount of toxic substances that one unit of the drug can bind.
No less important is the ability of the sorbent to neutralize substances of different categories. The most demanded drugs are those that can bind both chemical units and pathogenic microorganisms.
Toxicity and safety are the conditions that play a major role in the selection of a sorbent for children with allergies and other he alth problems. After all, not all means can, with high efficiency, be equally safe for a small person.
Given that sorbents actively interact with tissues and internal organs, it is very important that their components are compatible with human cells.
For children, when treating allergies, doctors try to select sorbents in accordance with the following additional characteristics:
- Low chance of reabsorption.
- Minimal risk of binding together with toxic substances vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of all organs.
It is important to understand that childrensorbents for allergies are most often prescribed as part of complex therapy. Thus, the little patient gets the opportunity to get rid of not only the symptoms of the disease, but also the accumulated toxins.
Besides allergies, sorbents are taken to treat many he alth problems in children and adults. Among them are poisoning, including alcohol poisoning, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, kidney and liver problems, rheumatism and psoriasis.
![Image"Filtrum Safari" Image"Filtrum Safari"](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/014/image-39451-3-j.webp)
Classification of sorbents by active substance
Which sorbent is better for allergies is difficult to determine even with a specialized medical education. After all, each patient is individual and you need to choose the drug according to the main substance, focusing on age, the course of the disease and other characteristics. However, it is important to take into account that sorption preparations, depending on their characteristics, also change their basic properties. To date, pharmacological companies produce three types of sorbents:
- Mineral.
- Synthetic (quite expensive, but most effective).
- Natural (attracted by low cost and wide selection).
Each species has several sorbents used for children with allergies. We will describe some of them in the following sections of the article.
Mineral Remedies
These sorbents can have one of two possible basic substances:
- silica;
- carbon.
Medicine basedcarbon is known to all activated carbon, which does not cause negative reactions and perfectly removes toxic substances of any kind from the body. But in the case of young children and allergies, the sorbent (preparations with carbon as an active substance do not differ in variety) of this type is useless. This is due to the fact that activated charcoal is drunk in large quantities that babies simply cannot take. You also need to consider that it practically does not remove allergens from the body.
Preparations with silicon dioxide are in great demand in the treatment of children and expectant mothers. These sorbents quickly remove toxic substances, do not interfere with the absorption of other drugs and do not give side effects. Preparations from this group are always included in the list of sorbents for children with allergies.
The active ingredients of such drugs are chemical compounds. The advantages of such sorbents include their wide spectrum of action. They effectively stop the absorption of not only toxins, but also bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract.
Such drugs are often available in the form of a suspension, gel, less often - in the form of tablets. With allergies for children, sorbents of this group are practically not prescribed. Despite their high efficiency, they are quite aggressive for a child's body. As a last resort, synthetic sorbents can be prescribed for small patients with certain indications or after reaching the age of fourteen.
Natural sorbents
The components of drugs belonging to this group are very easy toare obtained from plants. This is what makes them affordable and effective. Several types of active ingredients are used in natural sorbents:
- Lignin. These substances belong to the category of polymeric compounds. They are found in the stems of many plants and algae.
- Chitin. These components belong to polysaccharides containing nitrogen in their composition.
- Pulp.
- Pectin. It is found mainly in fruits, vegetables and berries.
Most often, the manufacturer sells natural sorbents in the form of dietary supplements. They are characterized by a high degree of efficiency. Taking such drugs allows you to get rid of intoxication very quickly, however, despite the abundance of advantages, natural sorbents are rarely prescribed to children. They are shown to adolescents from the age of fourteen, since in order to obtain an effect, it is necessary to ensure that a large dosage of substances enters the patient's body. For young patients, this is extremely dangerous.
![drug "Polyphepan" drug "Polyphepan"](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/014/image-39451-4-j.webp)
Harm or benefit of sorbents for children: find out the details of their use
Modern child is often born with a food allergy. For many children, it manifests itself as they grow older, intensifying and taking on more serious forms. Therefore, parents should not leave this problem unattended. Is it possible to give sorbents to babies with allergies? Reviews of mothers and doctors allow us to conclude that such funds are extremely effective and are simply necessary in neutralizing allergic reactions of variousdegree.
We usually pay attention to the disease when the skin of the child turns red and a rash appears on them. This is the first visible symptom of an allergy. It is good if the irritant can be immediately identified and eliminated. However, in most cases, especially with infants, this is not possible. Therefore, allergies continue to develop, and changes occur not only outside, but also inside the body. Due to the interaction with the allergen, the baby gradually accumulates toxins. This disrupts the work of many internal organs, and when a critical limit is reached, it causes serious intoxication. Therefore, experienced allergists try to prescribe sorbents together with antihistamines. Thus, there is not only a neutralization of the symptoms of the disease, but also a complete cleansing of the body. Based on the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself about the undoubted benefits of such drugs for babies. The main thing in complex treatment is the right choice of remedy and compliance with the recommended dosage.
What sorbents for allergies to give a child? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, but nevertheless, doctors can voice general recommendations for choosing a drug for young patients.
When making an appointment, doctors tend to favor sorbents that are convenient to give to the baby. This greatly facilitates the treatment process. In addition, it is important that they do not have a pungent odor and fragrances. For a baby with allergies, they cannot benefit, and in some cases can even aggravate the he alth condition.
Sine qua nonfor a children's drug, doctors also consider the ability to maintain the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. The sorbent cannot be aggressive for the delicate mucous membrane of a child's stomach.
It is equally important that after absorption, all components of the drug are completely removed from the baby's body. This is the main safety characteristic of the drug. Doctors must select for a child suffering from allergies, products with a high degree of adsorption. Only in this case, with a minimum dosage and no side effects, the little patient will quickly feel relief.
And one more nuance that experts must take into account when developing a treatment regimen - the absence of toxic additives. The children's body is quite fragile and sensitive to a wide range of substances, and some additives can even cause toxic shock in it. Therefore, the doctor must be sure of the drug prescribed to the small patient.
Pharmaceutical companies developing sorbents for babies of different ages always take into account the listed features of drugs. They add special enveloping substances to them, which work very gently in the intestines and do not give negative effects, and are also completely excreted, while the components of medicines act only in the intestines, without affecting other organs.
![sorbent "Polysorb" sorbent "Polysorb"](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/014/image-39451-5-j.webp)
Drug list
What sorbent to give a child with allergies? If you are thinking about this topic, then you need a list of the most effective and safe means thatmust be in your home first aid kit. So, if your child is a baby or has not yet reached the age of three, then he is shown:
- Polysorb.
- Polifepan.
- "Smekta".
From three to seven years old, the baby can be given:
- Enterosgel.
- Filtrum Safari.
A seven-year-old baby may well take ordinary activated charcoal in case of poisoning, and in case of allergies to any of the above drugs. From the age of fourteen, in such cases, it is recommended to drink white coal.
![preparations for babies preparations for babies](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/014/image-39451-6-j.webp)
Sorbent for babies with allergies
Usually, doctors, when intoxication or an allergic reaction is detected, prescribe Polysorb to babies. This sorbent belongs to the category of mineral and is considered one of the most effective drugs in its group. It helps with allergies, intoxications of varying severity and nature, including toxic substances. It also removes harmful substances from the body that are formed in patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency. The course of treatment varies from three days to a month. It is determined by the doctor, as well as the dosage of the sorbent.
The manufacturer produces the drug in powder form. Before use, it is necessary to prepare a suspension from it according to the instructions. "Polysorb" is sold in jars or packages with several sachets. The sorbent is given to babies in a dosage of half to one and a half teaspoons per day. To relieve acute conditions, it is enough to take a suspension of three to five days. A more severe course of the disease will be accompanied by minimalcourse of treatment in two weeks.
Polifepan is no less effective. This sorbent is classified as universal, and according to the general classification, it is natural. The drug acts by adsorption and, in addition to its main function of cleansing the body, improves digestion and has a regenerating effect.
Basically, "Polifepan" is produced in the form of a powder, reminiscent of the color and consistency of the earth. For babies, the daily dosage is calculated based on weight. The minimum dose is one hundred milligrams per day per kilogram of the child's weight. The maximum can be increased to three hundred and fifty milligrams per kilogram. For infants, the drug is dissolved in a small amount of water. The average course of treatment is a week.
Among the sorbents for allergies for children under one year old, Smekta causes the most questions. Moms often express an opinion about the ineffectiveness of this drug in the complex treatment of allergic reactions. However, experts say that this view is erroneous.
"Smecta" refers to synthetic sorbents and gives very good results in intoxication of the body. It must be borne in mind that it contains flavorings, so even crumbs like it. The drug is produced in the form of a sachet. For babies, one sachet dissolved in fifty milliliters of water is enough. This amount of the drug is taken three times. Upon reaching the age of one year, the dosage can be doubled or even tripled.
![Image "Smekta" and "Enterosgel" Image "Smekta" and "Enterosgel"](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/014/image-39451-7-j.webp)
Sorbents prescribed for babies from three to seven years old
Which sorbent is better for allergies in your particular case, only the attending physician can say. However, it is highly likely that he will prescribe Enterosgel to your little one. The mineral preparation absorbs toxic substances and allergens rather quickly. It can remove even pathogenic microorganisms that are far from being amenable to every sorbent.
Interestingly, Enterosgel copes not only with food, but also with drug allergies. The average course of admission does not exceed two weeks. Babies are usually prescribed forty-five grams of the drug three times a day. If necessary, the gel can be mixed with water.
"Filtrum-Safari" refers to natural sorbents and contains lignin in its composition. Children perceive it very well, since the drug is in the form of chewable tablets or lozenges in the form of animals. There can be six or eighteen tablets in one package.
This sorbent not only effectively absorbs harmful substances, but also has a positive effect on the digestive tract. Take the tablet one hour before meals, chewing well. Children under five years of age should be given half a lozenge three times a day. For children from five to seven years old, the dosage increases - one tablet per dose. Older children can take two lozenges at a time.
Contraindications for taking sorbents
Drugs that help to cope with intoxication of the body are as safe as possible. They have a rather narrow list of contraindications. It includesthe following he alth problems:
- intestinal bleeding;
- gastric ulcer;
- intestinal obstruction;
- cases of individual intolerance.
A good sorbent for allergies is easy to choose. There are quite a lot of such drugs, so parents who are worried about the he alth of their children must use them in complex therapy.