Duodenitis: symptoms and treatment in adults

Duodenitis: symptoms and treatment in adults
Duodenitis: symptoms and treatment in adults

Unfortunately, many people are faced with such a problem as inflammation of the duodenal mucosa. Symptoms of duodenitis are extremely unpleasant, as they are associated with serious digestive disorders. Properly carried out therapy allows you to get rid of the disease. On the other hand, it is still not worth excluding the possibility of complications.

Of course, many people are looking for more information. Why is duodenitis dangerous? Causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention - these are certainly important data that you should definitely study.

What is an affliction?

Chronic duodenitis
Chronic duodenitis

Duodenitis is a common disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the duodenum. The disease, as a rule, develops against the background of an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, which, when it enters the intestine, damages its mucous membrane - this is how the inflammatory process develops.

It is worth noting that duodenitis can be both acute and chronic. ATIn most cases, the disease develops in adulthood, but sometimes it is diagnosed in children. According to statistics, in 94% of cases, acute inflammation, even with appropriate treatment, eventually becomes chronic.

Causes of duodenitis

Causes of duodenitis
Causes of duodenitis

Many people are interested in information about the symptoms and treatment of chronic duodenitis. But first, it is worth understanding the main causes of the development of the disease. Risk factors include:

  • malnutrition, in particular the constant use of foods that increase the acidity of gastric juice and irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • presence of bad habits, in particular smoking, alcohol and coffee abuse;
  • infection of the mucous membranes with Helicobacter pylori;
  • presence of chronic forms of gastritis in patients (regardless of origin);
  • digestive ulcer;
  • impaired blood supply to the walls of the duodenum;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system, in particular colitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, inflammatory lesions of the mesentery, chronic forms of pancreatitis;
  • hormonal disorders.

Symptoms of duodenitis

Signs of duodenitis
Signs of duodenitis

The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the duodenum is accompanied by very characteristic symptoms.

  • First, there is a dull pain, localized in the epigastric region. Sometimes sorenessextends to the area of the right hypochondrium. Unpleasant sensations, as a rule, intensify at night. The pain becomes more pronounced with an empty stomach, as well as during palpation.
  • Patients complain of lack of appetite. A feeling of fullness in the stomach occurs even after eating a small amount of food.
  • Other symptoms gradually appear - bloating, increased gas formation, nausea (its attacks often end in vomiting), bitter belching, heartburn.
  • Patients often suffer from persistent constipation.
  • The inflammatory process may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, as well as general malaise, chills, weakness, drowsiness.

Disease forms

Symptoms and causes of duodenitis
Symptoms and causes of duodenitis

There are many classification systems for this disease. For example, duodenitis can be primary or secondary (it develops against the background of another disease of the digestive system). If we take into account the change in the structure of the intestinal wall, then several forms can be distinguished.

  • Atrophic duodenitis is accompanied by impaired intestinal motility and thinning of the mucous membrane.
  • Hemorrhagic form of the disease is accompanied by bleeding. Symptoms are aggravated by the use of certain drugs, alcohol, sour and spicy foods.
  • Catarrhal inflammation is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, general weakness. The occurrence of symptoms is associated with damage to the intestinal mucosa by roughage.
  • Superficial duodenitis is characterized by lesions of only the superficial layers of the intestinal mucosa.
  • The phlegmous form of the disease is accompanied by a purulent lesion of the intestinal tissues.
  • Erosive duodenitis is also isolated. Symptoms - severe pain in the upper abdomen, vomiting with blood impurities. The disease is accompanied by the formation of erosions and ulcers on the intestinal walls.

Possible Complications

Many people are interested in knowing the symptoms and treatment of duodenitis in adults. It is worth noting that sometimes the disease leads to the development of very unpleasant and even dangerous complications, including:

  • periduodenitis - a disease in which the inflammatory process extends to the serous membrane of the intestine;
  • sometimes small areas of erosions, ulcers and other defects appear on the mucous membrane (often, perforation of the ulcer occurs against the background of duodenitis);
  • pylorus stenosis (there is a sharp narrowing of the place where the stomach passes into the intestine);
  • drastic decrease in the acidity of the juice in the stomach, resulting in serious digestive disorders;
  • partial or complete intestinal obstruction;
  • gastric and intestinal bleeding;
  • peritonitis.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of duodenitis
Diagnosis of duodenitis

Symptoms of duodenitis can sometimes resemble a number of other diseases of the digestive tract. That is why a correct diagnosis is so important.

  • First, of course, a general inspection is carried out. Doctorcollects information about the patient's symptoms, studies information from his medical record.
  • First of all, a person donates blood and urine for research. By the way, a biochemical blood test is also necessary.
  • An x-ray of the stomach and upper intestines is performed. This is a simple and affordable study that makes it possible to examine the contours of organs, to determine the presence of certain neoplasms.
  • Mandatory is duodenal sounding - examination of the intestinal mucosa with a special endoscopic probe.
  • During the examination, the doctor also takes samples of gastric juice for analysis, which are then examined in the laboratory, determine the pH value.
  • If the doctor suspects the presence of malignant neoplasms, then during probing, tissue samples are taken for analysis, which are then sent for further research to the laboratory.

It is these studies that are carried out if there are suspicions of duodenitis of the intestine. Symptoms, causes of the development of the inflammatory process, the presence of certain complications - this is what the doctor must definitely determine. Based on the data obtained, the specialist will be able to draw up an effective treatment regimen.

Treatment of pathology

Treatment of duodenitis
Treatment of duodenitis

Symptoms and treatment of duodenitis are closely related. The choice of drugs directly depends on the presence of certain disorders in the patient, the causes of the development of the disease.

  • If during the research it was confirmed the presence of Helicobacteria in the digestive system, then the schemetreatments necessarily include antibiotics, such as Amoxicillin, Tetracycline, Clarithromycin.
  • If the inflammatory process is the result of the penetration of Giardia or helminths into the body, then patients are prescribed Metronidazole, Vermox, Decaris.
  • Symptoms of duodenitis in adults, such as nausea, bloating, belching, heartburn, can be relieved with antacids. Such drugs as Keal, Almagel, Phosphalugel, Maalox are considered effective. Such drugs neutralize the increased acidity of gastric juice.
  • Reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and proton pump blockers. This group includes drugs such as Rabelok, Omez, Gastrocepin.
  • The mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines must be protected from the harmful effects of acid. For this purpose, patients are prescribed Sucralfat and De-Nol, which create a protective film on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  • Medications such as Cytotec and Misoprostol promote the production of mucus, which protects the mucous membrane from acid attack and infections. These drugs also help to normalize the pH in the intestines and stomach.
  • Medications such as Biogastron, Kaved-S, Entrostil contribute to the restoration of the mucous membrane.
  • It is possible to alleviate the patient's condition by eliminating the main symptoms of intestinal duodenitis. Treatment involves taking antispasmodics, which help to cope with pain. In this situation, it is advisable to take drugs such as No-shpa and Drotaverin.
  • Such fundslike Cerucal and Motilium, help improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  • In combination with antibiotics, probiotics must be used, such as Linex or Bifiform. The use of these funds helps to restore the normal intestinal microflora.
  • If the patient has a nervous disorder, the doctor may recommend taking mild sedative medicines, such as tincture of valerian or Tenoten.
  • In the event that the inflammatory process is associated with intestinal obstruction, then periodically probing the intestine is performed, followed by washing the cavity with mineral water.
  • Sometimes medications that bind bile, such as Cholestyramine, are added to the treatment regimen.

In most cases, such treatment helps eliminate the symptoms of chronic duodenitis (as well as the acute form of the disease), relieve the inflammatory process. In the event that drug therapy does not help, malignant neoplasms or some complications occur (for example, intestinal perforation), the patient needs surgical intervention.

Proper nutrition

Symptoms and treatment of duodenitis are closely related. Since the disease is accompanied by serious digestive disorders, proper nutrition is an integral part of therapy.

If we are talking about acute inflammation, then during the first two weeks you need to adhere to the most sparing diet. Fractional meals are better for patients - you need to eat often (5-7 times a day), but in small portions. During this period, the menu isinclude slimy soups made from oatmeal, semolina and rice cereals. Soft-boiled eggs, liquid cereals, kissels, omelettes are allowed, but only steamed.

It is extremely important to exclude from the diet all foods that irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Under the ban are spicy, smoked and fried foods, preserves, spices, vegetables and sour fruits (raw), pickles, pastries, fresh bread. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated, as well as coffee, chocolate and cocoa.

After two weeks, you can gradually introduce new food into the menu, including meat dishes, but only low-fat varieties (for example, steam cutlets). Of course, you should still avoid spicy foods and foods that irritate the intestines. You should refrain from alcohol and tobacco in order to avoid relapses.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for the treatment of duodenitis
Folk remedies for the treatment of duodenitis

To help cope with the symptoms of inflammation, some traditional medicine can also help.

  • Some herbalists recommend drinking a decoction of flax seeds. This remedy helps protect mucous membranes from acid attack.
  • St. John's wort decoction is also considered useful. Two tablespoons of dry grass (sold in pharmacies) are poured with a glass of boiling water and cooked in a water bath for 30 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it can be filtered and divided into three servings that need to be consumed within a day. The medicine is best taken half an hour before meals.
  • If there is an erosive form of duodenitis, plantain juice will help. A teaspoon of juice should be mixed with the same amountnatural honey and take 30 minutes before meals. The medicine is taken three times a day.
  • Rosehip jelly also has enveloping properties.

Of course, you can use any home remedies only with the permission of a doctor.

Forecasts and preventive measures

We have already reviewed information about the symptoms and treatment of duodenitis in adults. Nevertheless, sometimes it is much easier to prevent the development of the disease. If we are talking about the primary forms of inflammation, it will be enough just to adhere to the principles of a he althy diet (refuse fried, fatty, spicy), sharply limit the amount of alcohol consumed.

In addition, timely diagnosis of any diseases of the digestive tract is important, since it is precisely such pathologies that often cause the development of duodenitis. All diseases should be amenable to timely and adequate therapy.

If we are talking about the prevention of relapses, then it should be understood that patients who have already undergone such an inflammatory disease should be registered with a doctor. It is necessary to periodically undergo medical examinations, take the necessary tests. Spa treatment will also have a positive effect on the state of the digestive system.

If the patient follows the right diet, follows all the recommendations of the doctor, then the prognosis for him is favorable - the symptoms of duodenitis can be eliminated, as well as the likelihood of complications.
