Is it possible to sleep during the day in disposable lenses? Expert advice

Is it possible to sleep during the day in disposable lenses? Expert advice
Is it possible to sleep during the day in disposable lenses? Expert advice

Many of those who suffer from poor eyesight sooner or later discover contact lenses. Their advantages over glasses are obvious: they are invisible to others, allow you not to hide your eyes, do not interfere. But is it really that simple?

Ophthalmologists, giving the patient his first lenses, warn of many problems that may arise due to their improper use. After all, non-compliance with hygiene conditions can lead to infection, and wearing more than the prescribed period can lead to eye strain.

But is it possible to sleep in contact lenses? The opinions of experts on this matter vary, and it is rather difficult for a simple layman to determine which one is correct. Some categorically state that it is impossible to sleep in lenses, others argue that there are nuances. Let's analyze this question.

Features of daily contact lenses

Until recently, we could not even imagine that it would be possible not to think about special containers and solutions. But ophthalmologists took care of the convenience of patients and invented lenses that can be put on in the morning and thrown away in the evening. It's simple, no additionalmanipulation.

can i sleep in disposable lenses during the day
can i sleep in disposable lenses during the day

Wearing daily lenses is especially convenient when traveling. After all, you do not need to take any additional accessories with you. In addition, advertising assures us that one-day contact means of vision correction are less noticeable due to the minimum thickness. This is especially important for those who feel embarrassed about their poor eyesight.

In any case, one-day contact lenses have a number of objective advantages. We will look at them below.

Benefits of daily lenses

Thinking about which vision correction tool to choose, many begin to list the pros and cons of one and the other. Some of these indicators are objective, others are not. We will analyze only those advantages of daily contact lenses that are undeniable:

  1. Hygiene. Not having to store lenses in a container that also accumulates dirt over time is a clear advantage. After all, the main claim of opponents of contact lenses is their unhygienic. With the invention of one-day patterns, this problem has been solved.
  2. Variety. Gone are the days when finding disposable lenses for a person with a specific condition was a challenge. Options now exist for people with nearsightedness, farsightedness, and other vision problems.
  3. Savings. Modern one-day models cost little more than lenses for a month. Against the background of other advantages, this is an obvious plus. Imagine that the lens is torn or lost - replacing a one-daywill cost mere pennies. In addition, happy owners of one-day models do not have to spend money on containers, solutions and other accessories.
  4. Accessibility. This item applies to those who live in fairly large cities. Recently, special vending machines for the sale of one-day contact lenses began to appear in large shopping centers. No trips to speci alty stores.

Can I sleep in contact lenses?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. The conditions for wearing certain lenses should be described on the packaging. It must be indicated there after what time they need to be removed, how to care for them, in what cases to replace them.

lenses for a month
lenses for a month

When asked whether it is possible to sleep in lenses at night, a definite positive answer is given only for those models that belong to the category of long-term wear. Such lenses can be worn without removing for several days without harm to he alth. At least that's what the manufacturers say. In fact, doctors are skeptical about long-wear lenses. No matter how safe they are, they are foreign objects anyway. Therefore, their long presence in the eyes is undesirable. In exceptional cases, for example, when it is not possible to maintain hygiene for a long time, on a trip or during outdoor recreation, it is possible to use long-wear lenses. But be that as it may, they still prevent the eye from breathing normally, which is why you can not sleep in lenses at night.

What about naps?

Speech heregoes, of course, not about those who work the night shift, and in the morning go to bed for 6-7 hours. No, let's talk about rest, which takes no more than 2-3 hours. Is it possible to sleep during the day in one-day lenses or any other, it is especially interesting for girls. If they need to be removed, then you will have to remove all makeup, and apply again after sleep. Too many complications.

you can't sleep in lenses
you can't sleep in lenses

In fact, nothing bad will happen if you decide to sleep a little in the lenses. Of course, eye hydration is slowed down during sleep, so when you wake up, you may find it harder to blink. To solve this problem, you can use special drops for lenses. But you should not abuse them: if dryness appears often, it is best to consult a doctor.

So is it possible to sleep during the day in disposable lenses?

Often, those who purchase models designed for several hours of wearing do not even have a special container and solution. So, for them, the question is especially acute: is it possible to sleep during the day in one-day lenses? Do not get new ones every time you want to take a break. Ophthalmologists assure: just like lenses for a month, one-day lenses will easily survive several hours of sleep. But it shouldn't be abused. Take no more than 2 hours for daytime sleep, do not complicate the life of your eyes and lenses by drying them out. The right approach will allow you to better preserve your vision and not aggravate existing problems.

How long can you wear lenses without taking them off?

This question must be answered by the manufacturer. On the lens boxthere should be information on how long they can be worn without removing. If there are no such records, you can contact your ophthalmologist with this question. Even if you do not plan to sleep for the next day, you should not wear lenses all this time without removing them. Take a break after every 12 hours.

why you can't sleep in lenses
why you can't sleep in lenses

During the day, dust, dirt and bacteria accumulate on their surface. That is why every evening you need to carry out the cleaning procedure. Of course, there are special lenses that can be left on for a long time and even several days. But ophthalmologists are skeptical about them, noting a high risk of infection. Therefore, before buying such lenses, be sure to consult your doctor.

Can daily lenses be worn more than a day?

No way. Such lenses are made of a material that quickly becomes unusable. Over time, they begin to pass air worse, and the natural moisture of the eye is significantly reduced. The result is that the efficiency of cleaning the surface of the lens with the eyelid decreases, dust accumulates faster, which means that the risk of infection is maximized.

sleep in contact lenses
sleep in contact lenses

But what to do in a situation where it is not possible to replace the lens, but good vision is needed here and now? Carry glasses with you. They will help not only in this situation, but also in case the lens is lost or torn.

Myths about contact lenses

  1. Contact lenses are sources of infections. As we found out above, thisthe development of events is possible only with dishonest care for them.
  2. The lens may fall out and get lost. This happens, but very rarely. Often the cause is increased dryness of the eyes. In all other cases, the lens simply shifts to the side, while remaining on the surface of the eye. Finding her and returning her to her place is no problem.
  3. Lenses can cause allergies. This statement is not without meaning. The composition of the lens can indeed be substances that cause allergies. But the reaction will appear only after a long continuous wear.
  4. Lenses will interfere in the eyes. You won't know until you check. There is a category of people for whom wearing lenses really causes discomfort. But this is a minority.
can you sleep in contact lenses at night
can you sleep in contact lenses at night

Now you are not faced with the question of whether it is possible to sleep during the day in one-day lenses. Know that everything is good in moderation. Take proper care of them, take care and do not overwork your eyes, visit a doctor regularly and be he althy.
