Why do bruises appear on my legs?

Why do bruises appear on my legs?
Why do bruises appear on my legs?

Why do bruises appear on my legs for no apparent reason? This question is of particular interest to those girls who care not only about their own he alth, but also about their attractive appearance. It is generally accepted that a hematoma on the knee or in another part of the lower extremities is formed only after a person hits or falls. However, there are situations when bruises on the legs constantly appear without bruises preceding them. When this unusual phenomenon occurs, a person should be alert and think about the cause of sudden bruising. After all, such a deviation may indicate the development of a disease in the body. That is why we bring to your attention a list of the most common and probable reasons why bruises appear on the legs without any previous bruises and falls.

Reason one: hypovitaminosis

If suddenly bruises appear on your legs for no apparent reason, then first of all you should think about whether you are consuming enough foods that contain vitamins such as C, K and P. After all, it is from the lack of these elementsthe walls of the vessels lose their tone and gradually loosen, after which the blood partially seeps under the skin, thereby creating hematomas. In this regard, if you often have bruises on your legs, it is recommended to take more vitamin C, which strengthens the vascular walls, vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting, and vitamin P, which prevents the formation of vascular plaques.

bruises on the legs constantly appear
bruises on the legs constantly appear

It is worth noting that sometimes the cause of this deviation is a deficiency of only one of the above elements (vitamin K). After all, with its shortage in the body, a person gradually develops a tendency to bleeding (both external and internal). For the same reason, bruises formed on the legs may not go away for months.

Reason two: genetic or hereditary blood disorders

Such diseases include hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, and von Willebrand disease. The main and main symptom of these serious pathologies is a bleeding tendency, which develops against the background of a lack of platelets, which are small colorless bodies that should help heal any wounds and injuries.

frequent bruising on the legs
frequent bruising on the legs

Third reason: deficiency of calcium, cob alt and selenium

Quite often, bruises appear on the legs precisely because of the lack of the above microelements. After all, they, like vitamins C, K and P, keep our blood vessels in good shape, ensure their strength and elasticity. So thatto eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, it is recommended to replenish the stock of all the items presented as soon as possible.

Reason Four: Liver disease

Such severe diseases of this organ as hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc., can also cause hematomas on the legs or other parts of the body. This is due to the fact that the liver, in addition to its main cleansing function, is also responsible for the ability of blood to clot. That is why a malfunction of this organ can easily lead to subcutaneous and internal hemorrhages, contributing to the occurrence of hematomas.
