The harm to the human body of streptococcal bacteria has long been proven. In a normal state of he alth, when the immune system is not weakened, they do not have a negative effect on a person. But otherwise, streptococci can become the causative agents of a number of serious diseases.
However, today there are plenty of opportunities to protect your body from their harmful effects. One way is the Prevenar vaccination. Side effects, indications, contraindications to which we will consider in the article. And also get acquainted with the reviews of those who have vaccinated their children.
Streptococcal infections
What is Prevenar vaccinated against (side effects of vaccination will be discussed later)? For the prevention of diseases that can be triggered by streptococcal pathogens.
In particular, these bacteria cause the following in the human body:
- Pharyngitis.
- Tonsillitis.
- Bronchitis.
- Pneumonia.
- Scarlet fever.
- Meningitis. An inflammatory process that develops in the membranes of either the spinal cord or the brain.
- Glomerulonephritis. Inflammation of the renal glomerular apparatus.
- Erysipelas of the skin. This refers to an acute infectious disease of the skin, in which it acquires an intense red color. The patient notes a high body temperature, as well as severe pain in the affected areas of the skin.
What is this vaccine?
The Prevenar vaccine, the side effects of which are of interest to many parents, helps the human body develop immunity against pneumococcus. This particular type of streptococcus that causes pneumonia in humans is an inflammation of the lungs.
This disease affects both adults and children. In relation to newborns and toddlers, it is dangerously fatal. Although by nature it is a curable disease. The danger here is that many varieties of pneumococcus are resistant (immune) to modern antibiotic drugs. A fatal outcome is possible with complications of pneumonia in the absence of adequate adequate treatment.

Composition of the vaccine
Side effects, reviews of parents about the Prevenar vaccine, we will present below. First, let's define the composition of this vaccine. It is important to note that Prevenar is currently out of production. Instead, it is issueda full-fledged analogue - "Prevenar 13".
In its composition, it is a polysaccharide adsorbed pneumococcal vaccine. Produced by Pfizer, located in the United States. The composition of the vaccine is as follows:
- Pneumococcal agents.
- Carrier proteins.
- Polysaccharides of certain serotypes.
- Purified water for injection.
- Aluminum Phosphate.
- Sodium chloride.
As for "Prevenar", it contains polysaccharides of the following serotypes: 4, 14, 6B, 9V, 18C, 19F, 23F. They, pneumococcal agents and carrier proteins are the most important components of the vaccine. Indicate against which strains (varieties) of pneumococci this vaccine is able to protect. It is they who initiate the production of antibodies by the human body from specific pathogenic bacteria. The rest of the filling of the vaccine is additives and stabilizers.
Is this a must?
In addition to the side effects of the Prevenar vaccine, parents also want to know whether such vaccination is mandatory for children. For a long time, the appeal to this vaccine was only advisory in nature. The vaccine could be delivered to the child at the request of the parents in the children's clinic for a fee.
In 2014, the situation changed. Anti-pneumococcal drugs have been added to the list of mandatory vaccinations. Therefore, in polyclinics, such a vaccination can be given to a child for free. But in this case, it will not be "Prevenar", but its French counterpart - "Pneumo 23".

Indications for vaccination
Side effects in children from the Prevenar vaccine are possible, as with any vaccination. But here it should be noted that such a vaccination is not indicated for every patient who wants to protect themselves from pneumonia.
Indications for the use of Prevenar are as follows:
- Premature babies.
- Under two years of age.
- Children with frequent and prolonged illnesses (sometimes with chronic forms of respiratory diseases) up to 5 years.
- Babies suffering from various allergic reactions.
- Children who have been diagnosed with the following common infectious diseases: diabetes mellitus, HIV infection, cirrhosis of the liver, pathologies of the respiratory, vascular system, heart.
Usually, adults and children over 5 years old are not prescribed Prevenar. This is due to the fact that their body is already able to independently produce antibodies to pneumococci. In the case of a vaccine, the desired immune response does not come out. For women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, no experimental studies have been conducted on how safe such vaccination would be for the he alth of the mother and child.
Instructions for using the drug
The side effects of the Prevenar vaccine are directly stated in the instructions for this remedy. Vaccination here is carried out only intramuscularly. The location for the injection is either the deltoid muscle of the shoulder (if the child is older than two years), or the anterolater althigh (babies aged two months to two years).
The scheme of vaccination "Prevenar" is as follows:
- In the event that the child was vaccinated for the first time at 2 months, then two more vaccinations will be prescribed for him. Injections are administered at intervals of one month. Accordingly, the baby will be shown three vaccinations - at 2, 3, 4 months. As for revaccination, it is recommended that it be carried out between 12-15 months of age.
- In the case when the child was vaccinated for the first time at the age of 7-11 months, the scheme is already different. He is given two injections at a dosage of 0.5 ml every other month. And revaccination is planned for 2 years.
- If the child is between 12 and 23 months old, Prevenar is administered twice at the usual dosage, with an interval of two months.
- If the child is older than two years, then a single vaccination is shown to him. "Prevenar" is administered in a standard dosage. In this case, there is no need for revaccination.
Note that standard vaccination schedules are shown here. For each child, his pediatrician must draw up an individual vaccination schedule based on their compatibility, the state of he alth of the baby.

Side effects of the Prevenar vaccine in a child
Like many other vaccines, this one has a certain effect on the body. The side effects of the Prevenar vaccine in general are as follows:
- Increased body temperature.
- Aboutin 1/3 of the vaccinated, a local painful reaction was observed at the injection site. If the vaccine was injected into the arm, then a slight weakness in this limb was additionally noted.
- Among the side effects of the Prevenar 13 vaccine, both local and general allergic reactions can be distinguished.
- Increase in one or another group of lymph nodes.
- A side effect of the Prevenar 13 vaccine for children can be called the persistence of nervousness, irritability, tearfulness, lethargy and drowsiness for a short time.
- A lump may form at the injection site, reddening of the skin may appear. This reaction is not typical for babies, but for older children.
- Disturbance of appetite. In some cases, there is nausea and vomiting.
- Komarovsky's side effects of the Prevenar vaccine also include convulsions and apnea. But it should be noted that these are quite rare reactions. Temporary cessation of breathing can only be observed in children with an underdeveloped respiratory system.
- Among the most severe consequences of vaccination are the following: bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema.
According to reviews, the side effects of the Prevenar vaccine are difficult to determine. This is due to the fact that the drug is often administered in conjunction with other vaccines (DTP). It is not easy to figure out which of them caused a negative reaction.
What to do with side effects from the Prevenar vaccine? The most important recommendation is vaccinatedthe child after the injection should remain under the supervision of he alth workers for half an hour. In case of manifestation of serious adverse reactions of the body, the necessary assistance will be provided in a timely manner.
But what to do with the side effects of the Prevenar vaccine, if they began to appear already at home? If any complications are noted, if they do not go away on their own during the day, it is imperative to call a pediatrician at home. In the event that a child has persistent vomiting, bronchospasm, Quincke's edema, respiratory arrest, or other serious consequences of vaccination, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Preparing for vaccination
Now you know about the side effects of the Prevenar vaccine in children. Let's also present the recommendations of doctors about preparing for such a vaccination:
- Before vaccination, the child must be examined by a pediatrician. In addition, it is necessary to pass all the tests prescribed by the doctor. Based on their results, he decides whether the child is allowed to be vaccinated.
- To prevent simultaneous side effects from the "Pentaxim" and "Prevenar" vaccinations, it is not recommended to bathe the child after vaccination. It is also advisable not to wet the injection site itself.
- After vaccination, it is advisable for the child to take a walk in the fresh air, if weather conditions permit. Of course, this should be a leisurely walk, not active games. It is advisable to avoid crowded places in order to excludecontact with infected people.
- If a child is breastfed, then before and after vaccination, it is not advisable for the mother to introduce new or exotic dishes into her diet. As for older children, there is no need for any restrictions in their diet.

Reviews on the side effects of the Prevenar vaccine in children, we will present below. Now let's focus your attention on the fact that this is a prescription vaccine. Therefore, a child can be vaccinated only on the basis of a prescription from the attending physician.
Vaccination with Prevenar is contraindicated in the following cases:
- Child suffering from an acute infectious disease.
- The patient is experiencing an exacerbation of a chronic disease.
- Age less than two months old and over five years old.
Look at the liquid itself in the ampoule - it should be homogeneous, without foreign inclusions. It is assumed that during storage a slight precipitate of a light color may form. However, with vigorous shaking of the container, it should completely dissolve.
If this did not happen, inclusions remained in the liquid, and the sediment falls to the bottom of the ampoule in flakes, then this vaccine is not recommended for vaccinating a child. If you follow all these rules, then the side effects of vaccination will be minimized.
Analogues of the drug
In the article we analyze what the Prevenar vaccine is against, side effectsactions, reviews about the drug. It will be equally important to list the full-fledged analogues of this tool:
- "Pneumo 23".
- "Prevenar 13" (this remedy differs from the usual "Prevenar" in that it helps the body develop immunity from more pneumococci).
- "Synflorix".
Which of these options is better? It is difficult to give a definite answer. The main reason is that pneumococcal vaccinations have recently become mandatory in Russia, which is why doctors do not yet have enough data to draw up a complete statistical picture.
It is still difficult to say which of the designated vaccines is better. But it can be noted that they have been represented on the pharmacological market for more than a decade. And they managed to positively recommend themselves for this time.

Positive feedback from parents
We examined what the Prevenar vaccine is from, side effects. Feedback is the last important topic that will be presented in the article. They cannot be called unique. For each child, the consequences of vaccination are manifested individually.
Let's imagine the positive feedback about this pneumococcal vaccine:
- Vaccination is indispensable for adapting a child to kindergarten. Without vaccination, he is immediately exposed to infectious diseases up to pneumonia. After vaccination with Prevenar, as parents note, children become less susceptible to SARS,suffer less from colds and runny nose, not to mention serious respiratory diseases.
- Parents write that vaccination saves not only from pneumococci, but also from other streptococcal pathogens. In particular, children stop suffering from chronic otitis, bronchitis and pharyngitis with a strong exhausting cough.
- There are reviewers who call the vaccine a salvation for their child. If before vaccination he was exposed to all possible infections that could not be cured without antibiotics, then after vaccination the situation changed radically in a positive direction. This change is due to the fact that the child's body simply lacked antibodies that help to cope with known viral diseases. Such a phenomenon can, oddly enough, be observed with normal, undepressed immunity. The vaccine helps produce the necessary antibodies, allowing the body to fight infections on its own.
- Parents consider such a reaction of the child's body to the vaccine as lethargy, fever, loss of appetite, completely normal. This is just a good sign - it means that the vaccine has worked. The child's body began to fight against "training" pathogens, the necessary antibodies are actively produced.
- Some children have no visible negative reaction of the body to the vaccine at all. Only slight redness at the injection site. This again confirms that the reaction of different people to the same vaccine can be fundamentally different. Also, the cause of the negative side effect maybe in an incomplete, poor-quality examination of the baby before vaccination. The pediatrician may have missed an important contraindication for Prevenar.
- The authors of the reviews advise the parents themselves to properly prepare their child for vaccination so that it is as painless as possible. It is imperative to donate blood for analysis, protect the baby from hypothermia, in order to prevent it, give him antihistamines. And for vaccination, come to the clinic only on the Day of a he althy child.
- Some parents advise to make a vaccine in a paid clinic, to choose only imported vaccines. As for antihistamines, then give these funds 3 days before and 3 days after vaccination. Do not walk with a child in cold weather, do not contact with possibly infected children and adults, do not wet the injection wound. Then the consequences of vaccination will be insignificant and painless. However, it must be remembered that these are the recommendations of non-specialists, and not qualified pediatricians.

Negative reviews
Now let's review the negative reviews of the use of the Prevenar vaccine:
- Many parents note that the child has a fever for more than a day after vaccination. He remains whiny, irritable and lethargic.
- There are reviews that a seal formed at the injection site, which then had to be removed under anesthesia. However, such reactions to the vaccine are rare.
- A lot of responses, inwhich parents note that the he alth of the child has noticeably deteriorated after vaccination. It all started with a severe reaction to the vaccine. Then there were chronic diseases with a severe course, which can be cured only with the help of antibiotics. A number of children after vaccination, as their parents write, developed an allergy that was not there before.
- Some parents are sure that immunity to pneumonia is not developed. This is argued by the fact that the properties of "Prevenar" have not yet been fully studied. As well as the consequences of its impact on the children's body. Some reviewers note that in a number of countries this vaccination is prohibited. It is not only ineffective, but sometimes dangerous to he alth. For example, in the United States (the country of manufacture of the drug), the population actively opposes the mandatory use of Prevenar, according to parents who have studied the topic.
- There are also cases when children, after being vaccinated with Prevenar, fell ill with pneumonia. But the misfortunes did not end there. Babies, according to parents, later became more susceptible to all infections, they were diagnosed with serious chronic diseases.
Whether to vaccinate their child with Prevenar, or refuse to be vaccinated, each parent decides for himself. It must be borne in mind that side effects cannot be avoided. However, the intensity of their manifestation is individual - it is impossible to predict it.