Products containing vitamin B in large quantities. What foods contain B vitamins?

Products containing vitamin B in large quantities. What foods contain B vitamins?
Products containing vitamin B in large quantities. What foods contain B vitamins?

Today, almost everyone has heard about the wonderful properties of B vitamins. They are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on smooth muscles. Doctors have long noted that the regular intake of vitamins of this group in the body improves vision and contributes to the normal course of all physiological processes. Consumption of foods rich in these vitamins prevents headaches and relieves them, especially for migraines. Complex B is extremely important for the preservation and maintenance of female beauty. Today we want to tell you about foods containing vitamin B in large quantities.

foods rich in vitamin B
foods rich in vitamin B

Vitamin B1

This is a large group of substances indispensable for our body. We will try to tell you about each of them, about the features and effects on the body, as well as about the usual products that are their sources. Todayofficial studies confirm the truly miraculous effect of this vitamin complex on humans, and in parallel, the cost of source drugs is growing. However, knowing about foods containing vitamin B in large quantities, you do not need to enter an additional item of expenditure in your family budget.

So, thiamine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, heart and muscles, slows down the aging process and removes toxins. Its average daily norm is 2 mg. Now let's look at foods containing vitamin B1 in large quantities. This is primarily brewer's yeast and sprouted wheat grains, bran and liver. Sunflower and sesame seeds are irreplaceable sources. They are rich in egg yolk, buckwheat, all nuts.

foods rich in B vitamins
foods rich in B vitamins

Riboflavin (B2)

Consuming foods containing vitamin B in large quantities, you will give your body he alth and longevity. It is the lack of this enzyme that most often causes a variety of diseases at a fairly young age. These are osteochondrosis and neuralgia, strokes and heart attacks, depression and much more. In particular, if we talk about vitamin B2, then it is involved in redox reactions, in the synthesis and breakdown of proteins, and the absorption of nutrients. Riboflavin is found in large quantities in meat and dairy products. Other sources include eggs and fish, cereals, legumes, greens and leafy vegetables. A person needs about 2 mg of riboflavin per day. This amount canget from 50-100 g of cheese or cottage cheese. As you can see, foods containing vitamin B2 in large quantities are quite well known and available, and each person can choose those that he likes more.

foods rich in vitamin B12
foods rich in vitamin B12

Nicotinic acid

This vitamin has many names. It is called niacin, vitamin PP and vitamin B3. Extremely important for the body, it takes an active part in the synthesis of proteins, fats and hormones. Most importantly, without this vitamin, the brain cannot function normally. This negatively affects memory and thinking, sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to include foods containing vitamin B3 in large quantities in the diet every day. In a small amount, nicotinic acid is synthesized by the body, but this is often not enough to cover the daily requirement. A day requires 15-20 mg of this vitamin. The best sources are pork and beef liver, mushrooms and all legumes, brewer's yeast, peanuts and eggs.

A little-known microelement

This is choline, or vitamin B4. It is rarely singled out separately, however, considering the group as a whole, it is necessary to remember about it. Products containing vitamin B in large quantities should be on your table every day, which is why we decided to raise this topic today. I must say that choline is completely undeservedly considered a minor trace element. It is simply irreplaceable for the body, as it provides transportation and metabolism of fats in the liver. In addition, choline normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. The best sources are regular foods. These are meat and brewer's yeast, cottage cheese and cheese, eggs and legumes, various vegetables and oily fish.

Very interesting fact that I would like to share. Vitamins of this large group are very important for our body. However, even a small dose of alcohol completely destroys them, so after a stormy feast the body needs to be replenished. It is also very important to increase the intake of B vitamins during severe physical and mental stress.

foods containing vitamin B2 in large quantities
foods containing vitamin B2 in large quantities

Pantothenic acid

It's hard to say exactly what vitamin B5 is responsible for in the human body. Almost all metabolic processes proceed with its participation, all tissues and systems depend on its normal intake. In addition, it is pantothenic acid that is a kind of elixir of youth, which improves skin condition and normalizes the central nervous system. This is the only vitamin that can be absorbed through the skin, so it can be used to prepare various masks. It is required to consume 10-12 mg per day. Contains vitamin B5 in buckwheat and oatmeal, yeast and nuts, legumes. Liver and fish, greens and egg yolk, many vegetables and fruits are also sources.

foods containing vitamin B3 in large quantities
foods containing vitamin B3 in large quantities

Essential Vitamin B6

Despite the fact that the body needs all the B vitamins without exception, this one is in the forefront. With any diseases of the nervous system, first of allappoint him. It is involved in hundreds of enzymatic metabolic reactions. Pyridoxine is extremely important for the development of the child's brain in the prenatal and postpartum period, so the expectant mother needs to optimize her nutrition. Foods containing vitamin B6 in large quantities are poultry, meat and fish, potatoes and other starchy vegetables. In addition, one of the most important sources of B6 is fruits (with the exception of citrus fruits). The daily norm is about 3 mg. At the same time, keep in mind that any heat treatment reduces the content of B vitamins by about a quarter. Meat is recommended to cook in a double boiler to preserve the maximum of useful vitamins.

foods containing vitamin B6 in large quantities
foods containing vitamin B6 in large quantities

Folic acid

Familiar to all women who have recently become mothers. From the very first visit to the doctor, a pregnant woman receives a recommendation to take B9. The fact is that it is extremely necessary for the normal formation of the neural tube, and this is the basis for the development of the future organism. Those who consumed sufficient amounts of folic acid before pregnancy and during the first trimester, the chance of abnormal development in the fetus is much lower than in women who, due to dietary restrictions, experienced its deficiency. In fact, making up for the lack of B9 is not difficult. It is found in large quantities in the liver and mushrooms, egg yolk and buckwheat, cauliflower and yeast, onions, carrots and cabbage. Foods containing a large amount of B vitamins can and should be on your table every day, as they are not deficient.

foods containing vitamin B1 in large quantities
foods containing vitamin B1 in large quantities


Last on our list, but the very first in importance. It can be put next to vitamin B6. Our body cannot synthesize it on its own, which means that its amount depends entirely on a balanced diet. B12 is primarily responsible for the formation of red blood cells. He takes part in the production of nerve cells, is involved in the absorption of protein, carbohydrate-fat metabolism. It interacts with vitamins of other groups, which means that without it other essential trace elements will not be absorbed. In total, the body requires 3 micrograms of B12 per day. Foods containing vitamin B12 in large quantities are primarily food of animal origin. The leader can be considered veal liver. Lots of B12 in seafood and fish, even seaweed, which can be an option for vegetarians. Dairy products, cheese, cottage cheese, feta cheese are another tasty addition to main dishes with a high content of cobalamin.
