Cervical fibroids today is one of the most common female diseases, which doctors call a benign tumor. This ailment becomes the main cause of the difficulties that arise when you want to get pregnant, and a number of painful sensations experienced by a woman suffering from fibroids prevent her from leading a normal life.

Description of pathology
Another name for this disease is fibromyoma. It is a benign neoplasm that can arise from the cells of the muscular layer of the cervix. Fibroma consists, as a rule, of connective tissue. Most women who have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis are afraid of the development of oncological changes in this neoplasm, but these fears have nothing to do with the real complications that may arise in this case. This is due to the fact that a timely diagnosis and adequate therapy help in most cases to achieve a complete cure for cervical fibroids.uterus and prevent all negative consequences for the woman and her reproductive system.
Types of fibroids
Medicine knows several varieties of cervical fibroids, the symptoms of which in some ways differ from each other. Fibromyomas include:
- submucosal or submucous, which usually grow towards the location of the uterus;
- subserous - fibromyomas that germinate towards the abdominal cavity;
- interstitial - neoplasms that grow to the tissues of the muscular wall of the uterus.

Reasons for appearance
Cervical fibroids can be caused by many factors. The main causes of this disease include:
- Genetic predisposition of the female body, when cases of fibroids are known in close relatives: mother, grandmother, etc. In such situations, the risk of pathology in a particular woman is much higher than in others.
- Hormonal imbalances lead to fibroids and cysts of the cervix. Such changes can be fluctuations in the level of sex hormones, heavy periods in a woman, a variety of menstrual irregularities, etc.
- Chronic inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system.
- Injury that can occur as a result of abortion and various surgical interventions in the uterine cavity, as well as during childbirth.
- Irregular sex life of a woman, which leads to stagnant processes inpelvic organs and may be a factor provoking the occurrence of myomatous nodes.
- Chronic endocrinological diseases, which include metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, increased or decreased thyroid function.

Symptoms of cervical fibroids
How does the disease manifest itself? As already mentioned, the symptoms of this disease may be different depending on what type of fibromyoma is observed in each case.
With submucosal fibroids, the most common symptom is uterine bleeding, as well as heavy menstrual blood loss. In this case, a woman may complain of severe pain in the lower abdomen. In the laboratory clinical picture, there is a sharp decrease in the level of hemoglobin, as well as red blood cells. This type of fibromyoma is the most dangerous, because most often in this case, women cannot become pregnant and bear a fetus.
With subserous myoma of the cervix, severe pain is observed, especially during the period of active growth of this neoplasm. Pain can increase and move to the lumbar region or to the inner thighs. At the same time, a woman may experience difficulty during urination, as well as problems with bowel movements.
Symptoms of interstitial fibroids are heavy bleeding during menstruation, failure of their regularity, as well as dysfunction of the uterus and appendages.
The symptoms and treatment of cervical fibroids are interrelated.
Diagnosticmethods for determining fibroids
There are cases when this disease may not manifest itself in any way. Diagnosis of fibroids is carried out through the following activities:

- Gynecological examination of the cervix using mirrors. This method makes it easy to diagnose cervical fibroids in cases where the neoplasm is large.
- When the fibromyoma is small, the most effective method will be a vaginal ultrasound probe.
- Hysteroscopy is a manipulation, the purpose of which is to take small pieces of tissue from the inner layer of the uterus and the neoplasm itself. It is used when it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis for oncological modification of the tumor.
- Laparoscopy. This event is carried out only in cases of emergency. At the same time, with the help of a puncture in the peritoneum, all organs of the small pelvis are examined.
- MRI or CT. Also used infrequently.
What is the treatment for cervical fibroids?
Complex treatment of this disease
Treat fibroids, as a rule, in two ways - conservatively or surgically. With drug treatment, measures are aimed at stopping the growth of the neoplasm. Such treatment is usually used for diagnosed subserous and interstitial fibromyomas, which are small in size, have a slow growth rate, and also in cases where this disease does not drastically impair the woman's reproductive abilities.
This therapy is a treatment with hormonal drugs, since the development of fibroids in such situations is provoked by hormonal disorders in the body. In women, estrogen levels are too high. This explains the growth inhibition of fibroids during menopause, when the level of estrogen in the female body decreases significantly.
Medications for the treatment of cervical fibroids
The most effective drugs for the treatment of pathology are the following:
- "Gestagen";
- OK - oral contraceptive combinations;
- "Buserelin";
- gonadotropin antagonists, such as Danazol;
- anti-estrogenic drugs - Tamoxifen and others.

All these medicines should only be prescribed by a specialist if there are specific indications for their use, confirmed by diagnostic and laboratory studies.
The action of such medicines is based on the creation of artificial conditions for the functioning of the ovaries, which are close to the state of menopause. They are taken in certain dosages depending on the degree of development of the disease. The duration of treatment for cervical erosion and fibroids is usually about 3-6 months, followed by a one-month break. Further treatment should be continued.
Another effective method of treating fibromyomas is the Mirena spiral, which contains gestageniccomponents that are released in small doses, providing a therapeutic effect on the female body. This spiral is introduced for a period of three years and, in addition to the described function, also performs the role of a contraceptive.
Thus, hormonal treatment is suitable for women who have small fibroids.
Does cervical fibroids require hysterectomy?
Surgical treatment
This therapy is designed to treat tumors that are too large to be treated conservatively. The main indication for surgical treatment is submucous myoma, which causes severe uterine bleeding and significantly disrupts the reproductive system.

Depending on how severe the disease is, the following surgeries for cervical fibroids may be used:
- Myomectomy, which is the exfoliation of fibroids.
- Hysteroresectoscopy is a method of surgical manipulations in which fibroids are removed.
- Hysterectomy is an operation in which the uterus is completely removed. This method is used only when no other methods of treatment have given a positive result.
- Uterine artery embolization. This method involves blocking the gaps of large vessels, due to which heavy bleeding begins. After this surgical procedure, the woman does not lose the possibility of reproduction.
Disease prevention
How can you preventthis pathology? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

When a fibromyoma occurs, a woman must adhere to some simple rules, thanks to which this disease will not develop and become more complicated. These include limiting prolonged exposure to the sun, which can provoke rapid growth of tumor cells in the cervix after removal of fibroids. In addition, the use of biogenic stimulants and vitamin D is not recommended, and during menstruation it is forbidden to take hot baths, which, as a rule, causes increased bleeding.
The set of preventive measures also includes a woman's regular sexual life, preferably with a regular partner, no abortions and physical activity.