Recently, more and more people are taking antibiotics for acute respiratory infections in adults when the first signs of a cold appear. However, not many people know that this should not be done, as this can lead to complications.
The indiscriminate use of antibacterial agents can greatly harm the body. It is important to know exactly in which cases antibiotics are important for the body, and when they can be abandoned.
Main cold symptoms
Cold diseases have a number of common symptoms, in particular, such as:
- dry cough with a possible transition to a productive form;
- headache;
- temperature increase;
- pain in the throat and sternum;
- runny nose;
- chills and fever;
- strong weakness.

At different stages of the disease, all these symptoms can appear simultaneously. At the same time, with complications, they can be combined, depending on the cause. The onset of the disease can vary in intensity. That is why antibiotics for acute respiratory infections in adults are not used immediately after the first symptoms are detected. Initially, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination. Medicines are prescribed based on the diagnosis.
When to take antibiotics
An antibiotic for acute respiratory infections in adults should be selected very responsibly, you should not take such drugs when the first signs of a cold appear. Antibacterial drugs are designed to fight diseases that are bacterial in nature, not viral. At the initial stage of the course of acute respiratory infections, doctors mainly prescribe antiviral drugs.
Antibiotics for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections in adults can only be taken as necessary, namely:
- temperature rises to 38 degrees or more;
- protective functions are reduced;
- inflamed lymph nodes;
- increased white blood cell count;
- purulent inflammations are present, such as otitis media, tonsillitis, lymphadenitis;
- old age;
- there are symptoms of intoxication of the body;
- symptomatic therapy is ineffective, and the patient's he alth is deteriorating.
If a patient with a flu or a cold has at least one of the signs, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor prescribes drugs based on the results of the examination.
Main types of drugs
Before you start drinking antibiotics for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections in adults,need to consult a doctor. Each of the drugs can cope with certain bacteria. Often, broad-spectrum antibacterial agents are used. When answering the question of what antibiotics to drink for acute respiratory infections, it must be said that such as help well:
- penicillins;
- cephalosporins;
- fluoroquinolones;
- macrolides;
- tetracyclines;
- aminoglycosides.
The action of penicillins is aimed at destroying the walls and cells of pathogenic bacteria. They are prescribed if the cold was provoked by staphylococcus, pneumococcus, streptococcus. The drugs of this group are characterized by low toxicity, so they can even be used to treat children. However, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. It is worth noting that these funds have certain contraindications that must be taken into account.

The action of cephalosporins is aimed at the effective destruction of the cell membrane of pathogenic bacteria. They are prescribed only if the patient has characteristic signs of complications, as well as other groups of antibacterial drugs have not given the desired result. Often, these funds are used in the form of injections.
Fluoroquinolones differ in that the active ingredients penetrate bacteria and destroy them. They are prescribed if there is a suspicion of complications of a cold. Fluoroquinolones are quite safe, do not cause allergies and addiction. However, there are still certain contraindicationsto consider.
Dose forms
Some antibiotics for acute respiratory infections in adults are used in the form of intramuscular and intravenous injections. Injections are considered more effective than pills, as the drug enters directly into the bloodstream.
However, it is worth noting that injections, for all their effectiveness, have higher toxicity rates. But in the case of a severe course of the disease, the resulting side effects are much less of a threat. These drugs include Augmentin, Laferon, Ampicillin, Amoxiclav. They are prescribed only for pronounced signs of a cold complication, in particular, such as weakening of the body, fever up to 39-40 degrees, shortness of breath, constant runny nose, delirium, severe pain in the throat, chest and head.

Often, an antibiotic for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections is prescribed in the form of tablets. They act more slowly than injections, and their main side effect is irritation of the intestines and stomach, as well as the destruction of beneficial bacteria. With a bacterial cold, drugs such as Flemoxin Solutab, Suprax, Sumamed, Azitrox are prescribed.
Many are interested in what antibiotics are prescribed for acute respiratory infections and how they affect the body. Antibacterial drugs of the penicillin group are active against most bacteria that provoke diseases of the respiratory system and nasopharynx. The drugs in this group are distinguished by a high level of safety and effectiveness.
The only drawback of penicillins isvulnerability to enzymes that some bacteria secrete. They destroy the components of antibiotics and they completely lose their activity.
The most modern and popular penicillin is the drug "Amoxicillin". It is prescribed for complicated colds caused by strains of bacteria that do not produce beta-lactamase.

When choosing an antibiotic for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, you need to pay attention to the drug "Flemoxin Solutab". Its reception is carried out 2-3 times a day. When used, the tablets are dissolved in water or sucked. The taste of the drug is very pleasant, which facilitates the treatment process. The exact dosage is selected by the doctor. This takes into account:
- weight and age of the patient;
- body features;
- the course of the disease.
The maximum dosage of the drug is 1500 mg per day. The course of therapy is determined only by the doctor.
Amoxiclav is a semi-synthetic penicillin that can be used to treat the common cold. It is produced in a variety of forms, namely:
- as a dry powder for suspension;
- in the form of a powder from which drops are made;
- in tablets;
- as dry matter for injection.
Be sure to correctly determine the dosage of the medicine. For this, it is recommended to use measuring spoons. Adults are prescribed approximately 750 mg per day, but it all depends on the weight of the patient. DurationThe therapeutic course is approximately 5 days. This antibiotic is prescribed against acute respiratory infections, with infections of the ENT organs, infectious lesions of the respiratory system.
Augmentin is a good penicillin antibiotic. It is produced in the form of tablets, as well as a dry substance for the preparation of injections or suspensions. Adults are generally prescribed tablets 3 times a day. However, the exact dosage is selected by the doctor.
Ampicillin belongs to unprotected antibiotics. This drug is significantly inferior in bioavailability and other indicators to protected products. It is often given as an injection and only occasionally as a tablet.
What antibiotics to take for adults with acute respiratory infections, only the attending doctor decides after the diagnosis. Highly active drugs are macrolides. They are prescribed for damage to the respiratory system and are effective against a variety of pathogens. They help eliminate bacterial infections of the ENT organs, cope with pneumonia.
These antibiotics have few side effects, are well tolerated and can be used even during pregnancy. Among the most common macrolides, it is necessary to highlight such as Sumamed, Clarithromycin, Azithromycin, Macropen.

The drug "Azithromycin" is quite effective in atypical pneumonia, which is provoked by chlamydia or mycoplasma. In addition, the drug can be used to treat streptococcal infections. This drug has such advantageslike:
- ease of use;
- low toxicity;
- virtually no side effects.
"Azithromycin" is used to treat tonsillitis, as well as in the presence of allergies to other types of antibiotics.
The drug "Sumamed" refers to macrolides with a wide spectrum of action. It is active against atypical pathogens. Bacteria do not develop resistance to this drug. The duration of the course of antibiotic therapy against acute respiratory infections for adults is only 3 days. It is enough to take only 1 tablet. With proper treatment, there are no side effects.
Treatment of acute respiratory infections with antibiotics, which belong to the group of cephalosporins, gives a very good result. They are effective and safe. However, they have certain subtleties of application. It is worth noting that cephalosporins, just like some penicillins, tend to break down under the influence of beta-lactamase, but this happens much less often.
Cephalosporin antibiotics for acute respiratory infections and influenza are prescribed mainly in the form of an injection, but their administration is quite painful. They are used only in case of ineffectiveness or intolerance to macrolides and penicillins.

The most famous cephalosporin is the drug "Ceftriaxone". It works very well against bacteria that cause cold complication. The main indications for its use are:
- flu complication or pneumonia;
- purulentangina;
- lung abscess;
- bacterial diseases of the genitourinary system;
- meningitis.
This antibiotic is very successful in dealing with anaerobic bacteria. It is very quickly absorbed by the body and has a positive result. However, this tool has certain contraindications, which should be attributed to:
- hepatitis, liver failure;
- cardiovascular disease;
- kidney pathology;
- individual intolerance.
Basically, the drug is prescribed in tablet form. Injections are prescribed in especially severe cases and administered in a hospital.
Quite often, acute respiratory infections are treated with the antibiotic Cefuroxime Axetil. It is prescribed for the treatment of severe infections, especially those that affect the respiratory system. The drug is available in the form of dry powders for injection, as well as tablets. Adults are prescribed 250-500 ml of the active substance per day. The dosage is divided into 2 doses. The break must be at least 5 hours. The treatment course is 10 days, but it can be extended or reduced at the discretion of the doctor.
The drug "Cefotaxime" is well tolerated, with a minimum of side effects, as well as a wide spectrum of action. Specialists often prescribe it for complications of the common cold. The drug is available in the form of a powder. Since the drug can provoke systemic reactions, a doctor's supervision is required when taking it.
Cefepime is a fourth-generation cephalosporin. It is a broad-spectrum drug that affects manybacteria. It is often prescribed when the cause of the disease is not exactly established. The drug is available only in the form of an injection.
"Supraks" refers to third-generation cephalosporins. It is used to treat respiratory infections.
Many are interested in what antibiotics are taken for acute respiratory infections and what effect they have. The drug from the group of fluoroquinolones "Levofloxacin" has proven itself well. Available in the form of tablets and solution for intravenous injection. It is prescribed mainly for the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections, in particular, such as pneumonia.
Ofloxacin is available as a solution for injections and tablets. It is active against many strains of bacteria that have already developed resistance to other antibacterial agents. The dosage is selected only by the attending doctor, and it is unacceptable to exceed it because of the risk of side effects.
Other types of antibiotics
Sometimes doctors prescribe other types of antibiotics. These include the drug "Tetracycline" from the group of tetracyclines. It successfully fights bacteria of the respiratory and urinary tract. It is enough to take 1 tablet of 250 mg 2-3 times a day per day. It is necessary that the interval between doses be at least 5 hours. The therapeutic course is basically a week, although it all depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease.
Clonacom-X is a combined antibiotic. The course of therapy is 10 days. Use this remedy with caution during pregnancy. The drug "Ampisid" is effective in the treatment of respiratory organs, diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, ENT organs. This remedy is contraindicated during pregnancy.
The drug "Fromilid" is presented in the form of tablets and granules for suspension. Contraindications are kidney disease.
Features of the use of antibiotics
In order to effectively eliminate the symptoms of acute respiratory infections, antibiotic treatment in adults generally lasts 5-7 days. At the same time, a noticeable improvement in the patient's well-being is observed already on the 3rd day. In especially severe cases, it may be necessary to extend the course of therapy up to 10 days, but only after agreement with the attending doctor.
It is strictly forbidden to stop using the product immediately when you feel better. ARI after antibiotics may return again and the bacteria will already be immune to them. The period of treatment is selected by the doctor, since only a specialist can determine how long it will take to destroy pathogens. It is strictly forbidden to skip a dose of the drug.
It is worth remembering that antibacterial agents kill not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria. That is why it is very important to take care of their restoration so as not to disrupt the normal intestinal microflora. In this case, the doctor prescribes probiotics that prevent the development of dysbacteriosis.
Treatment during pregnancy
Quite often the question arises as to which antibiotics can be taken during pregnancy with acute respiratory infections. Antibacterial agents during the period of bearing a baby are prescribed onlyas a last resort, choosing only the safest means. Before prescribing the drug, it is necessary to determine the causative agent of the disease, as well as its sensitivity to a certain group of drugs.
A pregnant woman may be prescribed penicillins, in particular, such as Ampicillin and Oxacillin. In some cases, cephalosporins, such as Azithromycin, may be prescribed. The dosage is basically standard, it all depends on the gestational age and the course of the disease. Sometimes an individual course of therapy may be prescribed.

During treatment, it is very important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Studies have shown that antibiotics do not affect the development of the fetus. However, some groups of drugs have toxic effects and can lead to impaired kidney function, the formation of the hearing apparatus and the formation of teeth.
It is highly undesirable to take antibiotics in the first trimester of pregnancy. If such a need arises, then constant medical supervision is required.
In order for the treatment to be effective, and the use of antibiotics does not harm the body, you need to follow certain rules, namely:
- use antibiotics strictly according to indications;
- do not change the dosage yourself;
- do not stop taking the medicine after the normalization of he alth;
- Ensure plenty of fluids during therapy.
It is worth noting that antibacterial agents are quite strong andmay be toxic to the liver and kidneys. When they are taken, allergies can develop, which provokes an imbalance of microflora in the intestines, which leads to dysbacteriosis, decreased immunity and other problems.
It is very harmful to take antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. This can lead to the development of habituation of bacteria to active substances, after which the drug ceases to act without providing the required therapeutic effect.
When prescribing antibiotics for colds, you must very strictly follow the recommendations and prescriptions of your doctor. It is forbidden to interrupt the treatment at will. Only in this case, antibiotic therapy will be most effective.
Even if you choose the best antibiotic for acute respiratory infections, it should be borne in mind that in any case, these drugs have certain contraindications. They must be taken very carefully, since chemicals still enter the body. Certain types of antibacterial agents are contraindicated for:
- pregnancy;
- renal and liver failure;
- asthma;
- allergies.
Antibiotics don't mix well with alcohol and drugs. At the time of therapy, you need to abandon them. Some other medicines are also incompatible with antibiotics.
According to the reviews, the drug "Azithromycin" helps well. This is a powerful antibiotic that normalizes well-being in just a few days. Also goodthe drug "Amoxicillin" has proven itself. It works quite quickly and is quite inexpensive. It is worth noting that the result begins immediately after taking the medicine and it has very few side effects.