Diarrhea is a violation of the digestive tract, when the feces become liquid, and the trips to the toilet themselves are frequent. Often this symptom may be accompanied by bloating, profuse gas formation, burning in the anus, sharp and cutting pains in the abdomen. Not only low-quality food can cause diarrhea, but also drugs that kill beneficial microflora and allow pathogenic microorganisms to cause dysbacteriosis, irritating the intestinal walls, disrupting the valves and making it difficult to evacuate processed food. In this article, we will share popular methods that fight loose stools. Folk remedies for diarrhea are ideal not only for adults, but also for children.

Drink clear broth or juice
It is important to understand that loose stools are a sure sign that your body is trying to cleanse itself of toxins and toxins. But there is a folk remedy for diarrhea that allows you to restore the disturbed water-s alt balance.
Prepare the broth using lean chicken breast, remembering to remove the foam in time and leave the pan uncovered. If there is no possibilityTo prepare such a dish, then drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice. You should not buy drinks in the store, it is better to make it yourself. At the same time, avoid juices derived from tomatoes, pineapples, citrus fruits, because their acids can irritate an already inflamed intestine. Drink the prepared liquid in small sips and try to do this every half hour.

Orange peel tea
A traditional folk remedy for diarrhea in adults and children, which provides emergency aid to the digestive system, is brewing a drink using orange peel.
To prepare such a drink, it is best to use organic fruits. Inorganic foods contain a large amount of dyes and pesticides, which also irritate the intestinal and stomach mucosa. For tea, you need to peel the orange, leaving only the peel, which is then thoroughly washed with water and cut into small pieces. Brew the drink with boiling water and insist until our natural tea cools down.
Don't forget to cover the dishes with a lid where the drink is being prepared. If desired, you can add a little honey to get rid of the slight bitterness.
Rice aid
Eating regular white rice is another popular folk remedy for diarrhea. Boil a few cups of grains, without adding butter or vegetable oil, s alt or other spices. Cool and eat in small portions until the diarrhea leaves you alone. main featuresuch a folk remedy for diarrhea is that rice porridge envelops the intestinal wall, providing a mild anti-inflammatory effect.
Chamomile tea
This floral drink is known for more than just its calming properties. Chamomile tea often saves people during bouts of diarrhea. A decoction of the plant attacks the problem on two fronts at once: it fights inflammation and relieves intestinal cramps.

Calling honey for help
There is an ancient folk remedy for diarrhea in adults and children - a honey drink. Many nations use this method to eliminate loose stools and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. All you need is to mix 4 tablespoons of honey in a cup of hot water, then cool and drink in small sips.
Drink some vinegar water
If the cause of loose stools is a bacterial infection, then use this folk remedy for diarrhea. Fast and effective - that's what they say about apple cider vinegar, which is really able to eliminate the problem, thanks to its antibiotic properties. Moreover, many experts on "grandmother's" methods claim that such a remedy contains pectin, which can calm intestinal spasms.
Apple puree
If you didn’t have a juicer at hand, then don’t rush to get upset. You can make applesauce and eat it to get rid of loose stools. In addition, this is a really effective folk remedy for diarrhea for children.
Take oneapple, peel it, cut the pulp into pieces, and then grind the fruit with a blender until you get a homogeneous mass. Or grate it on a fine grater. If the apple is too sour, add some honey. You can eat this puree with a spoon, or you can spread it on a piece of dried black bread.
Brew the cumin seeds
This spice with a pronounced taste and aroma will not be to everyone's liking. Some cumin scares and annoys, but it is he who will help answer the question of how to treat diarrhea with folk remedies.
Take a teaspoon of seeds, pour 350 milliliters of boiling water over it, cover and steep for 15 minutes. Strain through a sieve before serving.
Caffeine free teas
Treatment of diarrhea with folk remedies at home should begin with basic knowledge. So, the usual black tea that is on your shelf is rich in tannins, namely tannins, which have an astringent effect on the intestinal mucosa. This helps the body absorb fluid and relieve inflammation.
Always choose decaffeinated black teas because decaffeinated teas are highly dehydrating, only worsening a person's condition during diarrhea. You can replace the drink with a red tea, such as rooibos (rooibos), which soothes colon spasms.

Use extra fresh or dried raspberry, blackberry leaves. But try to never drink flavored tea if you have loose stools.
Yogurtwith bifidobacteria
Courmet milk products, which are filled with live bacterial cultures such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium, are an excellent folk remedy for diarrhea.
These microorganisms help restore the beneficial intestinal microflora, destroy pathogenic bacteria that cause loose stools with spasms.
In 2009, trials were conducted that made it clear that probiotics are an excellent remedy for diarrhea. Just two cups of yogurt a day and you will feel noticeable relief. And if you want to achieve maximum effect, then add one ripe banana to the dairy product.
Ginger root
Treating diarrhea with folk remedies is the best way to get rid of the problem without harming the gastrointestinal tract. Ordinary ginger will help you fight the disease, which also helps with food poisoning.
Take a piece of the root, peeled, spread it with a little honey, and then eat it. This method promotes the release of gastric juice, improving digestion. But do not drink water immediately after taking this remedy.
If eating fresh ginger seems strange to you, then just add it to black tea or boil the root with boiling water. Don't forget to add some honey before drinking this miraculous drink.
When you can't find fresh ginger, just use ready-made powder, sold in any spice department.
Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seedsrecommended for the treatment of diarrhea in adults. The folk remedy is known for its high content of gluten, which envelops the inflamed intestinal walls. Just add fenugreek seeds to natural yoghurt without flavors or additives.

Alternatively, you can combine half a teaspoon of cumin and fenugreek seeds with a dairy product. Eat this mixture three times a day to quickly get rid of loose stools.
Folk remedies for diarrhea at home can eliminate symptoms in just a few hours. Ripe bananas can help with this. These unremarkable fruits contain a large amount of pectin, a water-soluble fiber that allows you to quickly get rid of loose stools. Bananas are also rich in potassium, which is able to maintain electrolyte balance in the body. Just eat a few ripe fruits throughout the day until the diarrhea leaves you.
Carrot soup
Carrot soup is a unique food that has anti-dyspeptic properties, that is, it helps with upset stomach and intestines. Such a dish is especially useful for children, because it saturates the body with essential nutrients lost during loose stools.

You can prepare such a folk remedy for diarrhea at home. Just take 500 grams of carrots, rinse thoroughly and peel. Boil the vegetable for 15-20 minutes, and then drain the liquid into a separate bowl. Youyou can grind the carrots with a blender, adding the leftover broth to make a creamy soup. Lightly s alt the dish. Eat soup for several days, even if you notice improvement.
Turmeric is another natural remedy for diarrhea that not only works well but is also very cheap. If you want to quickly get rid of loose stools, then this method is ideal for you.
Most people store turmeric in their kitchen like a regular spice, so it's not difficult to prepare a miraculous solution. Take 1 teaspoon of the powder and stir it in a glass of warm water and then drink this drink divided into three portions.
But there is an alternative, in which turmeric is mixed with honey and live yogurt. If you decide to give such a remedy to a child, then use only half a teaspoon of the powder. It is recommended to take the mixture 3 times a day on an empty stomach, at least two days in a row.
Ginger Cinnamon Tea
Here's another easy homemade diarrhea remedy. Just mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger powder in a bowl, pour boiling water over it and steep for 10 minutes. Then strain the drink and drink.

The main feature of this method is that you can mix spices with yogurt and honey, add to black or herbal tea, and use fresh root instead of dry ginger. You will achieve a noticeable effect if you add a little gratedturmeric. Also use cinnamon on its own by sprinkling it on small pieces of apple or toasted toast.
Activated carbon
Activated charcoal is one of the most beloved natural remedies for diarrhea and indigestion. At the same time, these tablets really work, having an effect within a few hours after application. Activated charcoal itself is able to remove toxins, toxins and heavy metals from the intestines, and is also effective for food poisoning.
Take the remedy based on body weight: 10 kilograms - 1 tablet. As a rule, the recommended dosage is written on the packages, but often adults take 4-5 tablets or more.
Natural Probiotics
Living organisms can be found not only in fermented milk products such as cheeses, kefir, ayran, cottage cheese or yogurt. Probiotics are found in large quantities in beets, kombucha, sauerkraut, various pickles, and even dark chocolate.
You can buy pills with a high content of beneficial microorganisms, and you can also eat some sauerkraut or make freshly squeezed beetroot juice. But it is important to be careful, because with prolonged diarrhea, eating such foods is dangerous. It's best to talk to your doctor before using probiotics.
This is a great way to get rid of loose stools. Like rice, oatmeal coats the intestinal wall, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. True, such a dish must be cooked on water, without adding sugar,s alt, oil and other additives. But you can use some honey, cinnamon, apples.