"How to see with your eyes closed?" is a question of millions. Think it's impossible and you'll never be able to? But in vain. After all, we can do a lot, and we can do a lot. All you need is your desire and effort. How to see with closed eyes? Do you think that only clairvoyants and other people who are endowed with magical abilities can do this? I can reassure you, it's not. Any person who wants to learn this can achieve such magical results. I will say in advance that you need to stock up on great patience in order to see with your eyes closed. It's real and very interesting!

Steps to your goal:1. First you need to learn how to relax, get rid of all the problems and negative emotions that worry you. By doing this, you are preparing yourself and your spiritual power in order to open the third eye. By the way, the third eye is slightly above the eyebrow line.
2. Now you need to start opening your energy centers, also called chakras. They can be opened through meditation. You need to meditate in a quiet place where no one will disturb you, where you can forget about your problems andadversity. Sit comfortably, you can take the lotus position or any other position that is comfortable for you. Close your eyes and try to calm down, try to relax as much as possible.
3. Start the exercises if you want to be able to see with your eyes closed. Absolutely all sets of exercises should begin with balancing breathing. You need to inhale slowly through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, until the air in the lungs runs out. This exercise should be repeated repeatedly.

4. Next, close your eyes and touch the middle of your forehead with your index finger. This is where your so-called third eye is located. Very gently begin to press on this point, as if trying to open it slightly. Soon you will not only know the answer to the question "how to see with your eyes closed", but you will also be able to demonstrate it clearly.5. Now we will learn to distinguish the colors of objects with our eyes closed. We focus on any object and try to see what color it is. When it starts to work, take a short break.
6. We turn to the practice of distinguishing the shape of objects, looking at them with closed eyes. Once you learn to see colors, you will be able to recognize the shapes of objects.
7. After learning to see the shape of objects with your eyes closed, try something new. The next step is to practice mental approach to these subjects and study them in detail. Keep a notepad or notebook in order to record your progress in the exercises, and compare them with previous results. Wanna know whatcan you see with closed eyes? And you can even see what you cannot see open!

8. As your ability to see objects with your eyes closed improves, you will be able to use your third eye for distant observations. To do this, you need to close your eyes, try to slow down the pace of breathing and allow your mind to tune in to long distances. It can be space or the continents of the earth. This technique works very well, you just have to make a little effort and perseverance, and everything will work out. In addition, you will improve your body. Many people ask the question: "How to see with your eyes closed?" The answer is simple: follow these exercises, and the result will not be long in coming.