Avitaminosis is considered a serious pathology that threatens he alth. This is manifested by various symptoms, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. It is important that the therapy is timely and aimed at the complete elimination of the shortage. How to treat beriberi?
Avitaminosis is a deficiency of vitamins in the body. This phenomenon occurs:
- due to malnutrition - the lack of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries in the menu;
- destruction of vitamins due to improper storage or preparation of foods;
- disorders of the digestive system - nutrients are not absorbed or their production/metabolism is impaired;
- increased need for nutrients; observed during pregnancy, active growth, stress, heavy loads, sports;
- taking certain medications that destroy or interfere with the absorption of vitamins;
- presence of chronic ailments;
- alcoholism.

KThe risk group includes children born prematurely, due to insufficient formation of the gastrointestinal tract. The same applies to babies who are breastfed. Therefore, it is important to know how to treat beriberi.
Considering the topic of how to treat beriberi, you should know which component is missing. Women who follow strict diets for a long time often develop polyvitaminosis, because the body does not receive many nutrients.

Very often, doctors identify symptoms of beriberi, which indicate a lack of a particular component. Monoavitaminosis manifests itself in the form of the following signs:
- Vitamin A. Deficiency of the component is noticeable on the face: dryness, peeling of the skin occurs, rashes and premature wrinkles often appear. There is also a deterioration in the condition of hair, nails, teeth. Due to the dryness of the eyeball, twilight vision is impaired. In children with a lack of vitamin A, slow growth and inhibition of physical development, there is a deterioration in mental abilities.
- Vitamin C. A lack of ascorbic acid manifests itself in the form of a decrease in immunity, lethargy, loss of skin elasticity, and vascular disorders. With a prolonged lack of vitamin C in the diet, scurvy develops. There is a violation of the synthesis of collagen and the destruction of connective tissue. The disease begins with dizziness, pain in the muscles, joints. With the development of deficiency, hemorrhages occur on the gums and skin, teeth fall out.
- Vitamin E. The lack of this component manifests itself in the form of dry skin,the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation, the occurrence of numbness in the muscles, weakness. Sexual dysfunction is often found. Tocopherol is an important element for successful childbearing, and a lack of vitamin E leads to infertility.
- Vitamin D. Due to a deficiency, softening of the bones is observed, cramps, pain in the bones and muscles appear. In childhood, a lack of calciferol manifests itself in the form of rickets, the severe forms of which lead to bone deformity, curvature of the legs and skull bones. In adults, the deformity does not develop, but there is a tendency to fracture.
- Vitamin K. Its deficiency manifests itself in the form of internal hemorrhages, subcutaneous and nosebleeds.
Other manifestations
How else is beriberi manifested:
- B1. With a lack of a vitamin, the psycho-emotional system suffers. There is tearfulness, irritability, reduced memory, performance. Then the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the heart and blood vessels, is disrupted. The extreme degree of thiamine deficiency is beriberi disease.
- B2. Lack of riboflavin manifests itself in the form of decreased activity, weakness, loss of appetite. There may also be additional symptoms: weight loss, loss of curls, decreased vision, inflammation in the oral cavity.
- Q3. The disease that occurs when there is a lack of niacin is called pellagra. When the disease affects the skin in the form of symmetrical areas of inflammation on the face. The work of the intestines is also disrupted, encephalopathy appears.
- B6. Vitamin deficiency leads to irritability, drowsiness, damage to peripheral nerves. There is inflammation on the skin and mucous membranes. Children develop anemia.
- B12. From the lack of cyanocobalamin, anemia develops with weakness, tinnitus, impaired consciousness. There is glossitis (raspberry tongue), depression.

To learn how to treat beriberi, diagnostic measures should be taken. The main criterion is the assessment of specific symptoms. With the initial examination, the doctor pays attention to the patient's appearance - the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, the correspondence of height and weight, nutrition, the presence of bad habits.
To clarify the diagnosis, the following is required:
- test for twilight adaptation of vision (for vitamin A deficiency);
- Vacuum capillary resistance test - determination of the number of bruises (with hypovitaminosis C).
Reveal if rickets, X-ray examination of the bones will allow. The exact amount of vitamins in the blood and urine is determined by laboratory tests. Appropriate analyzes provide information on the content of vitamins A, C, E, B. Diagnosis of vitamin K deficiency is performed by a coagulogram and determination of prothrombin levels, the change of which is confirmation of a blood clotting disorder.
How to treat beriberi on the hands? Medicines and procedures should be selected by the doctor based on the deficiency of components. The initial stages of beriberi, which appear due to malnutrition, can be compensated by correctiondiet. How to treat beriberi in adults? In addition to the introduction of missing foods, basic rules are required to maintain vitamins in food:
- Vegetables and fruits should not be stored in a metal container, and it is advisable to use a ceramic knife when processing them.
- It is important that the storage location is dark and cool, out of direct sunlight.
- Most vitamins are stored when steamed or in the oven.
If deficiency is detected, substitution therapy is prescribed. Dietary supplements, monopreparations or injectables can be used in treatment if absorption or absorption of components from the gastrointestinal tract is impaired.

For vitamin D deficiency, physiotherapy is used - irradiation with a UV lamp. The course and duration of treatment is set by the doctor based on the shortage of the replenished component.
How to treat beriberi in children? They need to normalize nutrition, because with its help a lot of vitamins enter the body. Also, the doctor may prescribe special complexes. How to treat beriberi in the hands of a child, it is better to consult a specialist.
On the skin
With a lack of vitamins A and B in the body, symptoms of the disease appear on the body and hands. This usually manifests itself in the form of peeling, dryness, cracks. There is seborrhea. The cause of this disease can be diet and smoking. In this case, vitamins are taken throughout the year for recovery. Treatment will not take long if in the dietthere will be products that restore skin cells.

How to treat beriberi on the fingers? In this case, you need to eat enough fish, vegetables, fruits. Vegetables and fruits should be eaten raw to preserve their valuable properties. How else to treat beriberi in the hands of an adult? Peaches, pumpkin, carrots should be introduced into the diet. How to treat beriberi on the lips? Useful foods rich in vitamins E and D, which are found in nuts, herbs, olive oil.
Pharmacy vitamins
These are special preparations with nutritional components that are required for the prevention and treatment of beriberi. Special medicines are used in which patients can be sure. Doctors often prescribe the following medications:
- "Thiamin", "Cyanocobalamin", "Pyridoxine".
- Pentovit, Beviplex, Demoton.
- Oligovit, Revivon, Complivit.
The advantage of multivitamins is properly selected combinations of components. Some vitamins are difficult to harmonize with each other, as they neutralize each other's activity. Other components are absorbed only in the presence of certain minerals. In pharmacy products, these features are taken into account and the optimal combinations of vitamins are selected. This allows you to get rid of the symptoms of beriberi and improve your general condition.
Among traditional medicine there are effective recipes with herbs:
- You will need a leaf of black currant, nettle, raspberry, mint, elder flowers, rowan fruits,herb oregano, coltsfoot (1 tsp each). Everything is poured with boiling water (1 glass), insisted in a thermos, filtered. You need to take ¼ cup half an hour before meals 3 times a day.
- Need a mixture of rose hips and rowan fruits. Pour boiling water over (1 cup). After insisting in a thermos, the product is filtered and taken ½ cup 3 times a day.
- Rose hips, lingonberries, nettle leaves (2 tablespoons each) are brewed with boiling water (1 cup), set in a water bath for ¼ hours. Then it is infused for an hour and filtered. You need to take the remedy 3 times a day for a glass.
In order for the body to work properly, a constant balance of nutrients is required. Prevention is required to protect it:
- Proper nutrition. The diet includes vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products, cereals.
- Caring for the preservation of vitamins in food.
- Exclusion of bad habits.
- Outdoor walks.
- Treatment of comorbidities.
- Additional intake of vitamins during exercise, pregnancy.
- Use of vitamin-mineral complexes.

Useful products
So, we figured out how to treat beriberi on the face and lack of vitamins in general. You should also consider that there are foods rich in vitamins:
- Alfalfa. It is rich in vitamin A. Alfalfa contains 6 times more retinol than carrots. It is taken in the form of decoctions, added to salads and made into juices.
- Beeryeast. They contain vitamins B1 and B2. These components are also found in whole wheat, almonds, walnuts. Whole wheat contains the most vitamin B6.
- Seaweed. Contain a lot of vitamin B12.
- Rose hips are a major source of ascorbic acid, as are kiwi and peppers.
- Corn oil. 5 ml of the product is enough per day to provide the norm of vitamin E. Somewhat less of it in sunflower, olive oils, avocados.
- Spinach. Includes a high concentration of vitamin K.

Vitaminosis affects many and often do not even know what causes unpleasant symptoms. It is difficult to identify the cause of these disorders, therefore, the doctor will not immediately select the choice of treatment method. It is much better to avoid vitamin deficiency, eat right and take biological supplements.