People have used herbs to treat various ailments for centuries and millennia. Through trial and error, herbalists came to the conclusion that this or that herb helps. In exactly the same way, it was revealed that there is a plant that helps with almost everything. This herb is called Astragalus. Syrup (modern form of release) or infusion prepared from it has the widest scope.
A bit of history

Astragalus woolly-flowered (under this name scientists know it) belongs to the legume family. In the people, this plant is called somewhat differently - cat peas. This herb is also known under the name Polish count, centaury. And this perennial plant rightfully belongs to the name "Scythian grass of life." Scythian healers used infusions from this plant exclusively for the treatment of royal people. The commoners of that time were treated with astragalusprohibited by law, the violation of which could cost lives. An infusion (the predecessor of the modern form of release - syrup) of the herb astragalus woolly-flowered was prescribed for use by all men of the royal family without fail. The then doctors were sure that this plant helps even from old age.
Astragalus grows in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia, the south of the country. Due to the fact that the plant is less and less common in nature in a wild form, astragalus is included in the Red Book. For medicinal purposes, the plant is harvested during the period of mass flowering (May, June).
What's the secret?
For many centuries, the plant was used by people purely intuitively, because it helped with so many diseases. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists unraveled this secret. The astragalus plant (syrup or infusion even more so than the plant itself) is simply replete with flavonoids. Moreover, it is so rich that it is able to resist oncological diseases. In addition, these substances (flavonoids) are able to absorb excess ultraviolet radiation from the human body, thus protecting it from radiation.

Astragalus is also rich in organic acids, the presence of which can have a positive effect on the digestion process. With the participation of these acids, the human body effectively absorbs all the beneficial substances that come with food. A useful microflora is formed in the intestines, the rate of development of putrefactive processes decreases.
Separate words require tannins contained in astragalus. Their sphere of influence is participation in the synthesis of hemoglobin, strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, bactericidal and astringent properties. A lot of effects are provided by the essential oils that make up the astragalus plant. A syrup (as well as an infusion) can have a lot of positive effects: anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antimicrobial, sedative, and many others. However, the trace element selenium deserves a separate chapter.
Selenium aura of Astragalus

The effect of selenium on the human body can be called comprehensive. Back in the mid-70s of the last century, Chinese scientists started talking about the benefits of selenium. First, it was found that in a separate group of patients (children and young women), selenium is able to cure diseases of the heart muscle. Further, it turned out that with the participation of this microelement, the activity of the heart in patients of all ages is normalized, and the vascular walls are strengthened. And as you know, he althy blood vessels are the prolongation of the youth of the whole organism.
However, the sphere of influence of selenium is not limited to the heart and blood vessels. Experts recommend taking selenium in one form or another for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, liver, tumors of various etymologies, and manifestations of allergies. In general, if a person wants to be he althy, he must make up for the lack of selenium in his body.
So, astragalus has, one might say, a gift of selenium. Syrup "Astragalus" (including the herb itself) contains selenium togetherwith vitamins C and E. But it is these vitamins that doctors prescribe in parallel with taking selenium-containing drugs. That is, nature independently took care of the maximum absorption of selenium, which is possible only against the background of the presence of vitamins E and C.
Why syrup?

Usually a person is inclined to believe that he can plant any medicinal plant in his garden, and it will have all the properties described in medical encyclopedias. In some cases, this may not be far from the truth. But with astragalus, everything is completely different. Any plant accumulates in itself those elements that are in the soil. Therefore, for the manufacture of syrup, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Voshchenko V. A. recommended using only wild plants growing in ecologically clean areas. It is under such conditions that selenium accumulates, which has such a wide impact on the human body.
In addition, at home it is impossible to meet all the conditions and prepare high-quality Astragalus Voshchenko syrup. And in industrial production, as a rule, everything is taken into account, even the most insignificant nuances in the opinion of the layman. Therefore, the product is of high quality, with a lot of positive effects and indications for use.
Sphere of influence

The scope of astragalus syrup is quite wide. As mentioned earlier, the drug is widely used for various heart problems, it will be quite effective in the development of hypertension, chronicinsufficiency in the circulatory system, glomerulonephritis. Positive results can be achieved in the treatment of rheumatism, problems of the female genital area, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, headaches and chronic fatigue. Astragalus has long been considered a good remedy for the treatment of brain problems, with nervous diseases. Syrup "Astragal" consumer reviews are positioned as an effective drug for recovering from serious illnesses. With a good positive effect, the syrup is used in the treatment of cancer, preventing the development of a tumor.
The constituent components of this plant are able to increase and maintain the hemoglobin content in the blood at the proper level, increase the life span of red blood cells, and support immunity. For pregnant women and children, syrup is especially indicated for use. The drug has a general beneficial effect on the entire human body, slows down the aging process.
Who is Astragalus contraindicated for?
Like any medicine, even homeopathic, astragalus has contraindications for use. People with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the astragalus plant should not take it. The syrup is also contraindicated in a group of patients suffering from acute forms of kidney disease, which may be accompanied by edema.
Syrup dosing regimen
The properties of astragalus are so unique that it can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases ranging from the common cold to cancerproblems. To maintain your body in good condition, it is enough for an adult to take from 10 to 30 drops of syrup daily. For children, the recommended dose corresponds to the age of the child: 1 year - 1 drop per day, 2 years - 2 drops, etc. The price of Astragal Syrup in the pharmacy is not so high compared to the powerful healing effect that the drug is able to have on the human body as a whole and its individual organs in particular.

Issue price
Syrup "Astragal" is offered to customers in a package of 12 bottles. Each vial contains 20 g of the drug (300 drops in total). Depending on the region of Russia, the price for Astragal syrup can range from 200 to 250 rubles per bottle. Thus, the cost of packaging will be in the range from 2400 to 3000 rubles. Although some pharmacies offer one bottle and at a price of up to 300 rubles.
Patients' opinion about Astragalus syrup
All the information you can find about astragalus syrup is positive. Moreover, patients respond with completely different problems. A sufficiently large group of patients indicates a significant improvement and normalization of blood pressure even after a relatively short period of admission. Many write about reducing the intensity of headaches or even completely getting rid of this problem. Astragalus syrup also has positive reviews from those people who suffer from varicose veins.

A separate topic is the use of syrup for children. Here, the reviews of parents are numerous and speak of its high effectiveness. Someone's teeth come out absolutely painlessly and without problems, someone's child has ceased to be afraid of every breath of the breeze without the risk of catching a cold. Many little consumers sleep much more peacefully at night, and show miracles of curiosity and a rapid increase in vocabulary during the day.
The absolute majority of consumers express their opinion about astragalus syrup only in a positive way, which indicates the high effectiveness of this medication in maintaining the human body in a he althy state.