How many millennia humanity has already existed, the same number of people have been sick. A person is active and emotionally liberated only when he is he althy. As soon as some problems with well-being began, the external and internal appearance of a person completely changes. Many external and internal aggressive factors can cause serious and, moreover, irreparable harm to he alth. Here and bad ecology, and poor-quality nutrition, and life in constant stressful situations. Today, in the 21st century, scientists have already found out that to live, balancing between he alth and its absence, a person is allowed by his immunity. The "Transfer Factor" dietary supplement, which is very, very widely used by consumers, helps to maintain it in proper condition.
Marketing history

The American doctor S. Lawrence in the middle of the last century made an experiment with a person with tuberculosis. The bottom line was the introduction (transfer) of leukocyte extract from a he althy person to a sick person. And tuberculosis receded. Based on this, the scientist concluded that there are certain peptides that are, in a way, carriers and transmitters of immune information. These peptides are called "Transfer Factor". Dietary supplements, reviews of which characterize the drug as an effective remedy for many diseases, can be called a transfer factor in another way.

At first it was assumed that the "Transfer Factor" peptides could be isolated only from human blood, which created certain difficulties. There was a certain percentage risk of transmission. In addition, the raw material for obtaining the drug (human blood) could be obtained in very limited quantities, so the release of "Transfer Factor" on an industrial scale was not expected.
In the 80s of the last century, it turned out that it was possible to isolate "Transfer Factor" (reviews about the drug were not yet available to a wide range of consumers) not only from human blood. All types of vertebrates are suitable for this, and peptides - information carriers - are the same for all. In addition, it became known that egg yolks and cow colostrum are ahead of human blood in terms of the percentage of "Transfer factor" in them. The immune system of chickens and cows turned out to be much more powerful than the human one, which, in principle, is not surprising, given the conditions under which and for how long these species of vertebrates survived in the wild.
Ultramembrane filtration method developed in1989, allowed to isolate in its pure form and without impurities the dietary supplement "Transfer factor". Customer reviews already then characterized the drug in the majority of cases positively.
Main Functions
Currently "Transfer Factor" is offered to customers in five series: "Classic", "Plus", "Advance", "Cardio" and "Glucouch". Each species has its own direction, line of influence. They are united by the fact that they all contain Transfer Factor peptides. A positive effect on the immune system is due to the functional features of the 3 fractions present in the preparation.

1. The inductor component calls the immune system to adequate protection against the invasion of antigens (foreign elements) during the period of immunodeficiency in the human body. The main purpose of this fraction is to activate the production of antibodies to neutralize antigens that have invaded the body.
2. The suppressor component is activated in those cases when a person's own immune system "does not recognize" his own cells and tissues, takes them for others, and proceeds to their active destruction. The main function of suppression is to suppress the immune system, to stop its "attack" on your own body.
3. The antigenic component is, one might say, the most unique component of the Transfer Factor preparation (reviews of people who received the result of the highest level are proof of this). The main function is the identification (recognition) of antigens and their subsequent "remembering". This factionstores all the information about antigens ever encountered and, when they meet again, shares “its secret data” with the immune system, which, having such a weapon, easily copes with strangers.
Optimal correction of immunity
Based on the presence of the three components described above in the "Transfer Factor", this drug can be safely attributed to immunomodulating agents. In simple terms, this group of peptides can be called the intelligence of the immune system due to their unique properties. The weakened immune system "Transfer Factor" (reviews - direct evidence) strengthens, stimulates its work. If the immune system is in a hyperactive state, the dietary supplement will bring it to a normal state, “suppressing” the activity of the immune system to the required level. After "communication" with external negative bodies (antigens), the drug will retain information about them and the results of "interaction" with them and will pass this "experience" from generation to generation.
Indications for use

Since "Transfer Factor" is classified as a dietary supplement, it can be taken by almost all he althy people. The manufacturer of the drug - the company "4life Research" - stops the attention of consumers on certain, general groups of cases. You can resort to taking the drug in any state of human immunodeficiency. This includes tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C, AIDS, etc. Infections of various etymologies (bacterial, fungal,viral) can also be effectively treated with this drug. Various lesions of the cardiovascular system, oncology, autoimmune problems of the body can be corrected by the drug "Transfer Factor". Feedback from customers and professionals characterize dietary supplements as a good tool for removing the negative effects of treatment with various potent drugs. A preventive course against diseases of any nature will also ensure the intake of this group of peptides.
How to take?
You should not prescribe the dosage yourself. It is better to consult a specialist. After all, the dose in each case depends on the disease, its severity, stage, intensity. In addition, the immune status of a person, the individual characteristics of the organism, are important. Reviews about taking 4life "Transfer factors" and general advice and recommendations of specialists regulate the use of the drug during meals or immediately after.
The general recommendation of doctors - to drink 2 liters of fluid a day - becomes as relevant as possible, for the reason that water is an ideal "vehicle" for delivering the smallest particles of the drug to the farthest corners of our body. In addition, with the intake of "Transfer Factor" the activity of the immune system increases, and all the residual products of its vital activity are easily excreted with water.
BADS TF in gynecology and pediatrics
During pregnancy, the use of the immune preparation "Transfer Factor" is also acceptable. Reviews of gynecologists make it clear that taking the drug will be justified in cases wherepregnancy is quite difficult, existing chronic diseases are exacerbated. In addition, if any obvious or hidden infections (herpes, intestinal infections, ureaplasmosis, etc.) are found in the body of the expectant mother, the course of pregnancy is complicated, there may be a threat of miscarriage. In these cases, experts also recommend taking "Transfer Factor". The drug will not be superfluous in cases where, as a result of pregnancy, a woman's immunity has decreased or signs of hormonal imbalance have appeared.
However, to the question of whether there are negative reviews about Transfer Factor, one cannot say unequivocally "no". After all, from the point of view of a medical specialist, "transfer factor" has a protein structure. A foreign protein may well cause an allergic reaction, it's all about the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

From the beginning of the 20th century until the 1980s, there was an opinion in medicine that maternal colostrum is inherently immature milk and harms the he alth of a newborn baby. Therefore, it was recommended to express colostrum, to apply the baby to the breast on the third day. As a result, a practical whole generation of people has lost information about the mass of antigens that humanity has met before and about which the human immune system “knows” and is able to resist them. Who knows, maybe that's why there are so many allergies among children and teenagers now, and by the time they graduate from school, almost every child has a whole bunch ofdiseases of varying severity. For this reason, reviews on the use of "Transfer Factor" in pediatrics, as they say, have a place to be. And both positive and negative.
Many parents say that they gave their children "Transfer Factor" on the recommendation of pediatricians from diseases of various directions. Someone quite successfully fights against frequent colds, someone tries to cope with lesions of the nervous system. In general, we can say that the results of using the drug for the treatment and prevention of various diseases in children are positive.
Consumer and professional opinion
As mentioned earlier, the instructions for use recommend taking the immune preparation "Transfer Factor" in dosages that are different from each other for different diseases, stages and intensity. A fairly large number of female patients write that they took Transfer Factor for various problems of the female genital area. The drug has shown itself to be a fairly effective adjuvant for improving physical condition. Some patients who are in a state of menopause have menstruation. Many took TF for gastrointestinal diseases, and after 3-2 weeks a positive effect was observed.
There were reviews of patients taking the drug in the acute stage of psoriasis. Already after 10-12 days, there was a stable improvement in the condition of the skin, the removal of the inflammatory process. Within a month of taking TF, the bright manifestations of psoriasis disappeared, there was a slight peeling of the skin, more like seborrhea.
Has"Transfer factor" reviews are positive in case of frequent colds, fatigue, lethargy. Reception "Transfer factor" for a month removed all the negative symptoms. People write about the use of TF in a state of depression. The positive effect appeared quite quickly, the psychophysical state of the body stabilized.
In general, dietary supplement TF is quite effective in diseases of very different etymology, direction, intensity.
Panacea for all diseases found?

If we take into account all the information about the drug "Transfer Factor", reviews of the bulk of buyers and many doctors, then the thought comes to mind that medicine has done the impossible - it has discovered a cure for all diseases. However, if for a non-specialist everything appears in very rosy colors and perspectives, then for a person engaged in scientific research in the field of chemistry, immunology, and medicine in general, a number of questions arise.
Nowhere, in any source, is it written that the drug has passed any clinical trials. Moreover, drug trials are quite specific: people do not pay for treatment and do not have information about what they are being treated with (this is necessary in order to avoid the placebo effect). From this we can conclude that no in-depth studies have been conducted on both the benefits of the drug and the possible harm. In any, even a positive review, it is written: the doctor “advised, recommended”, and never - “wrote a prescription”. Sooccurs because the prescription pharmacy chain has the right to sell only certified drugs that have passed all the necessary studies and tests and are officially approved for use as medicines.
The only document that the drug has is the “Methodological Letter of the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation”. The conclusions of this document noted that the immunomodulatory effect of the use of "Transfer Factor" is comparable to the effect on the human body of frequently used modern immunomodulators (interferon, cytokine, etc.).
It would be correct and correct to say that the dietary supplement "Transfer factor" (who took it, of course, will confirm) is a good immunomodulatory drug with a certain positive effect. But no more.
The role of 4life Research
The negative reaction to the immune drug "Transfer Factor" in the scientific community among specialists in immunology in the United States was once provoked by the aggressive advertising of the company "4life Research". The booklets of the company told fantastic stories about the miraculous therapeutic effects of the use of "Transfer Factor" as a drug for the most severe pathologies: oncology, hepatitis B and C, etc. Meanwhile, the company did not provide any documents or scientific materials proving the harmlessness of the advertised drugs, their effectiveness. Reviews about dietary supplements 4life "Transfer factor" of ordinary consumers - that's all the company could boast of.
True, the media reported that “Transferfactor" from the manufacturer "4life Research" was, as they say, "with a bang" met in Russia. Conducted clinical studies of products for HIV infection, osteomyelitis, psoriasis, genital herpes. The drug allegedly showed a bright therapeutic effect and was recommended for use as one of the therapeutic agents in complex therapy. True, again, in the materials presented to a wide range of consumers, there were no certain attributes, the presence of which is mandatory for evidence-based medicine. Also, there is no information anywhere that the products produced by 4life Research actually contain TF molecules. If the answer to this question is yes - fine, the authority of the long-standing term in immunology "transfer factor" will be restored. If the answer is negative, the dietary supplement produced by the company has no right to be called "Transfer Factor" and mislead consumers.
Self-suggestion is a great thing
So what is Transfer Factor? Reviews of a miracle or deceit? There are practically no contraindications, a huge list of diseases in which the drug manifests itself as an effective remedy. And at the same time, this is not a medicine from a legislative point of view, it is a dietary supplement that can be taken by almost everyone.

To accept or not to accept TF - the choice is up to the consumer. In any case, no one has yet canceled the placebo effect. If a person believes that this remedy will help him in the treatment of the disease, then it will be so.