The desire to visit the bathroom is familiar to everyone. But sometimes it happens that when she comes out of there, a woman not only does not feel relief, but begins to experience excruciating pain and pain. The urge to urinate does not stop, but further visits to the toilet are ineffective. Together with a slightly elevated body temperature, this condition can be regarded as acute cystitis. The signs of this disease in women are quite unambiguous, it is difficult to confuse it with something else.

The reasons can be different: careless personal hygiene, hypothermia, untreated STIs and gynecological diseases, etc. Quite often, cystitis manifests itself after the onset of an active sexual life. Often it occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. Therefore, it is extremely important to know what cystitis is. Signs in women of this disease are very common due to anatomy. The fact is that, unlike men, in women, the urethra - the urethra - is rather short and wide, so that bacteria easily penetrate the bladder, and in the absence of proper treatment, they move alongureters to the kidneys. Therefore, in order to prevent the development of serious diseases, it is so important to know the signs of cystitis in women.
Treatment should be prescribed by a urologist or urogynecologist. Since it is almost impossible to find the last specialist, urologists usually work in tandem with gynecologists. All appointments and recommendations should be treated

very carefully and seriously, since careless observance of them threatens with the appearance of at least chronic inflammation of the bladder, and this is an extremely unpleasant condition. In addition, often recurrent urethritis can be a consequence of acute cystitis, which also seriously affects normal life.
The signs of chronic cystitis, compared to an acute condition, are somewhat blurred: a woman feels pain and burning when urinating, the urge to visit the toilet may be more frequent, but this is no longer accompanied by a temperature. If she prefers uncontrolled intake of uraseptics and antibiotics to a visit to the doctor, over time, exacerbations will occur more and more often, and remissions will practically not occur. Of course, this greatly reduces the quality of everyday life, not to mention the associated problems in the sexual sphere.

How to prevent cystitis? Signs in women of this disease are often found after hypothermia, contributing to the launch of inflammatory processes. In addition, you need to be attentive to personal hygiene and visit a gynecologist in a timely manner and takeanalyses. Also, women are strongly advised not to refrain from visiting the ladies' room for a long time.
In addition, if you suspect cystitis, the signs in women of which were described above, before visiting a doctor, you can take the following measures: firstly, you need to ensure bed rest, and secondly, you need to drink a lot and empty as often as possible bladder. Best of all in this case, cranberry juice helps - it is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties. Some people also try to alleviate their condition with a heating pad. The best thing in case of suspicion of acute cystitis is to immediately and urgently visit a doctor. With proper treatment, relief occurs within a few hours.