How often people lead a sedentary lifestyle, which provokes a lot of he alth complications. Apart from the stiffness of the articular joints, most people suffer from the appearance of excess weight and a general deterioration in he alth. Not everyone has the time and financial opportunity to do gymnastics in gyms, but the desire to reduce accumulated body fat is observed in everyone without exception. For those who want to always be in good shape, today more and more doctors advise using muscle stimulators.
What is the secret of myostimulation?
Reviews about the Omron myostimulator, as well as its effectiveness, are positive. But a simple layman should analyze what a myostimulator is, what are the features of its use and who is not desirable to experiment on themselves.
The device is a non-traditional manual massager-simulator that allows you to keep the muscles of the body in good shape.

At the same time muscle trainingperformed without any physical activity, the main thing is to choose the required level of intensity.
The secret of the impact is in the device supplying electrical impulses to the soft tissues of the body from special plates, which force the muscles to contract. In other words, without being distracted from daily activities, you can exercise your muscles, simulating classes in the gym.
Device Advantages
Surprisingly, the result from micropulses is noticeably better than from physical exercises, because the myostimulator:
- rapidly increases muscle tone;
- actively burns excessive subcutaneous fat;
- visibly smoothes and firms the skin at the site of stimulation;
- promotes the acceleration of the metabolism in the body, which affects the general condition.
Myostimulation is a procedure that is beneficial and healing for the body.
For a number of reasons, most simply do not have enough time to go to specialized salons. Lack of time is not a reason to refuse myostimulation. Today you can buy a device for use at home.

Currently, judging by the reviews of medical professionals, myostimulators are in demand all over the world.
Of course, in order for the result from the use of a myostimulator to be the greatest, it is necessary to accurately select it for each individual case, this is best done with the help of a specialist. Everything depends on the problem area that requires weight loss and the power of the device itself.myostimulation.
From history
Initially, the muscle stimulator was invented to strengthen the muscle tone of astronauts, because their bodies were in weightlessness for a long time. Some time later, the invented simulators began to be used in medicine, helping to maintain muscle tone, but already bedridden patients. Such devices were used already in the era of the USSR and were called electrostimulators.
It is interesting that directly on the basis of these studies, with the participation of professionals who worked in the USSR, the trademark "ESMA" was organized. Today it is a recognized manufacturer of high-quality ESMA muscle stimulators widely used in medical centers.
After some time, Chinese manufacturers copied the manufacturing technology, and now myostimulators in a simplified version are widely presented on the market and are in demand.
Myostimulator "Omron E4"
The device of this company is manufactured in Japan by Omron He althcare. The muscle stimulator is specialized for use at home by people without special training in the field of medicine.

Myostimulator "Omron" is primitive in control and has excellent characteristics. Myostimulation is not only a cosmetic, but also a medical procedure.
Advantages of this type of model
Myostimulator "Omron E4" is actively used by people who are used to leading, as a rule, a sedentary lifestylelife, as well as people who, on the contrary, are intensely interested in sports.

This muscle stimulator is designed for use on areas:
- belly;
- backs;
- hips;
- waist;
- buttocks;
- calves and also feet.
The following features make the Omron E4 muscle stimulator so versatile:
- small volume of the machine;
- two plates with the purpose of general and point action;
- twelve power-up modes that are ideal for both the physically fit person and the non-trained body;
- large screen, which simplifies the process of operation and setup of the muscle stimulator;
- the ability to resume favorite programs;
- portability due to battery operation.
The Omron E2 muscle stimulator has similar properties, the only difference is that there are fewer programs and a correspondingly reduced price.
The characteristic features of these specific models of myostimulator include low weight, which does not exceed 160 grams, as well as the option of anesthesia.

Due to the choice of a program with stronger electrical stimulation, the anesthetic response comes quickly and lasts for quite a long time.
Instructions for using the myostimulator
This model was designed specifically for home use, so the instructions forMyostimulator "Omron" is simple and clear. With constant use, it brings high performance and should be exploited by people with diseases:
- chronic arthritis;
- chronic osteoporosis;
- hypertension;
- biliary dyskinesia;
- chronic migraines;
- impotence;
- enuresis.
As well as people with a sedentary lifestyle and overweight. The muscle stimulator serves as an alternative to regular exercises and strength exercises in the gym, moreover, the device will work all the muscle layers in the body, which no exercise can do.
The basis of the operation of the Omron E4 muscle stimulator does not differ from the action of any other muscle stimulator:
- Special plates from the myostimulator kit are installed on the designated area of the body.
- The strength of the microcurrent effect and one of the necessary programs are selected.
- Each program lasts exactly 15 minutes. It is especially important - the duration of the procedure for influencing a separate part of the body should not last longer than 30 minutes.
In the process of work, microwaves make their way through all layers of epidermal cells.
Do not use the pacemaker near the heart, neck, head and mouth.

The rather large range of action in particular makes this muscle stimulator an incredibly entertaining purchase. According to the instructions, the Omron E4 muscle stimulator is recommended for people with intense physical work as an effectivewarming agent.

Omron warms tissues, eliminates sprains, can help to cope with the consequences of injury.
Contraindications for use
"Omron E4" is prohibited for use by people who have been diagnosed with tumors of a benign or malignant nature.
Also contraindicated:
- pregnancy at any time;
- past myocardial infarction and other chronic diseases of the heart and vascular system;
- thrombosis;
- arrhythmia;
- infectious diseases;
- varicose veins;
- diseases of the respiratory system.
How much does a pacemaker cost?
The issue of cost is often one of the key when purchasing something. And the pacemaker is no exception. Considering the reviews on the Omron E4 myostimulator, this is quite a budget sample that can be bought for not very big money among a variety of other devices. The price range varies around 5550 rubles.
If you follow the rules of hygiene, then each person is recommended to use their own set of plates. Since there are only two plates included with the pacemaker, two additional plates must be purchased for a family of two. The cost of the plates also varies, disposable ones will cost customers from 1150 rubles per pair, and reusable ones will cost twice as much, from 2200 rubles.
The kit includes a soft case that allows you to easilystore and carry the pacemaker.