Ice cubes with chamomile decoction, blue clay masks, ointments, talkers or aloe juice can get rid of short-term and single acne. When the rashes are protracted and severe, it is necessary to connect antibacterial drugs. "Doxycycline" significantly alleviates the disease and improves the appearance of the skin. Is this antimicrobial suitable for everyone? The advice of practicing dermatologists will tell you how to take it correctly.
Indications for antibiotic treatment of acne
As a result of improper skin care or lack thereof, the use of inappropriate cosmetics, clogged pores, an inflammatory process occurs and acne appears. In addition, with microtrauma, when the rashes begin to "crush", pathogenic bacteria enter the wounds, which turns the most harmless pimple into a giant red spot.
In the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process in the body, for example, in the digestive organs, rashes can appear not only on the face, but throughout the body. In all these cases it will helpsystemic antimicrobial treatment. One of the most popular and effective is Doxycycline, which has proven itself over the years of use and has positive feedback from patients who got rid of acne.
Characteristics of the drug
"Doxycycline" is a semi-synthetic antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. It belongs to the group of tetracyclines. Such common pathogens as Escherichia coli, salmonellosis, chlamydia, as well as strepto- and staphylococci, which cause the formation of acne on the skin, are susceptible to the drug. Effective "Doxycycline" against acne, which are caused by the demodex mite. Such a disease is called demodicosis and, in addition to oral antibiotics, requires external therapy with ointments.

The drug is available in capsules of 50, 100 or 200 milligrams of the active ingredient, sealed in a blister. Additionally, there is a cardboard package.
Course of treatment and dose
How to take Doxycycline for acne? Acne therapy involves long-term use of the drug. Tablets at a dosage of 50 mg are taken once a day for 6-12 weeks. The duration of the course is determined by the dermatologist depending on the body's response to the medication.
How to take pills correctly
The main law in the treatment of antibiotics is not to swallow the capsules on an empty stomach, which can provoke irritation of the digestive tract. The drug is taken with or after meals. Preferably at the same timethere was a gap of 24 hours between the tablets. It is recommended to drink the drug with non-carbonated water, kefir or milk.
Before using the drug, it is important to read the instructions for "Doxycycline" for acne, and also inform your doctor about existing diseases and allergies.

Do not use tetracycline:
- during pregnancy;
- liver failure;
- lactation;
- component sensitivity;
- children under 9;
- leucopenia and porphyria.
Side effects
Some group of patients are particularly sensitive to the drug, and unpleasant symptoms may occur during therapy:
- nausea;
- vomit;
- skin rash and itching;
- increased perspiration;
- dizziness.

Prolonged treatment can cause discoloration of tooth enamel, dysbacteriosis, anemia or candidiasis.
Combination with other medicines
"Doxycycline" for acne should be taken with caution with other drugs. Tetracycline reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, so when taking antibiotics, additional barrier methods of contraception, such as a condom, are used. It is not recommended to drink alcohol, as this is an additional burden on the liver, and the period for removing the drug from the body increases.
Drug Benefits
Taking "Doxycycline" for acne, you can get an additional positive result. The antibiotic, due to the wide range of effects, destroys infections that did not manifest themselves in any way. Suppose, a course of therapy against acne is being carried out, and in parallel, the organs of the genitourinary system or the nasopharynx are being treated, in which there is a latent inflammation in a chronic form.

The drug is quite affordable, sold without a prescription, and can be found in almost any pharmacy, which gives it a clear privilege over other antibacterial agents.
Precautionary measures
In order to prevent the negative consequences of taking tetracycline, it is important throughout the course to carefully listen to your body and follow simple recommendations. During therapy, it is necessary to avoid being in direct sunlight, to sunbathe in the active sun from 11 to 16 hours. It is important to have regular tests for total blood counts, liver tests and serum urea.
How to avoid dysbacteriosis
Sufficiently long course of treatment of acne "Doxycycline" affects the microflora, which manifests itself in intestinal upset, the appearance of thrush or stomatitis. In the intestines there are millions of bifido- and lactobacilli, which are responsible for immunity and peristalsis. Antimicrobials destroy both pathogenic and beneficial organisms, as a result of which vitamins and other useful substances cease to be absorbed,Allergy appears.
To prevent the occurrence of dysbacteriosis, in parallel with "Doxycycline" from acne, you need to consume enough fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, cereal cereals. Experts recommend taking medications to restore microflora, such as Canadian Yogurt or Probis Femina.

An antibiotic can provoke the growth of fungal diseases, in particular the occurrence of candidiasis, or thrush. Women are especially susceptible to this disease. Therefore, antifungal drugs are taken prophylactically: orally and, if necessary, vaginal suppositories.
When the result is visible
Antibacterial agents act fast enough. With moderate acne, the effect is visible after a few days of use - the skin is cleansed, the number of inflammatory foci is reduced. When the first positive results appear, you should not stop the course of therapy with Doxycycline for acne, because this is not yet a victory over the disease. By following the dermatologist's clear instructions and following the dosage regimen, you will maintain the effect for a long time, and recurrent conditions will not appear.
Negative effects of self-medication
Affordability of the drug sometimes backfires. The girl heard from her friend that Doxycycline would help with acne, and went to the pharmacy. Such healing at random can have negative consequences, because antibacterial agents have a devastating effect on the body, for example:
- the load on the liver increases, and the body ceases to cope with toxins and poisons, which further provokes the appearance of acne;
- immunity is reduced;
- sometimes an allergy manifests itself in the form of peeling or itching on the skin.

Also, pimples may never go away. This suggests that the formation of rashes is not caused by a staphylococcal infection, but by other bacteria that are not sensitive to tetracycline. Or the reason is different - allergies, an imbalance in the functioning of the thyroid gland, the use of low-quality cosmetics that clog the skin, etc. That is why only a doctor should prescribe acne therapy with Doxycycline.
Alternative treatment
The use of antibiotics is a drastic measure that has side effects. First you need to try to get rid of acne in less aggressive ways:
- Careful facial hygiene. Wash your face twice a day, cleansing the epidermis from dust and dirt.
- Follow your diet. Exclude or limit fatty foods, sausages, pastries and sweets in the diet. Stew or steam, forget about frying.
- Exclude allergies as the cause of the rashes, because then you will need antihistamines, and not a course of Doxycycline for acne.
- Use high-quality decorative products (foundation, powder) and do not forget to remove makeup at night.
- Try external treatment with antibacterial ointments ("Clotrimazole", "Zinerit"), which are applied pointwise to the focusinflammation.
- Traditional medicine. Wipe the face with calendula, make clay masks, act locally with aloe juice, etc.
If these measures did not help, then the dermatologist connects the antibiotic for acne "Doxycycline".
"Doxycycline" is not a new drug, it was invented in 1966. During this time, he has established himself as an effective drug. Most patients who have used Doxycycline to treat acne report positive results and cite the following facts in favor of the medication:
- Affordable price. The drug can be bought at a pharmacy for only 20-35 rubles. New generation antibiotics are quite expensive, sometimes with a lot of side effects.
- Steady in stock. "Doxycycline" can be found in any pharmacy.
- OTC sale.
- Efficiency. The skin is cleared of acne in someone after a week of use, in others - after a month. It all depends on the severity of the acne.
- Wide range of exposure. Carrying out therapy against skin rashes, you can additionally treat other organs and kill a couple more hidden infections (sinusitis, cystitis, rheumatism).
- Tested by time. The antibiotic is used by patients all over the world, and for a long time doctors have prescribed it for the treatment of many diseases.

Negative comments about the drug are mainly associated with the appearance after the course of treatment of side effects - thrush, nausea, dysbacteriosis, etc. Namelytherefore, it is important that before you drink the first pill, carefully study the instructions for "Doxycycline" for use against acne. Drinking the capsules with plenty of water, consuming fermented milk products and following a diet while taking the drug, negative effects can be minimized.
"Doxycycline" is effective against acne caused by pathogenic organisms. Treatment should be prescribed by a dermatologist who determines the dose and duration of the course. The drug, like all antibiotics, has a number of side effects that you should familiarize yourself with before starting therapy.