Is it possible to use "Levomekol" with GV? During lactation, a nursing mother may develop an infectious disease, therefore, in this case, medications cannot be dispensed with. The local antibiotic does not enter the bloodstream and is practically safe for the baby. The use of Levomekol ointment during lactation is a popular topic that worries many mothers. Before carrying out treatment, you need to consult a doctor. It is not recommended to use any medicinal medications without first consulting a specialist, since self-medication often provokes the development of serious he alth problems.
Features of the drug

Is it allowed to use "Levomekol" with GV? The tool refers to effective antibacterial drugs, which are allowed to be used during lactation. As part ofthe medicinal product does not contain elements that can cause allergies.
Levomycetin is the main active ingredient of the drug. This substance adversely affects many pathogens that provoke an abscess on the inner shell and skin.
Other active ingredients

Methyluracil is the second active component of the drug, which has a positive effect on metabolic processes. Thanks to the drug, metabolism in the affected areas is restored. Under such conditions, the inflammatory process is eliminated. Methyluracil is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Thanks to this, the normal structure of organs begins to be effectively restored, general immunity is strengthened, and damaged tissues heal quickly. The active ingredient is able to eliminate excess fluid, as a result, swelling disappears.
Polyethylene glycol - an additional substance that is part of the medication. Responsible for the uniform distribution of the active ingredients throughout the volume of the ointment, facilitates the application of the medicinal product and accelerates the penetration of the components into the affected tissues.
They sell medicine in aluminum tubes or dark glass jars.
Under what conditions does the doctor recommend using Levomekol?

Under what circumstances does the doctor prescribe the use of "Levomekol" for HB? The drug is able to be absorbed into the affected tissues without damaging the cell membrane. The components of the antibioticget into the blood, so the ointment is allowed to use during breastfeeding. Combined drug:
- eliminates the inflammatory process;
- destroys pathogenic microflora;
- repairs damaged tissue.
What are the indications for the use of Levomekol ointment? The drug is prescribed for a purulent wound, which arose as a result of tissue infection with harmful bacteria. Recommended medication and in the treatment of trophic ulcers. Can also be used with:
- burns;
- pustules;
- otite;
- diseases of the uterus;
- inflammation of the ovary;
- scratches and abrasions.
Before you start therapy, you should read the instructions for use. You should know that "Levomekol" with HB must be used strictly according to the recommendations of the attending physician. Only after a thorough medical diagnosis and passing all the necessary laboratory tests, the doctor will determine the duration of therapy and the dosage of the ointment.
How to apply the ointment correctly?

In some cases, after using "Levomekol" there is a burning sensation and itching on the skin - this is the norm and does not harm the general he alth of the patient. Only if the mucous membranes are swollen or an allergy appears in the form of a rash, you should immediately contact the doctor and inform him of all the unpleasant symptoms that caused discomfort. This is especially true for women during the period of feeding a baby or pregnancy.
How to properly treat a skin area with Levomekol? First of all, it is necessary to lubricate the wounds with ointment. It is necessary to ensure that the layer is thin and even. The remedy must be applied several times a day. Duration of therapy - 4-7 days (until the wounds heal).
With abscesses, the ointment must be injected into the cavity, which is filled with pus. Before such a manipulation, the drug should be heated to 36 degrees. The drug should be applied to a napkin and applied to a purulent wound or burn. If a person has boils or abscesses, a surgeon should be visited. The doctor will open the purulent cavities for further therapy with bandages with Levomekol. This procedure is forbidden to be carried out at home, as it is possible to introduce an infection.
"Levomekol" draws out pus - if a person has purulent otitis media, then a swab with ointment must be inserted into the auditory canal. Most often, doctors prescribe an ointment for lactation and bearing a baby for treatment:
- colpitis;
- inflammation of the vulva;
- thrush.
Depending on the identified disease, the doctor determines the frequency of use and duration of treatment. You should know that "Levomekol" only eliminates the symptoms of candidiasis and does not help get rid of the disease. For this reason, the drug is used in combination with other drugs. Before inserting a tampon soaked in Levomekol vaginally, you need to visit a doctor, as an undesirable reaction may occur. You should be aware that the currentthe substances of the drug can adversely affect not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial ones. Under such conditions, thrush often worsens. To prevent this, you should visit a gynecologist.
Hemorrhoid treatment

Quite often, proctologists prescribe "Levomekol" in the treatment of hemorrhoids. This disease is often found in women during childbearing and during breastfeeding. This antibacterial agent destroys pathogenic microflora, which is very important for hemorrhoids, which are often complicated due to a viral attack. If an infection joins, then purulent inflammation spreads in the anus. "Levomekol" does not contain harmful substances, so the medication does not disrupt the functioning of internal organs and does not worsen the general he alth of the consumer. Active components are aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms and healing hemorrhoids. The drug for hemorrhoids stops infectious processes and prevents the development of complications.
"Levomekol" during breastfeeding
Many breastfeeding women do not take pills because they are afraid of harming the baby. Only after a thorough medical examination, the doctor should prescribe a drug that does not contain harmful substances. The main components of antibacterial medicines should not penetrate into the mother's blood and milk. Based on this, we can conclude that Levomekol is allowed to be used during breastfeeding.
Ointment is often recommended by doctors in the treatment of nipple cracks and inflammation of the breast - such problems often occur in girls during breastfeeding. "Levomekol" draws out pus, so the ointment is also used to prevent a purulent inflammatory process in the soft tissues of the mammary glands after childbirth. An effective tool is able to quickly destroy pathogenic microflora. With purulent inflammation of the skin, general intoxication may occur even if a small wound or boil has appeared. Poisons, infections, microbes penetrate the blood and breast milk, which is much more dangerous for babies than the possible action of Levomekol.
Side effects of the drug

Instructions for the use of "Levomekol", price, reviews - this is a topic that interests many. The cost of the drug is 90 rubles. The recommendations of doctors and consumer reviews indicate that the medication can be used for hepatitis B, since the ointment contains safe substances. If you use the medicine correctly, the drug will not provoke the development of side effects. Only in rare cases does an allergic reaction occur, which manifests itself in the form of redness, itching, hives.
It is not recommended to use "Levomekol" together with another ointment - especially while carrying a baby and breastfeeding. It is necessary to follow the rules of admission and follow the instructions of the attending doctor.
Analogues of the drug
"Levosin" orLevomekol, which is better? Doctors say that these are similar remedies. Which ointment is best for the patient depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. The drugs are safe, effective and rarely cause side effects. In the event that "Levomekol" did not suit the patient, then the doctor selects an analogue of the ointment. With the help of "D-panthenol", "Methyluracil", "Contractubex" the patient is being treated.

All these medicines are analogues of "Levomekol". The duration of the course of treatment and dosage should be determined strictly by the attending doctor - depending on the identified disease, the severity of the pathology, the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
Reviews from women
Many girls after caesarean section were prescribed Levomekol ointment. This tool contributed to the rapid healing of the seams. Patients used this medicinal product while feeding the baby - there were no he alth problems for the baby and the nursing mother, since the medicine contains safe substances that do not enter the bloodstream.
According to consumers, you should consult a doctor before taking Levomekol therapy, since improper use of the ointment can provoke the development of he alth problems. Doctors do not prohibit the use of "Levomekol" during lactation, since the drug does not contain harmful substances that can harm the baby.