Kombucha, resembling a yellow-brown jellyfish with a loose base and a dense upper part, with thin long threads hanging down, is used to prepare a tasty and he althy drink. It contains acetic acid bacteria, yeast fungi that turn ordinary tea into a sweet and sour infusion, slightly reminiscent of kvass in taste.
This drink contains many vitamins, organic acids, lipids, enzymes, sugars and caffeine. It has a beneficial effect on the body and prolongs life. After all, it is no coincidence that in ancient China this drink was called the elixir of immortality. Today, you can make it at home and enjoy a delicious, refreshing and healing elixir every day.

The peak of popularity of this drink in our country fell on the beginning of the 70s. Then our grandmothers knew well how to brew kombucha. A miracle product that was recognized not only by the people, but alsoofficial medicine, was present in almost every family. And no one counted the consumption of tea and sugar, since the panacea for all ailments was worth it.
Over time, the drink was forgotten, it was replaced by numerous dietary supplements, but nowadays there is an increased interest in it again. In this article, we will talk about how to brew kombucha.
Features of Kombucha
Representatives of traditional medicine managed to prove that kombucha (medusomycete, kombucha) has many medicinal properties and may well compete with expensive pharmaceuticals. A drink with an unusual taste gives vigor and strength, increases the tone of the body, and successfully fights many diseases.
The origin of the puff "jellyfish" is associated with the activity of living cultures such as yeast and bacteria. In the course of the vital activity of organisms so different in nature, sweet tea turns into a sour drink with a number of healing properties:
- reduces the risk of developing cancer;
- increases the protective functions of the liver;
- normalizes metabolism and detoxifies;
- lowers cholesterol;
- restores intestinal microflora;
- normalizes the activity of the heart muscle and blood vessels;
- improves the activity of the digestive tract.
And this is an incomplete list of the benefits of kombucha. A pleasant drink, which is saturated with vitamins, organic acids, microelements and enzymes, helps to reduce excess weight, quenches thirst, reduces appetite, but cannot replacedaily diet. In order to get the maximum healing effect, you should know how to brew kombucha.

Indications for use
Based on the results of studies on the properties of kombucha, it is recommended as a remedy that helps recovery from a number of diseases:
- scarlet fever;
- ARI, flu, tonsillitis;
- viral eye diseases;
- diseases of the ear, throat, nose;
- gallbladder and liver problems;
- tonsillitis;
- dysentery;
- diphtheria.
This drink is both choleretic and diuretic. In addition, it helps with hair loss, hypertension, nail fungus and various cosmetic procedures. Before talking about how to care for, brew and consume kombucha, we should talk about several ways to grow it at home.
Tea brew kombucha
Wash a three-liter glass jar thoroughly with baking soda and let it dry naturally. In a separate container, pour 3 teaspoons (teaspoons) of green or black tea with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Strain it and add 5 tablespoons (tablespoons) of sugar. Sweet tea must be cooled to room temperature. Pour it into a pre-prepared jar and place the container in a dark and warm place.
The neck of the jar should be covered with gauze and tied with braid. Periodically open it for a short time so that the liquid is fedoxygen. After four days, you will notice a thin film on the surface - this is your future kombucha. After about 20 days, the liquid in the jar will lighten up and acquire a characteristic sour smell, and the film will increase significantly in thickness. By the end of the mushroom growing process, a thickened mobile substance will appear on the surface.

The formed mushroom is gently washed under running warm water and transferred to a clean jar. Then you need to prepare a new nutrient solution and fill it with kombucha. In the first jar, the composition is ready for use. It is filtered and stored in a cool place to stop the fermentation process. And the drink in the second can will be ready in a week.
For those who are interested in how to brew kombucha for 3 liters, we have presented the traditional and most common method. The jellyfish grown in this way is quite unpretentious, but requires regular care (we will talk about this a little later) and cleanliness.
Apple cider vinegar kombucha
There is another old and interesting recipe. Our grandmothers knew well how to brew kombucha, how to care for kombucha from home-made vinegar, prepared with their own hands. We hope you enjoy this method, although it takes longer than the previous one.
Sour apples must be thoroughly washed and dried. Then they should be grated on a coarse grater with peel and core. Transfer applesauce (400 g) to a clean jar and fill with cold boiled water. Add 15 g yeast and 150 g honey. An open jar is placed in a dark place. This mass should be stirred daily.

Ten days later, you need to squeeze the applesauce through a thick sieve, and pour the liquid into a clean jar, cover it with gauze and leave to ferment for one and a half to two months. The liquid noticeably brightens at the final stage of the process. A multi-layered kombucha appears on its surface. How to brew it? Very simple: transfer it to a clean jar of sweet tea, and then the drink is prepared according to the traditional recipe.
Medusomycete on beer
We are sure that few people know how to brew and care for kombucha on beer. And meanwhile it is quite simple and relatively fast way. Mix 100 ml of live beer with wine vinegar (10 ml) and granulated sugar (5 g). Pour the mixture into a jar, cover the neck and put in a warm place. Very soon a film appears on the surface. When its thickness reaches 2 mm, it is transferred to a container with sweet tea. After seven days, a pleasant and he althy drink is ready.

We have listed the ways for those who are just learning to grow kombucha. And for those with whom acquaintances or friends have shared the separated layers of the finished product, the task is simplified. If you connect fantasy, then the healing properties of jellyfish can be significantly enhanced.
Kombucha with herbs
You already know how to brew kombucha, and the herbal collection can be selected depending on your disease or personal preferences. Pour two hundred grams of selected herbs3 liters of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, add some honey to the drink and put the mushroom in it. In a week you will receive a he althy and pleasant-tasting drink. Hibiscus tonic drink can be prepared in the same way.

Medusomycete care
It's not enough to know how to grow kombucha. In order for it to actively develop and multiply, it needs regular and proper care. The main indicator of the he alth of a fungus is its buoyancy. If it sinks to the bottom and does not rise to the surface on its own, then this indicates that the jellyfish is "sick" and needs to be rescued.
The optimum temperature for keeping it should be no higher than +25 °C, because at temperatures below +17 °C and direct sunlight, the activity of kombucha slows down and algae appears.
To protect the jellyfish from viruses, you must have two containers: one will contain it, and the other should decant the finished drink. The thickness of the fungus should not exceed 4 cm. The grown extra layers are carefully separated from the top and placed in other jars. The bottom part is considered the most productive.

The healing properties of the drink last no more than two weeks. Then it loses its taste, turning into vinegar, less and less reminiscent of an invigorating elixir.
A week after feeding the mushroom with sweet tea, it is half drained and put in the refrigerator for storage. And strained tea is added to the jar again.
Kombucha should be bathed every two weeks. Remove it very carefully from the jar. Trying not to injure, rinse with warm water. Then leave it on a plate of a suitable diameter for a few minutes to breathe air.
Pour the drink from the can into a clean container. Wash the jar thoroughly and return the mushroom to it.

Kombucha secrets
Metal containers (except stainless steel) should not be used to prepare the drink.
- Don't use a tea that is too strong as a base, as it inhibits the growth of kombucha.
- Make sure that the sugar in the tea has completely dissolved, and only then place the mushroom in the liquid. The fact is that sugar crystals cause burns on the body of the fungus. The same effect is caused by grains of tea leaves, so the liquid must be well filtered and cooled - hot tea is detrimental to the fungus.
- If part of the kombucha turns brown, carefully separate the affected part, rinse the mushroom gently, and it can be used further.
How to take a drink
We have elaborated on how to brew kombucha. You should drink it, observing the basic rule - do not mix it with food. The drink speeds up the digestion process, so you will be hungry very soon. Kombucha can be taken as a non-alcoholic aperitif half an hour before meals.
However, doctors recommend taking the elixir three hours after meat or fish dishes and two hours after taking vegetablefood. A pleasant drink, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, energizes, tones, and in the evening calms and speeds up falling asleep.