A runny nose in a child is one of the first signs of SARS. It disrupts general well-being, worsens appetite, sleep, breathing. Medications can help relieve symptoms. Helps the child with a runny nose thuja oil in the nose. According to reviews, this tool is really effective. The rules for its use are described in the article.
Thuya is a coniferous tree of the cypress family. Its benefits have been known for a long time. The ancient Greeks called it the "tree of life", as they considered it a healing plant. And now preparations based on thuja oil are in demand. In pharmacies there are preparations from this plant. Manufacturers of homeopathic remedies often include it in their products.

Thuja oil has a unique composition that allows it to be used in the treatment of various ailments, including a runny nose caused by a cold. This tool has powerful antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial properties. ATThe composition contains phytoncides, tannins, glucosides, which suppress and destroy pathogenic pathogens in the body. Oil is effective not only in the early stages of the disease, but also with complications. Adherents of alternative medicine use it to treat rhinitis in adults and children, as well as for adenoids, coughs, and other respiratory ailments.
The product includes organic alcohols, acids, vitamins and minerals. The presence of such substances provides a strong immunostimulating effect. The tool reduces swelling of the mucosa, relieves inflammation in the tissues. Thuja oil treats atrophic rhinitis. Thanks to him, the mucous membrane is moistened, congestion is eliminated, growths in the nasopharynx resolve: polyps and adenoids.
Judging by the reviews, many doctors recommend this remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds during the season. The oil contains components that are classified as allergens. Therefore, before treating a runny nose or other ailments, you should check if there is an allergic reaction to the composition.
As evidenced by the reviews of parents, when thuja oil is instilled into the nose of a child, it is well tolerated and highly effective. Using the product eliminates nasal congestion, thins mucus, and relieves inflammation. Polyposis formations are reduced, which greatly facilitates the child's condition.
As indicated in the instructions, the oil consists of flavonoids, resins, tannins. It contains saponins, tuin, taxifolin. Due to this composition, the product has a pronounced metabolic effect on the body.

The main active ingredient is thuja occidentalis. Other substances include: aromadendrin, pinin, ipidacrine, pyrene. This composition provides an excellent therapeutic effect.
Thuja oil in the nose of a child is used for various types of rhinitis. It provides high-quality moisturizing of the nasal mucosa, cleansing of passages from mucus and crusts. The use of the product promotes tissue regeneration, eliminates congestion, improves nasal breathing. A favorable complex effect on the nasal mucosa allows the use of thuja oil for:
- acute or chronic rhinitis;
- nasal congestion;
- nasopharyngitis;
- pharyngitis;
- adenoiditis;
- purulent otitis media;
- nasal polyps.

Thuja oil in the nose of a child is also used for prevention during an increased risk of colds. According to reviews, this remedy is especially effective in the initial stages, when microbes have not penetrated into the deep tissues of the mucous membrane.
Use pure (100%) oil for therapy in children is not allowed. It must be properly diluted. But you can buy ready-made products at the pharmacy. Pharmaceutical companies offer several types of medicines:
- "Tuya Edas-801". Thuja oil in the nose of children is used for chronic rhinitis, otitis, nasopharyngeal polyps. The product has a mild effect due to the presence of olive oil. The benefits include: healing of tissues on the mucous membrane of the nose, throat,no allergies, no irritation. There are no side effects. The drug is produced in Russia.
- "Tuya DN". Oil is prescribed for children for the treatment of adenoids, rhinitis. The advantages include a complex action, the absence of complications, purulent discharge with sinusitis, otitis media. The product should not be used if there is an allergy to the ester of needles, as well as during a runny nose in an acute form.
- "Tuya GF". Produced in St. Petersburg. The oil is effective for rhinitis, purulent discharge from the nose, thick mucus. Of the benefits, a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the nose, throat, elimination of irritation is distinguished. But there is also a minus - the product cannot be used if you are allergic to the components.
- "Thuya C6". Available in the form of granules for oral administration. The remedy is effective for adenoids of 1-3 degrees, fibromyomas, lipomas. The composition contains an extract of the thuja tree. The tool has a wound healing, anti-inflammatory effect. But the drug should not be used in young children. The course of treatment is 4-6 months.
It is desirable to choose a remedy as directed by a doctor. The specialist will take into account the age of the child, the likely side effects. It is important to carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer.
Features of use
Thuja oil in the nose of a child with a runny nose has proven its effectiveness. It can be essential or homeopathic. The difference is that ethereal is 100% pure, while homeopathic is 15% esters. Pure oil is not suitable for children. It should be diluted with vegetable or olive oil. Required before useclean and rinse the nose.
The product is diluted with another oil in an amount of 1:2. As indicated in the instructions, thuja oil in the child's nose must be instilled according to the dosage. It depends on age. At 2 years old, thuja oil is instilled into the nose of a child, 1 drop in each nasal passage. This must be done twice a day. At 3 years old, thuja oil is instilled into the child's nose at the same dosage. For children over 6 years old, 2 drops are required, 2-3 times a day.

As evidenced by the reviews, thuja oil in the nose of a child is suitable not only for instillation, but also for washing the mucosa. You will need to take 0.5 liters of weak chamomile decoction, add 5-10 drops of the product. The nose is washed up to 4 times a day. You can drip thuja oil into the nose of a child or wash the passages for 7-14 days.
Terms of Use
The procedure for instillation is as follows:
- The nasal passages are washed with s alted water from a pipette. The head should be tilted over the basin or sink, the child should blow his nose.
- The oil is instilled in the right dosage. The child should be in a sitting position with the head thrown back.
- Then lay the baby flat for 5-10 minutes.
It is advisable to consult a doctor about the duration of treatment. You should also contact a specialist if the therapy has not brought results.
According to reviews, thuja oil in the nose of a child is used not only as drops, but also for inhalation. This procedure allows not only to get rid of inflammation and swellingnasal mucosa, but also eliminate cough symptoms, clear the airways, remove congestion.
For the procedure, you need 1-2 drops of oil in 1 glass of water. Perform sessions no more than 5-7 minutes, 3 times a day. Inhalations are carried out for children if they have reached the age of 5 years and only after a sensitivity test. Only steam inhalers should be used. Do not use the nebulizer as this procedure will damage the device.
Other treatments
There are other treatments:
- Aroma medallions. 2 drops of solution are added to 1 medallion. When it is on the neck of the patient, it releases ethereal vapors, which, with constant exposure to the mucous membrane, facilitate breathing. It is advisable not to remove the locket at night either: during this period, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing are felt more strongly.
- Aromatherapy in the sauna. To do this, in a room on a hot surface, you need to drip 10 drops of the product. When evaporated, it has a positive effect on the respiratory organs and eliminates nasal congestion.
- 10 drops are instilled into the spray bottle. The room is regularly sprayed from it.
- Based on 5 drops per 15 sq. m solution of thuja is used in aroma lamps. They fumigate the room. But you need to use this method no more than 1 time per day.

These methods are effective for the treatment and prevention of colds. This substance should not be used in humidifiers.
Receiving method
Oil is obtained from the aerial parts of the arborvitae, using a mixtureleaves with branches with fragments of plant bark. Before distillation, the materials are crushed to obtain a homogeneous mass. The yield of the product is small: it is only 3-4 kg from a ton of raw materials.
The product is obtained by steam distillation without long processing, which increases toxicity. No organic or chemical extractions are added to the oil. Any other methods are unacceptable and their means are dangerous.
You can not only buy butter, but also cook it yourself. You will need fresh needles of the plant and high-quality olive oil. Components should be taken in an amount of 1:10. The ingredients are placed in a dark container for 2 weeks.

During this period, ether is formed on the mixture, which must be collected, placed in a dark bottle. The solution is stored in a dark place, used as regular drops.
Oil prepared by yourself has the same therapeutic effect as a pharmacy remedy. It can be used for both therapy and prevention.
What not to do?
Diseases of the respiratory organs must be treated according to the doctor's recommendations. At the same time, there are a number of prohibitions that must not be violated:
- Don't use pure oil. This composition is harmful to the he alth of adults and children. The medical option includes 15% oil, and the rest of the components are presented in the form of supplements to improve the result of treatment.
- The oil should not be used with other folk treatments, pharmacy medicines without the consent ofdoctor. Self-treatment can lead to negative reactions.
- Every day you should not bury the thuja in the aroma lamp. This procedure should be treated with caution. Probably, drops, inhalations will already give the desired effect. Oversaturation of the respiratory system with essential components harms the child.
- Do not refuse surgery from the 3rd stage of hypertrophy of the tonsils of the nasopharynx, hoping for the therapeutic effect of thuja. The homeopathic remedy helps at 1-3 degrees, after the operation, and at the last stage, the removal of the adenoids is required. Surgical care is indispensable.
Thuja oil should not be used as nasal drops for children when:
- individual intolerance;
- epilepsy;
- severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
- bronchial asthma.
Treatment should be carried out carefully in the presence of allergic ailments. Sensitivity testing is done with a test. You should take a little oil, apply it on your wrist or the skin behind your ears. You have to wait 1 hour. If rashes, redness, itching appear on the application site, then this indicates an allergy. Then you can not use the tool.

If the skin is clean, then the oil is suitable for treating colds and runny nose. According to reviews, the remedy is well tolerated by children. And the effect of use is much better in the first days of the disease than with a protracted symptom. But although the tool really helps, it's still betterconsult a doctor.