"Morning is wiser than evening" - for sure, each of us has been instilled with this wisdom from childhood by adults. But still not everyone understands the true essence of this statement. Someone tends to think that sleep is just wasted hours of life. But this is far from true. Our mind cannot go long without this integral part of life, which is absolutely necessary for the full restoration of the mental process and other vital functions.
Every self-respecting person should value their he alth. Quality sleep is the first step towards a he althy lifestyle. Few people think about whether they sleep properly. What is proper sleep - should it just be sound in order to get enough sleep? What is the best time to sleep during the day? Can sleep be he althy regardless of the time of day? You can find the answer to this and other questions in this article. We will try to determine when is the best time to sleep, and sort out the most common myths about this.about.
To get enough sleep, is it better to sleep a little longer?
That's how most people think. They think that the longer they sleep, the better and more awake they can feel during the day. However, doctors have long proven that this is nothing more than a myth. Of course, you will not be able to harm your body with a long sleep, but there is no question of excellent he alth.
The average adult doesn't need more than 8 hours a day to recover, older people need even less. If you sleep longer than required, a person becomes lethargic, inert, and his consciousness will be somewhat inhibited. Moreover, you will want to sleep more and more. In this state, which yogis call the “state of tamas,” all initiative for work and active actions disappears. Of course, it's better to oversleep than not enough, but it's best to choose the golden mean.

The body will choose the best time for sleep on its own?
This is one of the most common myths. Man is designed in such a way that he must sleep at night. Sleep during the day is useful only for a couple of hours, but no more. For normal recovery, proper functioning of the body and a good psychological state, it is recommended to sleep at night.
Hundreds of studies have proven that the best time to sleep is between 10 pm and 6 am. Vary this time depending on the lifestyle by 1-2 hours, but there should not be a huge difference. It is believed that it is best to fall asleep 3-4 hours after sunset - this is the best time to sleep at night. Not only the human body freely perceives only a night's sleep, but food at night is practically not digested. In this connection, you risk getting stomach problems, but more on that later.

For sound sleep, you need to wrap yourself in a blanket with your head?
This is the way people think, most often suffering from nightmares and lack of oxygen. To sleep well, covering your head is strongly discouraged. If you are cold - just take a large warm blanket, you can woolen. Carefully wrap the legs and torso, but not the head. If you cover yourself with your head, your own microclimate will be created inside the blanket, where the sleeper will breathe his own recycled air. As a result, you will not be able to sleep well due to the lack of oxygen, and you may have nightmares or bad dreams.

Light from the window should not fall on the bed
Before going to sleep, it is best to ventilate the room well. Even in the cold season, you can open the window for a couple of minutes and leave the room for this time so as not to catch a cold. But sleeping with an open window is categorically not recommended, the likelihood of getting sick increases tenfold.
As for the placement of the bed, it is better to place it opposite the window so that the moonlight freely enters your room. They say the best time to sleep is during the full moon. It will also make it easier for you to wake up with the first rays of the sun. But if you get direct sunlightwhile you sleep - it can become harmful and even dangerous to he alth. Experts believe that in some cases, this can lead to the development of cancerous tumors, especially if the human body is already prone to this.

The best time to sleep is in the morning?
Many people tend to think this way, because sleep in the morning, just at the time when the alarm clock is about to ring, is the strongest. But this is far from true. It has long been proven that a few hours before 12 at night are considered the most useful. It is before midnight that sleep is most beneficial, so the best time for a person to sleep is at 21-22 pm. According to the results of hundreds of studies, people who go to bed at this time get better sleep. And those who fall asleep after 00.00 feel tired throughout the rest of the day.
You shouldn't leave the regime even for a minute
We have already said that sleeping for a long time is bad for consciousness, but I would also like to note the fact that if you are experiencing severe stress or great emotional shock, it is better to sleep an hour or two longer than usual.
Returning to the saying “the morning is wiser than the evening”, it can be noted that the main function of he althy sleep is the restoration, and first of all, the mental state of a person. That is why this phrase was born, because, after a good night's sleep, a person tends to make more sober and balanced decisions, reason more wisely and act more purposefully.

To all peopleneed to sleep the same number of hours?
Another erroneous opinion of those who found out from somewhere that you need to sleep a certain number of hours as a standard, and this figure should not change. Of course, in order to get enough sleep, a person needs to sleep at least 5 hours a day. The rest of the sleep time depends on the person's lifestyle, his work, physical activity and even the area where he lives.
Interesting fact - it is believed that bosses need to sleep much less than subordinates. So, Napoleon slept for 4 hours a day and remained alert. And he is far from the only example in the history of mankind when great commanders, rulers, monarchs and other outstanding leaders slept little enough. The fact is that they needed to restore only brain cells and balance psychological activity during sleep. Physically active people also need to repair body tissues, so they need to sleep longer to function fully and do their jobs. The same can be said about athletes, because restoring their day is as important a component of success as training.
The best time for a night's sleep comes after a good physical fatigue.

Sunlight or moonlight does not affect the processes in the body?
I want to disprove this myth right away. In addition to the good reasons to sleep at night, which we have already talked about, I would like to note the fact that at this time your spine straightens and the load is removed from it, and the process goes naturallyway.
At night, the earth's gravitational force increases, the moon affects all fluids, including those in the human body. The light of the moon has a positive effect on the mental state of a person if at this time he is fast asleep. People with back, stomach, and heart problems are strongly advised to follow a he althy daily routine, namely, sleep at night and not fall asleep when the sun is shining. This creates certain shifts not only in consciousness, but also in the human body. Sunlight stimulates many processes in the body, awakens the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, triggers the stomach, etc., and if you sleep at this time, a kind of dissonance forms in the body. Again, the best time to sleep in the day is at night.
If you allowed yourself to drink alcohol - it always produces a devastating effect on the body, no matter what the dose. Only sound sleep is fully capable of restoring your condition. Do not believe in the mythical effect of a cup of coffee, a can of energy drink or an aspirin. In the case of alcohol intoxication, it would be best to go to bed, in this case even daytime sleep is allowed, anyway it will be better than being forced to stay awake "in the hop."
Eating and sleeping are not related?
Most educated people know that all processes in the body are connected in one way or another. It is recommended to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime, and it should be light nutritious food, such as vegetables, cottage cheese, lean chicken or fish, fruits, etc. Overeating at night is strongly discouraged. This isthe explanation is very simple: during sleep, our body completely rests and recovers, as you already understood from the previous paragraphs. And if you eat a lot before going to bed, your body will already be busy with something completely different - it will digest and assimilate food.
The digestive system just won't let the rest of the body relax, it will keep it working all night. As a result, you will not get enough sleep and will feel completely crushed, even if you get enough sleep. Many people go to bed with a full stomach and in the morning do not understand the reasons for their apathy. But you should not go to bed completely hungry either. So you will feel constant discomfort and anxiety. Your stomach will demand to be fed and will also prevent you from fully recovering.

In conclusion, I would like to give some more useful tips. It is best to sleep naked or wear a minimum of clothing, then the skin cells can breathe. In summer, it is best to sleep outdoors whenever possible. Do not go to bed in a bad mood and do not watch programs or films at night that make you feel a strong emotional shock. The head should be slightly higher than the legs, and the bed should not be too soft. We hope that you understand what time is best for sleep and learn something new about this most important process in human life.