Scientists are increasingly saying that in the past few decades, the number of various skin diseases has increased significantly. One of them I want to talk about in this article. So, what is streptoderma, causes, symptoms, methods of treatment - this will be discussed further.

A few words about the disease itself
Initially, you need to understand what exactly will be discussed in the article. So, what is streptoderma? It is primarily a skin disease. It has an infectious nature, caused by streptococcus. The method of transmission is during contact with an infected person. The risk of infection increases if there are various scratches, abrasions, cuts or other minor injuries on the skin. Statistics show that boys between the ages of 7 and 10 are most often affected by this problem.
How does disease develop and progress? It is important to note that only a week after infection, round pink spots will appear on the patient's skin. Their size can be different, sometimes it can even reach 4 cm (when smaller spots grow and merge into onewhole). Localization - mainly on the face. Less commonly, but still, rashes may appear on the arms, legs, buttocks and back. As the disease develops, small scales will appear on the spots. The patient does not feel any particular discomfort. Sometimes the skin lesions may itch, also rarely in patients, but there is dryness of the skin. That's all negative manifestations. However, the most unpleasant thing is that the disease spoils the appearance of a person.

Causes of disease
We further consider such a disease as streptoderma: causes, symptoms and treatment. It is imperative to understand why this disease occurs. As mentioned above, the cause of the disease are special microorganisms called streptococci. They are transmitted from person to person during the sharing of household items (towels, toys, etc.), as well as through direct skin-skin contact. In the summer, various insects can also carry this infection on their paws: flies, mosquitoes. But here it is necessary to clarify: if a person’s immunity is strong, the skin and all mucous membranes are intact, then the spread of the microorganism will stop and will not turn into a disease.
There is also streptoderma in cats. In this case, the symptoms in animals are very similar to those in humans: rashes, itching. Why is it important to know about this? Because even from animals, streptococcal infection can be transmitted to humans. Most often, children suffer from this.
Thus, scientists distinguish threethe main causes of the onset and development of this disease:
- Microtraumas on the skin, scratches, cuts, scratches, i.e. violations of the integrity of the skin.
- Violation of the human immune system.
- Failure in the work of local immunity in the area where the pathogenic microorganism, streptococcus, first appeared.
That is why streptoderma is most often diagnosed in children. Symptoms in babies are most often manifested due to the fact that they almost always have various microtraumas on their skin. Scientists also say that it is sometimes very difficult to avoid outbreaks of this disease in children's groups.
Factors provoking the occurrence of streptoderma
There are a number of factors that can cause this disease:
- Using personal items collectively.
- Poor personal hygiene.
- Insufficient intake of vitamins in the body.
- Frequent colds.
- Injuries on the skin of varying degrees.
- Stressful situations.

Main symptoms
How does streptoderma manifest itself? Symptoms that indicate the development of this disease:
- Small bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the skin (most often on the face). As the disease progresses, the fluid in these formations gradually becomes cloudy.
- Also, in the place of localization of foci of infection, the skin will be pigmented, i.e. it will change its color.
- At the patientthere is malaise, general weakness. Appetite may also be disturbed.
- Sometimes patients experience burning skin, itching.
If a patient has streptoderma, these symptoms will accurately indicate this disease. However, the symptoms of the disease may vary depending on the type of pathology.
Types of streptoderma
Streptoderma is very different in children and adults. The types of this disease are as follows:
- Contagious, or streptococcal, impetigo.
- Slit-like impetigo. In this case, most often we are talking about seizures or angular stomatitis.
- Bullous impetigo.
- Turniol, or impetigo, affecting the nail folds.
- Streptococcal diaper rash.
- Tinea versicolor.
Contagious impetigo (streptococcal)
If the patient has just such streptoderma, the symptoms here will be as follows:
- Rashes will be single. However, they very often merge into fairly large foci.
- Favorite places for rashes are the surfaces of the hands, feet, and also the face.
- The size of the first conflicts (rashes) in diameter reaches approximately 3 mm.
- The liquid inside the bubble from light gradually turns into purulent. Sometimes the rashes are hemorrhagic (bloody).
- Eruptions do not affect the skin deeper than the basal layer.
It is worth noting that this disease lasts approximately 28 days. In process of recovery the bubble disappears, on its place the crust is formed. After it falls off, a bluish-pink speck remains on the skin.

Impetigo bullous
If a patient of this type of streptoderma, the symptoms will be:
- Localization of the rash: the back of the feet, legs, hands.
- The sizes of rashes (conflicts) are quite large and can reach 30 mm in diameter.
- If the conflict is opened, erosion will appear on the skin (character - local).
- A rash (bubble) cap may remain on the edge of erosion.
Without proper treatment, this type of disease can become more complex and even chronic. It's worth remembering.
Slit-like impetigo
We further consider the types of diseases caused by streptococcus and their symptoms. Streptoderma is an unpleasant infection that can affect many areas of the human skin. However, in this case, the disease is localized mainly in the corners of the patient's mouth, at the wings of the nose, or in the corners of the eyes.
If you open the bubbles, shallow linear cracks are sure to form. They are covered with yellow crusts. However, the scales fall off rather quickly.
This type of disease is characterized by burning, itching. During eating, discomfort and pain may occur. Salivation also sometimes increases. If the infection is not treated for a long time, it becomes increasingly difficult to open the mouth.
This problem can also become chronic. It is also possible to attach a fungal infection - candidiasis.
Ring simple
What are the other symptomsstreptoderma in adults and children? So, for the diagnosis of "lichen just" you need the following indicators:
- Location of the rash: face, cheeks, less often - legs.
- Blisters most often do not form, this disease is referred to as the so-called "dry" streptoderma.
- On the skin of the patient, the appearance of foci of white-pink or just white is visible. The rashes are covered with small scales.
- During the development of the disease, patients suffer from itching of the skin.
It is worth noting that the symptoms disappear during exposure to open sunlight. However, as the patient's skin tans, it will take on a variegated appearance. And all because the tan will lie unevenly. Most often, such streptoderma occurs in children. Symptoms at the same time arise and develop rather quickly. Experts say that there is a high risk of infection of the entire children's team, which was visited by the patient. Most often, this disease is diagnosed in the spring-autumn period.

Impetigo (lesion) of the nail folds
This type of disease occurs mainly in adults. Symptoms:
- Conflicts are formed mainly on the hands, as well as on the skin around the nail plate. The cause is often microcracks in these areas of the skin.
- The skin that surrounds the nail plate swells and hurts.
- The content of the bubble changes as the disease progresses, becomespurulent.
- If the bubble opens, erosion may occur, less often an ulcer that will cover the nail roller. In some cases, complete rejection of the nail plate is possible.
- Also, the patient may experience symptoms of intoxication: weakness, increased body temperature, swollen lymph nodes, asthenia (fatigue).
Streptococcal diaper rash
This is the last subspecies of the disease that can be diagnosed if the patient has streptoderma. What are the symptoms in this case?
- Localization of rashes: skin surfaces that are subject to frequent friction: the area under the mammary glands, inguinal or intrafemoral surfaces, knee and elbow bends.
- The conflicts that appear in the above places tend to merge.
- The rashes are very painful, often accompanied by itching.
- If the conflict is opened, a bright pink weeping spot forms on the skin.
- Secondary signs: small cracks, erosion.
This type of streptoderma often becomes chronic. Frequent relapses. Aggravated by the joining fungal infection.
A few more words about streptoderma in children
A little more detail should be told about how streptoderma occurs in children: causes, symptoms, treatment of this disease. So, most often, babies "catch" the infection in case of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, as well as when in contact with an infected child, adult or animal. After all, children most often have various cracks.and wounds on the skin, where the infection "climbs".
Also, experts say that if one of the members of the children's team falls ill with streptoderma, then the risk of transmitting the pathogen to everyone else is very high. As for the symptoms, it will be the same as described above. The manifestations of the disease will not differ in anything special.
There are certain types of disease that are most common in babies, such as lichen simplex or slit-like impetigo. However, other types of streptoderma can also be diagnosed in children of different ages.

We further consider such a disease as streptoderma (symptoms, diagnosis, treatment). At this stage, I want to figure out how you can understand that the patient has this particular disease. So, initially it is necessary to clarify that when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Self-medication is unacceptable. At the same time, there is also a huge risk of infecting other people.
What will happen during a visit to the doctor?
- The doctor examines the patient. The features of skin rashes can “tell” specialists about a lot.
- Often, the doctor prescribes a culture of the liquid secreted from the vial with the determination of sensitivity to various antibiotics.
If a patient has this problem quite often, there are relapses, and the course of the disease is chronic, he may be prescribed the following procedures:
- Research of the gastrointestin altract (ultrasound, coprogram, analysis of feces for the presence of an eggworm).
- Research of the endocrine system (determination of the amount of thyroid hormones).
- Clinical blood tests, including sugar levels, may also be ordered.
Cure disease
So, we found out what the symptoms of streptoderma are. Treatment for children and adults must be comprehensive:
- Systemic antibiotics of the penicillin series (preparations "Flemoxin-solutab", "Amoxiclav"), macrolides (drug "Azithromycin"). After a course of antibiotics, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. In this case, experts prescribe a drug such as Linex.
- It is obligatory to take vitamin complexes to maintain the body. These can be drugs such as Multitabs for children, Vitrum, Centrum for adults.
- Immunomodulating therapy. Drugs such as Immunofan, Likopid are used.
- External treatment. Various ointments or gels are prescribed (erythromycin, lincomycin ointment). You can also wash the lesions with fucorcin or chloramphenicol.
- Sometimes physiotherapeutic procedures such as UHF, laser therapy, UV therapy are prescribed.
What else is important to say if a disease such as streptoderma is found in children, adults? Treatment will completely eliminate the symptoms, there will be no trace of the infection itself, of course, if the therapy is planned correctly, and the doctor's instructions will be strictly observed. Forecastfavorable for life, zero mortality.

The following preventive measures are very important:
- Seasonal immunity strengthening.
- Avoiding stress, neuroses, nervous shocks.
- Supporting the body with vitamin complexes.
- Treatment of all kinds of chronic ailments that weaken the immune system.
- Maintain personal hygiene.
If, nevertheless, you are faced with streptoderma, then in order to protect others from infection, you must quarantine the patient, and disinfect all his household items.
It is important to remember: the disease is much easier to prevent than to deal with it further. Stay he althy!