"Indapamide Retard": instructions for use, reviews

"Indapamide Retard": instructions for use, reviews
"Indapamide Retard": instructions for use, reviews

The drug "Indapamid Retard", presented in almost any modern pharmacy, is available to the general population - the price of a package starts from 30 rubles. The product is recommended for high blood pressure. The main active ingredient gave the name to the drug - it is indapamide. The substance has a pronounced diuretic effect, thanks to which it has proven to be reliable and effective.

General information

According to the instructions, Indapamide Retard contains 1.5 mg of indapamide. In addition to the active compound, the preparation contains additional components. The tool belongs to the group of long-acting medicines. The active substance is located in the core of the capsule, the outer coating is a thin film shell of a specialized substance. This makes taking pills simple, convenient.

As an auxiliary, the manufacturer used the following substances in the manufacture of Indapamide Retard tablets:

  • hypromellose;
  • lactose;
  • povidone;
  • silica;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Opadry;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • talc.

Attentionthe composition should be studied by persons suffering from hypersensitivity, intolerance to any substances used in the pharmaceutical industry. In particular, the pills in question are not suitable for persons who are lactose prohibited.

In the instructions for use of "Indapamide Retard" 1.5 mg (dosage of the active compound), the manufacturer indicates that the tablets are round, convex on both sides. The shell is white or close to white (grayish, brownish). The surface is slightly rough to the touch. If you cut the instance, you can see two layers. Inside contains a white substance (possibly close to white), and the shell is white or having a slight shade of gray, brownish.

arifon retard or indapamide which is better
arifon retard or indapamide which is better

Pharmacological features

"Indapamide Retard" belongs to the class of diuretics, has the effect of a vasodilator, so it allows you to normalize high blood pressure. Features of the effect on the human body are somewhat similar to the effects of thiazide diuretics to lower pressure. When taking the drug, the excretion of chlorine and sodium from the body with urine increases. To a lesser extent, the agent stimulates the leaching of potassium and magnesium ions. The active component selectively inhibits the work of slow calcium channels, which means that the arterial vascular walls become more elastic, the resistance at the periphery of the circulatory system decreases.

The active component of the tablets "Indapamide Retard" allows you to slightly reduce the hypertrophy of the left ventricle. When itthe intake does not correct the fatty profile of the blood, the ratio of lipids in the plasma does not change. No effect on carbohydrate metabolism. Trials have shown no such effect, even when taken by people with diabetes.

Tests have shown that "Indapamide Retard" helps to reduce the sensitivity of the walls of blood vessels to the second angiotensin, norepinephrine. The processes of formation of prostaglandins of several types are activated. Under the influence of indapamide, the production of oxygen radicals (stable, free) is inhibited.

Patients note a long and pronounced effect from taking pills - a lot of reviews are devoted to this. Instructions for use "Indapamide Retard" confirms that the drug affects the pressure indicators within a day after taking the medicine. Against the background of the presence of indapamide in the body, urination is moderately activated.


Shortly after taking the tablets, the active ingredient is absorbed. Processes are localized in the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is estimated at 93%. It was revealed that the use of "Indapamide Retard" during a meal leads to a slowdown in the absorption process. The presence of food in the gastrointestinal tract does not affect the quality of the absorption process.

Maximum levels of the active compound in blood plasma are achievable on average 12 hours after taking the pill. With repeated use, fluctuations in indicators reflecting the amount of the active drug in the intervals between the moments of using the tablets are somewhat reduced. The manufacturer in the instructions for "Indapamide Retard" (1.5 mg -the content of indapamide in one tablet) notes that stable indicators of the content of the active substance in the circulatory system are on average achievable one week after the start of taking the drug. This only applies to regular use. It is advisable to take the tablets every day at a stable, the same time.

The half-life is estimated at an average of 18 hours. In the instructions for use of Indapamide Retard, the manufacturer draws attention to the fact that about 79% of the active substance, when it enters the circulatory system, enters into stable bonds with protein structures. A reaction with muscle elastin present in the walls of blood vessels is possible. The drug has a high volume of distribution. Indapamide is able to pass through organic barriers in the human body, including the placenta. Studies have shown that the active substance passes into breast milk.

Instructions for use "Indapamide Retard" mentions that metabolic processes are localized in the liver. Up to 80% of the reaction products are excreted from the body with urine, about 5% of indapamide do not change. The path of elimination of other volumes is the intestinal tract. In case of insufficiency of the kidneys, there are no changes in the kinetics of the component. No cumulative effect found.

indapamide or indapamide retard which is better
indapamide or indapamide retard which is better

Do's and Don'ts

In the instructions for use of Indapamide Retard (1.5 mg), the manufacturer indicates that the product is intended for use by people suffering from arterial hypertension (high blood pressure). You can use the medication strictlyin agreement with the doctor. According to the rules, the drug is dispensed from pharmacies upon presentation of a prescription from the attending physician.

It is forbidden to use the product if any conditions, individual characteristics characteristic of a potential buyer can provoke a severe negative response of the body. All cases in which the use of tablets is dangerous are listed by the manufacturer in the accompanying documentation.

Contraindications mentioned in the instructions "Indapamide Retard":

  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to indapamide or any other substance used in the manufacture of the drug;
  • high sensitivity, allergic reaction to products derived from the processing of sulfonamide;
  • failure of the kidneys, liver in severe form;
  • anuria;
  • lack of potassium in the circulatory system;
  • encephalopathy;
  • lack of lactase;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • malabsorption syndrome.

The manufacturer indicates the impossibility of using the drug in minors. The instructions for "Indapamide Retard" mention that no special studies have been conducted to identify the effectiveness of the drug in this group of patients, its safety.

Special Occasion

As can be seen from the reviews, "Indapamide Retard" (1.5 mg) is sometimes prescribed to people suffering from impaired liver and kidney function. Patients with such features of the condition note that doctors, recommending taking pills, immediately indicate possible side effects.from taking them, and also instruct how to respond to them, at what response of the body to stop using the medication.

Restrictions on the possibility of using the drug are imposed:

  • violation of the ratio of water and electrolytes in the circulatory system;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • increased uricemia;
  • hyperparathyroidism.

People suffering from gout, as well as people who have been diagnosed with urate nephrolithiasis, deserve special attention.

Certain restrictions are imposed by drug therapy. Maximum accuracy requires a combination of "Indapamide Retard" (1.5 mg) and agents that can lengthen the QT interval.

Mother and child

According to reviews, "Indapamide Retard" (1.5 mg) is not used during pregnancy. Women who took these pills noted: when the fact of conception was revealed, they had to refuse therapy at the insistence of the doctor. This is due to the risk of ischemia. Against the background of the use of the drug, there is a possibility of delayed development of the embryo.

During lactation, Indapamide Retard tablets are not recommended, since the active ingredient is able to penetrate into milk. If it is not possible to avoid taking the remedy at this time, the child should be transferred to artificial nutrition.

indapamide retard reviews
indapamide retard reviews

Usage rules

The manufacturer recommends taking the tablets orally. Chewing is not required. Patients who took the drug noted that the process of using oneself did not have any particular difficulties.represents, but for some it was problematic to keep the reception time stable.

In the reviews of Indapamide Retard, patients who used the tablets mentioned that they drank one capsule of the drug per day. The same dosage is recommended by the manufacturer in the accompanying documentation. In a separate case, some adjustment is possible based on the individual characteristics of the situation - the doctor will give recommendations.

Regular dosage regimen: one capsule in the morning, daily at the same time. "Indapamid Retard" is plentifully washed down with pure boiled water without additives.

Negative Consequences

Although observations of those who took the pills showed that in most cases the medication was well tolerated, in the reviews of Indapamide Retard there are references to various unpleasant effects that occurred during the use of the medicine. Not all patients complained about them - many admit that they did not encounter side effects at all. The manufacturer in the accompanying documentation for the tablets indicates that the use is associated with a risk of the following reactions:

  • nausea, weight loss, stool disorder, epigastric pain, liver encephalopathy, pancreatitis, dry mucous membranes, hepatitis;
  • asthenia, agitation, headache and dizziness, sleep disturbances, depression, weakness, muscle spasms, anxiety, tension and nervousness;
  • cough, inflammation in the throat, nasal cavity;
  • violation of the rhythm and speed, the severity of the heartbeat, a sharp decrease in pressure;
  • kidney infection, failurework of this body;
  • allergic reactions including itching, urticaria, necrolysis;
  • thrombocyte-, leukopenia, anemia, agranulocytosis.

Taking pills against the background of lupus erythematosus can cause an exacerbation of this pathological condition. Isolated cases of hypersensitivity to light are known. It is possible to change laboratory parameters when receiving samples from the patient for research. "Indapamide Retard" can cause a lack of potassium, sodium, chlorine in the blood, excess calcium, nitrogenous urea, creatinine. It is possible to detect glucose in urine.

Too much

When using the drug in excess of the established limits, the following conditions are possible:

  • lower pressure;
  • water and electrolyte imbalance;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsiveness;
  • sleep cravings;
  • slow reactions;
  • confusion;
  • anuria.

Possible respiratory depression. With cirrhosis, there is a risk of liver coma.

When an overdose is detected, the patient is shown gastric lavage and taking sorbents. The doctor prescribes means to correct the balance of electrolytes, drugs to relieve other symptoms. Indapamide has no antidote.

Usage nuances

Often, patients who are prescribed the described drug are interested in how Indapamide and Indapamide Retard differ, what is the difference between them. Both drugs are based on the same active ingredient, but the specificity of the composition is such that the drug with the prefix "Retard" in the namehas a longer lasting effect. This tool provides an effect on pressure for 24 hours due to the gradual release of the active ingredient. This approach to the creation of the product made it possible to reduce the concentration of the main substance. This is another of the points that distinguishes Indapamide from Indapamide Retard. The first is produced with the content of indapamide in one capsule 1.5-2.5 mg, the second is only in one form - 1.5 mg.

The doctor should choose which option to use in a particular case. Doctors know better than ordinary people how Indapamide differs from Indapamide Retard, which means they can analyze which form to advise a particular patient. Choosing the best option is the key to effectiveness while minimizing the likelihood of side effects.

There is no universal answer to the question of which is better: - "Indapamide" or "Indapamide Retard". Mostly, the instructions for the use of these two medicines are the same. They are based on the same active compound, there are no differences in indications, contraindications. The rules of use do not differ. The doctor chooses for the patient what is best ("Indapamide" or "Indapamide Retard"). The financial aspect is taken into account: usually Indapamide costs a little less than prolonged-release tablets. However, only saving is not enough reason to replace the drug prescribed by the doctor with another one. The analogue of "Indapamide Retard" ("Indapamide") is, although a little cheaper, but the difference is too insignificant to take into account. If the doctor says that it makes no difference to the patient what exactly to take, then you can takeany of the medicines.

What to replace with: analogues

Instructions for use "Indapamide Retard" draws attention: the tool is based on indapamide. The following preparations were created on the same compound:

  • "Ravel".
  • Indap.
  • "Arifon".
  • "Arifon Retard".

All of them are, to some extent, substitutes for the composition described.

If it is impossible to purchase the drug recommended by the doctor, the issue of replacement is preliminarily agreed with the attending physician. Quite often, doctors advise stopping at Arifon Retard. Indapamide is the active component of this drug, which is similar in many of its parameters to the one under consideration. However, an important difference for many is the cost of funds. If the medicine described above in pharmacies costs on average from 30 to 150 rubles, then the price of a package of a popular analogue exceeds 300 rubles.

It is impossible to say exactly which is better - "Indapamid" or "Arifon Retard". The first tool is produced by several companies, has an affordable price. The second drug is a French development. It was he who appeared on the market first. The name of the drug is patented, and the right to manufacture it belongs to Servier. Since medicines for high blood pressure have to be used for long courses, a foreign product is not available to everyone. If you need to save money, you should check with your doctor, which is better for a particular patient - Arifon Retard or Indapamide. If the doctor confirms that the effect is equal, and the likelihood of side effects is the same, the patientcan choose the product that best fits into the family budget.

what is the difference between indapamide and indapamide retard
what is the difference between indapamide and indapamide retard

"Indapamid Retard": compatibility

The manufacturer of high blood pressure pills recommends avoiding the combination of the drug and lithium products. This combination can cause an increase in the concentration of lithium ions in the blood plasma, a decrease in the excretion of these compounds by the kidneys, which means there is a possibility of a neurotoxic effect.

Studies have shown that Indapamide Retard is combined with drugs that can provoke heart rhythm disturbances, but such combination therapy requires special attention to the patient. With certain deviations (the doctor will explain in a particular case which ones), it will be necessary to interrupt the therapeutic course. There are risks associated with combining indapamide and:

  • arrhythmia remedies from category IA;
  • third-class antiarrhythmia drugs;
  • phenothiazines;
  • sotalol;
  • benzamides;
  • butyrophenones.

There is a risk of ventricular arrhythmia with the combination of indapamide and intravenous injections:

  • erythromycin;
  • vincamina.

Certain dangers are associated with the simultaneous use of the pressure agent in question and pentamidine, moxifloxacin, astemizole, halofantrine, bepridil.

It is necessary to warn the doctor about the ongoing drug therapy, all the drugs that the patient is taking. This will reduce the risk of negative interaction. The doctor will explain how the mutual influence of the funds on each other can manifest itself, give instructions on how to behave in such a situation.

During the course, it is recommended to regularly check the patient's condition, identify the concentration of electrolytes in the circulatory system, and take an ECG. If potassium deficiency is detected, drug therapy will have to be adjusted to avoid arrhythmias.

Attention to every detail

The combination of Indapamide Retard tablets and non-hormonal agents for the relief of inflammatory processes (including acetylsalicylic acid, agents that selectively inhibit COX-2) may cause a decrease in the effectiveness of indapamide. Against the background of dehydration, there is a risk of acute kidney failure, as the activity of glomerular filtration will decrease. The risks apply only to the situation when non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used systemically. Starting such a therapeutic course, you should first check the content of electrolytes in the circulatory system, adjust the level to normal. While taking the drug, you need to regularly take tests to clarify the quality of the kidneys.

The combination of the drug "Indapamide Retard" and ACE inhibitor drugs with a low concentration of sodium in the circulatory system, stenosis of the artery that feeds the kidneys, may be accompanied by arterial hypotension. For patients undergoing such a course, the risk of acute kidney failure is estimated to be above average.

With arterial hypertension and suspected lack of sodium in the body due to the use of diureticspenates, it is reasonable to stop using Indapamide Retard tablets three days before the start of the IPAF course. You should start using diuretics that do not correct the level of potassium in the blood. An alternative option is to use IPAF at the beginning of the course at the lowest possible dose. Gradually increase the volume, if necessary. For the first week of such a program, regular fluid samples should be taken to monitor creatinine clearance.

indapamide retard instruction
indapamide retard instruction

Important subtleties of reception

If the patient is prescribed cardiac glycosides, if the patient is taking a course of laxatives, taking "Indapamide Retard" requires checking the concentration of potassium ions in the blood, indicators of creatinine clearance. Such measures are also necessary when taking a diuretic by the elderly and people suffering from hyperaldosteronism.

It is especially important to monitor the condition of patients taking diuretics to reduce pressure if cirrhosis of the liver is detected. If the situation is complicated by ascites, swelling, there is a high probability of metabolic alkalosis. Liver encephalopathy in such conditions is much more pronounced, so the patient's condition may worsen. Control is also required when taking drugs from pressure by persons suffering from cardiac ischemia, heart failure.

Indapamide-based tablets are associated with increased risk in individuals who have an abnormally long QT interval. This equally applies to those who have a congenital deviation, and to cases of acquired disorders due topathologies.

With diabetes, it is important to monitor the concentration of glucose in the circulatory system. Persons suffering from a lack of potassium in the blood should be especially attentive to their he alth.

Severe dehydration can cause acute kidney failure.

At the beginning of the course, it is important to constantly take tests to monitor kidney function. The doctor will explain how to replenish blood volumes (BCV). With gout, there is a risk of activation, more frequent attacks of the disease.

On doping control there is a possibility of getting a positive response against the background of the use of indapamide.

The manufacturer indicates the need to be especially careful when driving if a person is taking Indapamide Retard tablets. This also applies to work with high-precision mechanisms and equipment. At the same time, there is no absolute ban on such activity.

What's in pharmacies?

Indapamide Retard is available in tablet form. The capsules are packed in blisters. One blister contains 10-15 tablets (depending on the release form). The manufacturer puts instructions for use and three blisters for 10 capsules or two for 15 capsules into a cardboard box. The name of the medicine, manufacturer, expiration date and production date, drug dispensing rules, the exact number of tablets inside are indicated on the outside.

It is unacceptable to use "Indapamid Retard" after the expiration date. The product should be stored in a dark room at temperatures up to 25 degrees. If the storage conditions are violated, the medication should not be eaten. Choose a place to store it where children do not have access.

indapamide retard instructions for use
indapamide retard instructions for use

What will help: arterial hypertension

"Indapamide Retard" is prescribed for high blood pressure. It is customary to speak of a pathological condition when the pressure value is steadfastly maintained above 140/90. In rare cases, such parameters are normal for a person and are explained by individual characteristics - then no special adjustment is required. If the condition brings discomfort, treatment is necessary. Currently, arterial hypertension is one of the most common he alth disorders, if we analyze the diagnoses of patients around the planet. The older the person, the higher the likelihood of such failures.

Sometimes hypertension is an independent disease, but there are cases of its development against the background of other he alth disorders. Malfunctioning adrenal glands, kidneys, neoplasms can provoke high pressure. Often, pressure is provoked by feelings, stress, although other reasons are possible. As a rule, the disorder develops gradually. At first, the pressure rises occasionally and insignificantly. If this is just a response to an external factor, then it is too early to talk about pathology. When the pressure becomes persistently elevated, hypertension is diagnosed.

How to notice?

The most significant manifestation of hypertension is pressure above 140/90. You can check the indicators yourself at home if you purchase a tonometer.

High blood pressure may be indicated by emergingbefore the eyes of the "fly". Sometimes the head is spinning and hurts, vision is disturbed. As a rule, the progress of the disease is associated with failures in the functionality of various internal organs. Persons suffering from high blood pressure are characterized by swelling, suffocation and shortness of breath are possible. Sometimes there are symptoms suggestive of heart failure.

It is customary to distinguish three main degrees of hypertension. If the indicators vary within 159/99, they speak of the first degree. Progress is indicated by raising the parameters to 179/109. At the third degree, the pressure is higher than 180/110.

An isolated increase in systole only is possible, when the first parameter exceeds 149, and diastole varies within 90.

There are several known reasons for this state. If the disease is primary, in most cases it is not at all realistic to determine why the pathology has developed. It is known that there is a higher probability of encountering high hypertension if there are hypertensive patients among close relatives. Hypertension is more often observed in people older than 50 years of age, as well as people who have bad habits, primarily smoking. Hypertension can be provoked by low mobility in everyday life, excess s alt intake, endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus, frequent exposure to stress factors.

indapamide retard 1 5 instructions for use
indapamide retard 1 5 instructions for use

Secondary hypertension is often observed in diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels that feed these organs, adrenal glands. There is a high probability of high pressure in tumor processes and impaired blood dynamics. The lesions of the vascular system that cause hypertension are divided intocongenital and acquired. Both types can equally provoke pressure above the norm. Another possible cause is obstructive sleep apnea. Sometimes hypertension is caused by taking medications (more often hormonal or temperature-lowering drugs).
