Practically everyone experiences a cold or respiratory illness from time to time. Such diseases are not usually taken seriously, but if left untreated or a decrease in immune activity, they can lead to the development of frontal sinusitis. Symptoms of this pathology may be different, but it is very important to diagnose it in time.
Of course, many people are interested in more information. Symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment of frontal sinusitis are all important information that you should definitely study. So why does the disease develop and what complications does it involve?
Frontite - what is it?
![Causes of frontitis Causes of frontitis](
Frontitis is a disease that is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in the frontal sinuses. This disease is often characterized by a severe course and is difficult to treat, which is associated with some anatomical features. The frontal sinuses are connected to the nasal passages not by an opening, but by a very narrow frontalnasal canal, which sometimes prevents the outflow of fluid - fluid, mucus and pus accumulate in the sinus cavity, which only aggravates the situation.
Frontitis is often diagnosed in children (symptoms and treatment will be described below). The fact is that the child's sinuses are still being formed, which makes his body more prone to various kinds of inflammatory diseases.
Causes of disease development
Many people want to know everything about the causes, symptoms and signs of sinusitis. To begin with, of course, it is worthwhile to deal with the question of why the inflammatory process begins.
- The disease is associated with the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the frontal sinuses. The role of the pathogen can be played by both viruses and bacteria and fungi. They can enter the nasal cavities from the external environment. But sometimes there is an activation of opportunistic microorganisms.
- Risk factors include a decrease in immunity, as this makes the body susceptible to various kinds of infections.
- According to statistics, the likelihood of developing frontal sinusitis increases if the patient has suffered an injury in the projection of the frontal bone. The risk factors include the curvature of the nasal septum.
- Frontitis may be associated with an allergic reaction.
- The risk of developing an inflammatory process increases with vasomotor rhinitis.
It is worth noting that during the diagnosis it is extremely important to determine the cause of the development of inflammation, as well as the nature of the pathogen, since the treatment will largely depend on this.
Frontitis: types and forms of pathology
![Signs of frontitis Signs of frontitis](
Such a disease can proceed in different ways. Depending on the nature of the inflammatory process, they are distinguished:
- acute frontal sinusitis, which is accompanied by severe inflammation, fever and other symptoms of intoxication;
- chronic, the development of which is usually associated with a latent course of the disease or improper therapy of acute inflammation (the pathological process in this case progresses sluggishly, but constantly).
You need to pay attention to the localization of the inflammatory process.
- Unilateral frontal sinusitis is characterized by damage to one frontal sinus (respectively, it can be either right- or left-sided).
- Bilateral sinusitis is accompanied by inflammation of both sinuses at once.
If we consider the nature of the secreted exudate, then the following forms are distinguished:
- catarrhal sinusitis (symptoms and treatment will be described later) is accompanied by the formation of liquid, mucous secretions;
- purulent form, which is characterized by the formation of thick purulent masses of yellowish or greenish color;
- serous inflammation, against the background of which there is a scant clear discharge with a high protein content.
Depending on the cause of the development of the inflammatory process, frontitis is divided into viral, fungal, bacterial, allergic and mixed forms.
What are the symptoms of the disease?
![Frontitis symptoms Frontitis symptoms](
Symptoms of frontal sinusitis directly depend on the stagedevelopment of the disease and its form.
- Acute inflammation usually begins with an increase in body temperature. The person becomes weak and tired. Chills, joint pain and muscle aches appear.
- Nasal passages are heavily blocked. And if in the daytime this violation can be de alt with, then at night the patient often wakes up from lack of air.
- The characteristic signs of the disease include the appearance of severe pain in the forehead. Sometimes the soreness extends to the temples and eyes. Discomfort is most pronounced in the morning, due to the accumulation of secretions in the sinuses during the night. If the head is tilted down, the pain and pressure increase.
- A runny nose appears. The discharge may be clear, thin, and mucus, or thick, purulent, and yellow-greenish.
- Patients often suffer from hypersensitivity to light. Exposure to any stimulus, be it light, cold or wind, immediately causes an increased production of tears.
- Cough can also be included in the list of symptoms. In most cases, it is accompanied by sputum production, but it can also be dry.
- The disease leads to a gradual loss of smell. The patient becomes less sensitive to certain odors, and in the absence of treatment, completely loses the ability to distinguish odors.
In chronic inflammation, the clinical picture looks different. During an exacerbation, the same symptoms appear as with acute frontal sinusitis. But then comes remission - a period of relative well-being.
At this stage, patients oftenfeel heaviness under the eyebrows. In the morning there is a thick greenish discharge from the nose, although the rest of the day there is no runny nose. Some patients complain of recurrent headaches. There is a slow impairment of olfactory function.
Complications due to frontal sinusitis
We have already considered the main causes, symptoms of frontal sinusitis. If you notice the slightest violations, you should immediately consult a doctor. Lack of timely therapy is extremely dangerous.
- Possible transition of acute inflammation into a chronic form. Symptoms in this case are less pronounced. Patients complain of constant fatigue and heaviness in the head. Gradually, the mucous membranes of the nose atrophy, as a result of which they cease to cope with their functions.
- The list of consequences includes conjunctivitis. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye, itching and burning, and the formation of purulent discharge.
- The inflammatory process can spread to the membranes of the brain, which leads to the development of meningitis with all its consequences.
- Also possible ear inflammation.
Diagnostic procedures
![Diagnosis of frontal sinusitis Diagnosis of frontal sinusitis](
Only a doctor can diagnose a disease such as sinusitis. The symptoms and causes of the disease are what the specialist needs to know first. That is why the patient is first interviewed, collecting data for compiling an anamnesis. In the future, the patient is sent for additional tests.
- First of all, endoscopicinspection. With the help of special equipment, the doctor examines the inner surface of the nasal cavities and finds out what exactly prevents air circulation.
- Rhinoscopy allows the doctor to quickly examine the mucous membranes of the nose, note the presence of redness, swelling, purulent discharge. This is a simple procedure that does not require special equipment.
- A nasal swab is required. The obtained samples are then used for bacteriological culture. So the doctor has the opportunity to accurately determine the pathogen and test its sensitivity to certain drugs.
- X-ray is also informative. The obtained images show the accumulation of fluid in the frontal sinus.
- Infrequently, the sinuses are examined with an ultrasound scanner, although this procedure is less effective than an x-ray.
- The most accurate information can be obtained using a CT scanner. After examining the images, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the presence of an inflammatory process, the location of the focus, the degree of spread of the pathology, etc.
- Scintigraphy - a technique that allows you to check the patient for intracranial complications, involves the use of radioisotopes.
With the help of the above procedures, the doctor can determine the causes, symptoms and type of frontal sinusitis. Based on these data, the specialist will be able to draw up an effective treatment regimen.
Treat disease with antibiotics
Don't ignore such a disease as sinusitis. Symptoms and treatment in adults and children are related, because the choice of drugsdirectly depends on the presence of certain complications in the patient.
If during the diagnosis it was possible to confirm that the cause of the inflammatory process is the activity of pathogenic bacterial microflora, then patients are prescribed antibiotics.
- The most effective are the means of the penicillin group. Drugs such as Amoxiclav, Flemoxin, Augmentin are used.
- Third and fourth generation cephalosporins are also used, in particular, Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime, Axetil.
- If, for one reason or another, treatment with cephalosporins or penicillins is impossible (or does not give the desired effect), then the doctor prescribes macrolides, in particular Macropen, Sumamed and Azithromycin.
Topical preparations
![Frontitis treatment Frontitis treatment](
In order to eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis and speed up the healing process, not only antibiotics are used, but also other drugs.
- Often, vasoconstrictor drops for the nose, in particular, Otrivin, Afrin, Nazivin, are included in the treatment regimen. These drugs help relieve swelling, facilitate nasal breathing, and relieve congestion.
- Drops and sprays for the nose "Protargol", "Pinosol" act as antiseptics, cleansing the mucous membranes from pathogenic microorganisms.
- Sometimes the treatment regimen includes a special aerosol "Bioparox", which contains fusafungin. This remedy has pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Effective is the introduction into the nasalswabs soaked in an antiseptic solution or ointment (Levomekol is considered effective).
Physiotherapy treatments
There are other therapies that help eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis in children and adults. The inflammatory process, of course, can be removed with the help of drugs, but physiotherapy is necessary for the full recovery of the body.
- UHF heating is considered effective. This procedure allows you to reduce swelling and start regeneration processes. The full course consists of ten procedures.
- Laser equipment is also used for the treatment of frontal sinusitis. Exposure to photons activates metabolic processes and starts tissue regeneration processes.
- If there is unilateral frontal sinusitis (in a mild form), then the doctor may prescribe sinus lavage with special solutions.
When is surgery needed?
![Symptoms of chronic frontitis Symptoms of chronic frontitis](
Symptoms of chronic frontal sinusitis are sometimes not so obvious, but the consequences of the disease can be very dangerous. In severe cases, a doctor may recommend surgery.
- The procedure can be performed using an endoscopic probe. The doctor opens the cavity of the frontal sinus, after which the pus is pumped out. Subsequently, the sinuses are washed with an antiseptic solution. This technique is used only in the case of a chronic, constantly relapsing form of the disease.
- Trepanopuncture is a rather complicated procedure that involves making a hole infrontal bone. Thus, a path is created for the outflow of purulent contents. Fluid from the cavity is taken for laboratory testing - this helps the doctor choose more effective drugs.
Recipes of traditional medicine
![Frontal treatment at home Frontal treatment at home](
Many people are looking for traditional medicine recipes that would help eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis. And home treatment is possible - there are many remedies that you can prepare yourself.
- Experienced folk healers, as well as doctors, recommend regularly rinsing the nose with saline. You can prepare it yourself or buy it at a pharmacy (by the way, solutions based on sea s alt are considered more effective).
- The treatment process is positively affected by steam procedures that can be easily carried out at home. Add a few drops of menthol or eucalyptus essential oil to hot water and inhale the steam. By the way, oils can also be added to bathing water.
- You can use an aroma lamp by heating eucalyptus, pine needles, menthol or tea tree oil in it. These substances relieve swelling, facilitate nasal breathing and have antiseptic properties.
- It is believed that swelling of the sinuses and passages can be reduced by using bromelain. This substance is present in many dietary supplements, as well as in fresh pineapple.
- You can rinse your nose with a decoction of chamomile. This plant has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Before each procedure, you need to preparefresh decoction.
- It will help to cope with sinusitis and boiled potatoes. Several potatoes need to be boiled in their skins, mashed with a fork and breathe in the hot steam formed (but carefully so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the nasal passages).
- Some healers recommend burying the nose with fresh Kalanchoe juice. First, freshly picked leaves of the plant must be put in the refrigerator - here they ripen for three days. After that, you need to squeeze the juice out of them, dilute with warm boiled water. The resulting nose is instilled 2-3 times a day. It is worth noting that Kalanchoe juice causes a kind of allergic reaction - after instillation, a person begins to sneeze heavily. It is believed that such a home remedy helps to clear the passages and sinuses from the accumulation of purulent and mucous masses.
- It is useful to breathe in the vapors of a decoction of bay leaves.
Of course, such funds cannot be used arbitrarily. For example, hot steam or warming up the nose during acute inflammation can only aggravate the situation. That is why you should consult your doctor before using any home remedy.
Prevention of sinusitis
In modern medical practice, cases of diseases such as sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis are often recorded. The symptoms of such pathologies are similar, and the list of possible complications is very impressive. Of course, it is much easier to prevent the development of the disease than to worry about effective treatments later. Doctors recommend following some simple rules.
- All infectiousand inflammatory diseases should be treated in time, even simple rhinitis. In no case should you refuse the help of a specialist or ignore the symptoms that have appeared.
- It is important to eat right, keep fit at the proper level, take vitamin preparations, harden the body. This helps to strengthen the immune system and, consequently, reduce the risk of developing sinuses and other diseases.
- Try to avoid hypothermia, drafts. Always dress for the weather. In cold and windy weather, you should not give up the appropriate headgear.
The appearance of frontal sinus symptoms is a good reason to see a doctor. In this case, you should not self-medicate.