Urine compress: purpose, folk recipes, rules for the procedure, the result and possible consequences of self-treatment

Urine compress: purpose, folk recipes, rules for the procedure, the result and possible consequences of self-treatment
Urine compress: purpose, folk recipes, rules for the procedure, the result and possible consequences of self-treatment

Urine is a fluid produced by the kidneys. At its core, it is recycled blood plasma. In a he althy person, urine is practically harmless, while in a sick person it contains a lot of toxic substances. The beneficial properties of urine have been known since ancient times. Today, urine therapy is not something exotic. Admirers of this method of treatment make a compress from the urine or take it inside. How justified is such treatment and does it bring results?

Composition of urine

Composition and benefits
Composition and benefits

Urine is 99% water. It contains creatinine, urobilin, urea, hippuric acid and other breakdown products of protein substances. There are many s alts in the urine, among which the largest amount belongs to carbonic and oxalic calcium, as well as ammonium. In total, urine contains about two hundred components, manyof which are of no benefit to human he alth. This liquid contains cholesterol, carbon dioxide with oxygen, as well as hormones, acetone, bile pigments and drug residues. There is a small amount of vitamins and amino acids in the urine.

Benefits of urea

Morning or evening
Morning or evening

During the day, a lot of amino acids come out through the urine. Admirers of urine therapy argue that some of these extremely important components should be returned back to the body in a natural way, that is, by ingesting urine. In addition, in their opinion, urine is perfectly absorbed by the body, while some products are given quite hard. For example, if a person is sick, then it is highly undesirable for him to spend energy on digesting food in order to get amino acids.

In addition, urine promotes weight loss, as it stimulates the process of food processing by activating food enzymes. It is also used to treat neoplastic diseases. Due to a sufficiently large amount of inorganic substances, urine perfectly nourishes the body and stimulates the immune system.

Which urine to use?

Not every urine is suitable for treatment. For example, elderly or mature people should only use their own urine if they do not have any serious medical conditions. The most useful is the urine of a child or a pregnant woman. For example, a compress from children's urine works much better. During pregnancy, urine contains a huge amount of vitamins, andalso nutrients such as erythropoietin, cortisol, amino acids and so on. During this period, their number increases five times. And also urine is young and old.

Can I compress with urine? Infused urine has an ammonia-like odor and is considered quite old to be ingested. But it is ideal as compresses used to treat sore joints, sprains or bruises. For example, in order to make a compress from urine when s alts are deposited, the product of human life must be as old as possible, that is, emit a pungent odor.

Urine preparation

How to use
How to use

As already mentioned, for a compress from urine on the leg, an old, infused liquid is used, in which the ammonia content is quite high. Its smell indicates that protein decomposition has occurred and the liquid has become as alkaline as possible. Now she has acquired additional properties that are necessary for influencing sore joints. Ammonia promotes the expansion of pores and the penetration of beneficial substances.

As a rule, urine is infused for seven days at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. Toxins are released through the enlarged pores, the vessels are cleansed and the tissue of the diseased organ is renewed. Among the side effects are sometimes observed mild burns in the form of redness and itching. This suggests that the urine is quite aged, and a lot of ammonia has formed in it.

Morning or evening

For the preparation of compresses from urine with edema, the best liquid is the one thatwas mined starting at three o'clock in the afternoon and ending late at night. It contains a sufficient amount of alkali. It should be borne in mind that morning urine contains a lot of harmful impurities, and therefore it should not be used for treatment. If you urgently need to make a compress, then, as a rule, use the liquid that is at hand, without waiting for the next day.

Compositions for compresses

Compress on the joint
Compress on the joint

In order for the compress to get the maximum properties and help in the treatment of diseased joints, various components can be put into the urine. For example, shredded to a powdery state of sea kale. It has a huge set of minerals and vitamins, which, thanks to urine, easily penetrate through enlarged pores into the tissues of a diseased organ.

And also for compresses, magnetic urine is used, passed through a magnetron. Experts say that in this way it changes its structure and becomes even more active. Preparing magnetized urine is quite simple. The liquid is heated until it is reduced by one fourth, and passed through the apparatus.

How to make a compress?

Treatment of bruises
Treatment of bruises

In a pre-prepared infused liquid, moisten a cotton cloth and apply to a sore spot. The skin should be pre-cleansed with any mild detergent. It is rinsed with warm water so that the pores can expand and become receptive to taking the drug. Next, the compress is applied to the patientplace, and cover with a film on top. For this purpose, you can use any plastic bag that is at hand. For example, cling film has proven itself well, which is often used with compresses at home.

Most often, a urine compress for a bruise is done at night, and washed off with warm water in the morning. The course of treatment should not last too long. It usually takes three to five days. This period is quite enough to get rid of any bruises and sprains. According to users, the improvement occurs the very next day, and after three days the swelling and pain are completely gone.

Compress for swelling

Using the tool
Using the tool

Urine is often used for swelling or swelling. This method of treatment has been practiced since ancient times. As a rule, your own urine is used, but you can also use the nursery. Very often, with bruises, there is no time to insist on it, and therefore, as a rule, fresh urine is used. To prepare a compress, you will need a small container, cotton fabric and cling film. Urine is collected in a container during the day, regardless of whether it is morning or evening. Next, the moistened cloth is applied to the swollen area. From above, the joint is wrapped with several layers of film. Cling film usually holds well and does not require additional reinforcement. After a few hours, the compress is untied, and the skin is washed with warm water. The following procedure is recommended to be done after one or two hours, so that the body does not become irritated.

Compresses atarthritis and arthrosis

Homeopathic doctors advise doing the following. The second portion of morning urine is heated over low heat until it has evaporated by about one-fourth. It is extremely important not to boil the liquid, but to warm it up. Next, you will need a small piece of coarse fabric. As a rule, gauze or a wide bandage is not suitable for this purpose. A compress of urine is applied to the joint and fixed with a film. It is needed so that it does not dry out. Usually this procedure is carried out before going to bed, so that the remedy can work most effectively during the night.

According to experts, urine is an excellent biostimulant. No wonder the patient feels noticeable improvements the very next day. However, according to people who have used this remedy, the pain syndrome does not go away quickly. But this remedy helps to reduce the tumor and restore joint mobility.

Harms and unwanted effects

Doctors' warnings
Doctors' warnings

Does pee compress help? Among physicians, urine therapy has a lot of opponents. As arguments, they indicate a rather specific composition, which contains slags and frankly harmful substances. According to them, sometimes ignorance of the specifics of the disease leads to tissue necrosis. For example, it is extremely dangerous to treat incomprehensible spots on the body with urine. It is one thing to cure a bruise or remove a swelling in arthritis or arthrosis, and another thing is to use urine to treat inflammation, fungus, or various skin diseases. Sometimes the results are unpredictable and straightthe opposite of healing. Patients acquire new problems and their condition worsens.

Professional doctors agree that a urine compress really does help with swelling and even acts as a natural antiseptic for minor wounds. There are cases of rapid healing of festering wounds or cuts with the help of urine. It is not uncommon for patients to use their own urine even to treat their pets.

Today, there are cases when gonorrheal conjunctivitis developed due to the use of urine when washing the eyes. With improper use inside, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract worsened. Sometimes women, believing in the rejuvenating properties of urine, added urine to the face cream and thereby ruined it forever. In a word, any abuse of this tool threatens with a lot of trouble.

Temporary relief that appears during urine therapy, scientists explain the presence in the urine of corticosteroid hormones, otherwise called stress hormones. Applying a urine compress to open wounds is considered especially dangerous. However, the use inside also causes a lot of criticism. According to many doctors, the use of a huge amount of toxins contained in urine leads to severe kidney and liver diseases over time.
