Modern man has to find himself in stressful situations every day. Over time, nervous irritability accumulates, a state of chronic fatigue develops, and the effect of emotional exhaustion occurs. What to do when there is no desire to resort to the use of special pharmacological preparations to combat stress? In such situations, soothing herbs for nerves will come to the rescue.
Calming tea based on the collection of medicinal plants

To relieve stress, prepare the following herbal remedy for nerves. Get red ginseng root, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, star anise, and orange peels. Connect the components in equal proportions. Qualitatively grind the ingredients and cover with boiled water in an enameled container. Cover the container with a lid. Let the medicine brew for 10-15 minutes. Squeeze the liquid through cheesecloth. Use the product in a glass in a warm form each time an excess is noted.emotional irritability.
Tincture of herbs from nerves almost instantly eliminates bouts of unreasonable excitement. The tool removes the feeling of fatigue after prolonged physical and mental stress. The result of therapy is a pronounced sedative effect. Due to the ability of the drug to reduce the level of attention, take the remedy when you are not planning to engage in serious, responsible activities. In order to avoid trouble, it is most reasonable to use a soothing tea before bedtime.

Infusion of lime blossom allows you to quickly eliminate stress and relieve the feeling of unmotivated anxiety. Taking before bed ensures quality rest.
To make a soothing infusion, prepare a tablespoon of dried lime blossom. Pour the medicine base with a glass of boiled water. Keep the product under the lid for 15 minutes. Drink the expressed liquid every time you feel nervous tension.

What herbs calm the nerves? One of the most accessible plants, which allows you to remove the feeling of emotional excitement, is the common nettle. Grass juice is a source of an abundance of vitamins that the body needs to strengthen the nervous system.
Make a healing tea based on the herb for nerves:
- Pour a teaspoon of ground nettle leaves into a glass of boiling water.
- Let the product brew for 15-20 minutes underlid.
- Carefully strain the composition, removing particles of plant leaves from the liquid.
- In order to prevent nervous disorders, use the resulting remedy daily, shortly before going to bed.
Nettle infusion is great for anxiety. Regular intake of the drug makes it possible to get rid of chronic insomnia. However, individuals who have poor blood clotting should be wary of using this herb for nerves. In this case, therapy should be started only after approval from the doctor.
Valerian is an effective herb for nerves for men and women, which will help in cases where it is difficult to sleep in the presence of a serious stressful condition. The decision will allow you to calm down if a responsible performance in public is planned. Due to the strong sedative effect, the valerian root remedy is recommended to be used starting with the smallest doses, gradually increasing the dosage.
In order to combat insomnia against the background of stress, the pharmacy extract of the plant is absorbed in a volume of no more than 400 ml at a time. When you need to quickly calm down during the working day, the rate of funds is reduced to 200 ml. The expected result is noted almost instantly after taking valerian root extract.
St. John's wort

St.excitability. Using the herb to calm the nerves is extremely simple. Pour a small handful of crushed St. John's wort with a few glasses of boiling water. Allow the product to cool to room temperature. Drink a cup of liquid expressed through gauze 2-3 times a day, which will make it easier to overcome stress.
The product is so effective in eliminating nervous excitability that calming can come from just inhaling the aroma of a healing herb. Medicines prepared on the basis of the plant demonstrate excellent results in the case of the development of all kinds of neuroses, the presence of convulsive conditions. Traditional healers recommend resorting to the method of therapy for girls who experience special physical and emotional discomfort during premenstrual syndrome.
There are several ways to use the oregano herb to soothe. An effective solution is to take the infusion of the plant. Brew about 5-6 dessert spoons of dried oregano in boiling water with a volume of 0.5 liters. Cover the container with a lid and leave the product alone for 30 minutes. Then filter the liquid through cheesecloth. Take a tablespoonful of this soothing infusion after each meal.
Another good method of therapy is taking healing baths. Take close to 200 grams of dried oregano herb. Pour raw materials with 4-5 liters of boiled water. Wait a few hours until the composition is well infused. Strain off the liquid and pour into a bathtub filled with warm water. In order to relieve nervous irritability, perform water procedures withusing the product for half an hour.

What herbs for nerves are traditional healers advised to use? Chamomile tea is a widely known remedy for relieving emotional excitability. The tool is famous for its pronounced sedative effect. The drink quickly stops the feeling of increased anxiety, which is the result of a stressful situation. Absorption of healing tea guarantees almost instant relaxation. Due to the strong sedative effect, the medicine should be taken in the comfort of your home, in the late afternoon.
The sedative is prepared as follows:
- Take one and a half teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers.
- Brew raw materials with a glass of boiling water.
- Wait for the chamomile tea to cool to room temperature before straining through a cheesecloth.
Swallow 1/2 cup shortly before meals. In order to improve the taste, it is allowed to dissolve in the composition of a small amount of honey. To noticeably reduce the accumulated nervous irritability, follow the therapy daily for three weeks.
The fireweed plant, also known as fireweed, is rich in biologically active elements that produce a mild sedative effect on the body. Means prepared from medicinal herbs are suitable for the prevention of stress. Therapy using a decoction of fireweed makes it possible to avoid the occurrence of convulsive conditions. Usemedication allows you to fall asleep quickly and feel completely alert after waking up.
Prepare a sedative from Ivan-tea according to the following scheme:
- Use a dessert spoon of the dried plant leaf collection.
- Brew the base of the future broth with half a liter of boiling water in an enamel saucepan;.
- Hold the container on the stove for 5 minutes by making a small fire.
- Cool the finished broth to room temperature and drink before going to bed.

Use an infusion of hops is recommended in cases where a person is forced to regularly experience stress due to hard work. Plant-based remedy ideal for relieving nervous tension by suppressing adrenaline production.
To make a soothing tea, take a few tablespoons of hop cones. Pour the raw material with one and a half glasses of boiling water. Allow the product to cool to room temperature. Take the medicine before going to bed, which will allow you to count on a good rest.
Try not to abuse the infusion of hops. Taking the drug more than once a day provokes a number of negative effects. Possible consequences include nausea, dizziness, and heart rhythm disturbances.
What are effective nerve herbs for women? An excellent healing plant, which contributes to the rapid removal of the increased excitability of the nervous system, is passionflower. In addition to eliminatingemotional irritation, this herb perfectly relaxes the muscles. For girls, the use of the drug is shown when a stable pain syndrome develops at the height of the menstrual cycle.
In order to relieve the above symptoms, prepare the following medicine based on the herb for nerves and stress:
- Take one dessert spoon of the dried passionflower herb.
- Chop raw materials thoroughly using a knife and mortar.
- Pour the resulting powder with boiling water in the amount of half a glass.
- Infuse the product for 10 minutes under the lid.
- Strain the composition through a fine strainer or gauze.
Use the entire amount of the nerve herb tincture about 30 minutes before going to bed for a quality night's rest without suffering from irritability or a headache.

Mint is widely known among the people for its pronounced sedative properties. The effect is achieved due to the content in the structure of the plant of such biologically active substances as alpha-pinene, carvone, limonene, menthol. These chemical compounds have a complex effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce the level of nervous tension.
The plant is traditionally used to make a healing tea, which is able to relax well after a stressful situation. Making a sedative is extremely simple. It is enough to brew a tablespoon of fresh leaves in a cup of boiled After a quarter of an hour, the relaxing tea will be ready to drink. To relieve the accumulated nervousness, take the remedy three times a day with a volume of half a glass. Within a few days, emotional well-being will improve much, problems with sleep will disappear.