Many are interested in what it is - check-lifting and what sensations after it. Basically, it's plastic surgery. It is designed to lift the middle part of the face. The most important point to pay attention to during the procedure is the bags under the eyes. The specialist is engaged in eliminating them. The procedure eliminates bruises under the eyes, removes the largest furrows and wrinkles. Unfortunately, no matter how hard a woman tries to take care of her face, after 40 these unpleasant defects appear, so you need to contact a specialist so that he can take care of them. With age, the skin becomes flabby, soft tissues sag. In the cheekbone area, the skin is very affected. But if a woman decides to take a risky step and goes for a correction in this zone, then she gets justified expectations.
The mid-face lift is designed to perform soft tissue lifting. Unfortunately, it is this part of the face that most often undergoes age-related changes. With age, soft tissues begin to sag, fall below the level of the cheekbones,and this, in turn, betrays the real age. The article will discuss what it is - check-lifting. The best surgeons in this field are not that hard to find.

Cheekbones: antonymic difference and features
In the formation of the triangle of beauty, they occupy one of the leading positions. The triangle of beauty is the space between the cheekbone and the chin. The zygomatic bone at a younger age is well contoured, protruding, and well covered with muscle and fat cells.
Unfortunately, as time moves on, things change. The tissues sag, and this action leads to the formation of wrinkles and folds in the eye area. Also, the skin ages and sags in the chin area. Sometimes on a woman's face you can see eternal sadness or suffering. In fact, this is just a side effect of skin aging. Also in the female face there are changes such as:
- The formation of bags under the eyes, swelling and bruising appear.
- Deformation of soft tissues in the area of the jaw part of the face.
- Deep nasolabial folds.
- Puffiness that no diuretic can get rid of.
- Sagging cheekbones.
- Stagnation of fluid in the middle part of the face.
- Profuse wrinkles appear around the eyes.
Check-lifting takes care of all these troubles.

When advised?
In what cases it is necessary to contact a specialist in order to eliminate defectsleather:
- In case soft tissue ptosis occurs.
- Eyebrow drooping.
- Profuse bags appear under the eyes.
- A groove forms.
- Deep wrinkles appear.
Before you go for surgery, you need to go through some examinations. Self-preparation for such an operation is divided into several stages:
- consult a surgeon;
- conversation with a therapist in order to identify contraindications;
- consultation with an anesthesiologist in order to determine contraindications to anesthesia;
- laboratory diagnostics in progress.

Laboratory diagnostics means:
- CBC assessment;
- collecting a biochemical blood test;
- urine test;
- HIV test;
- determining the level of blood clotting;
- check for syphilis;
- fluorography;
- cardiogram;
- hepatitis check.
When the last stage of the examination of the patient takes place, he needs to do everything possible to eliminate alcohol and nicotine from the diet. Nicotine prevents the rapid healing of wounds, the condition of the vessels worsens. As for alcohol, the substances that make up this drink are not entirely compatible with anesthesia.

Also, many experts recommend that beforethan to go to the operation, drink sedatives. This is necessary in order to dull the patient's excitement. In the morning before surgery, it is not recommended to eat, it is desirable to limit the intake of water. But this is provided that the anesthesia will be general. If the operation is performed under local anesthesia, then you should not limit yourself to anything, but breakfast should be light.
Positive aspects of the procedure
After you have determined what a face check-lift is, you should learn more about the positive properties of the procedure:
- risk of complications is negligible;
- effect persists for a long time;
- no scarring;
- natural facial features are preserved;
- rehab time is minimal;
- during the procedure, an endoscope is used, which helps to avoid traces of the operation;
- minor injury.

Unfortunately, this operation also has contraindications. In no case should the procedure be done if:
- There are acute and chronic diseases.
- There are infectious diseases.
- In case of skin inflammation.
- Diagnosed with cancer or autoimmune disease.
- In case of thyroid disease.
- The operation is not performed on people under the age of 18.
- In case of poor blood clotting.
- History of diabetes mellitus.
- In case of cardiovascular diseases, procedurecontraindicated.
- Hypertension diagnosed.

Rehabilitation period
Check-lifting is a very good procedure, because after it the recovery is very fast. On average, the rehabilitation period after check-lifting (photo attached) takes no more than fourteen days. The first few days after the operation, the patient must be in the hospital in order for the doctor to control the entire course of healing.
Of course, for the first time after the procedure, the patient experiences discomfort and even pain in the places where the operation took place. There are bruises, swelling. But they pass within a week. The sutures that are placed during the operation are removed after seven days.
Rules to follow after rehabilitation
The article presents diagrams to help you understand how check-lifting is done (pictured). Rehabilitation by days after the procedure is signed by a specialist. In order for this period to pass successfully and not cause any discomfort, you must adhere to several rules and take into account the restrictions:
- After the procedure, in no case should you use lenses.
- In no case should you perform cosmetic manipulations on the face, such as masks or massages.
- Keep out of direct sunlight, do not sunbathe after surgery.
- In no case should you take hot baths, go to baths and saunas.
- You can not swim in ponds and pools.
- Must avoidintense physical activity, stop visiting the fitness room.
- In order for wounds to heal faster, you need a special face disinfectant.
The result will please the ladies in a month, maximum one and a half, after the operation. This effect of the procedure lasts for a long time, from 5 to 7 years.

Possible Complications
Now it is clear what it is - check-lifting. Here are the complications that surgery can cause:
- Hematomas may appear. This is due to internal bleeding. Hematomas appear as a result of the fact that the capillaries were damaged during the procedure. If the hematoma is small, it will eventually disappear on its own. If the hematoma does not spread over time, then surgery will be necessary.
- Edema also often occurs after surgery. Edema is an important step in vascular permeability. As a rule, such things go away on their own after a few days, but it is better to seek the advice of a surgeon.
- Festering wounds. This type of complication can develop due to necrosis, hematoma, or due to the fact that the rules of disinfection were not followed. In this case, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
- Eversion of the lower eyelid. This is a mechanical deformation, it develops due to the fact that a large excess of skin has been removed. In order to eliminate such a nuisance, it is necessary to perform a second operation.
- Keloid scars form. Such a formation appears as a result of the fact that there is an excessive stretch of the skin during suturing. This defect can appear both immediately and after a few days. In order to eliminate troubles, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of rehabilitation.
- The shape of the eyes is changing. Such changes occur for two reasons: either the skin is overstretched, or the surgeon made a mistake and fixed the skin incorrectly.
- The appearance of a round eye. A similar complication appears due to the fact that there is a violation of the circular muscle of the eye. This cicatricial deformity may disappear, but for prevention it is necessary to carry out special exercises for the eyes. Among other things, the patient is recommended to observe the correct daily regimen. Excessive fatigue, lack of sleep can also have unpleasant consequences on the face.
If the patient after the operation noticed deviations from the norm and if bruises, defects appeared, then you should immediately contact the specialist who performed the procedure. He will make observations, identify the cause of what is happening, and also prescribe a course of therapy to eliminate this trouble.
What do the experts say?
many practitioners claim that the operation perfectly relieves puffiness, hanging cheeks and bags in the eye area. Why does the shape of the eyes change after a check-lift? According to experts, this happens due to the fact that during the procedure the skin in the cheek area is tightened.
What are customers saying?
What is a check-lift? Many women claimthat the operation is quite traumatic, and the postoperative period is associated with many problems. However, this is nothing compared to the result - a beautiful and toned face shines with youth again!
It is noteworthy that men also want to eliminate the symptoms of aging, but ordinary plastic surgery leaves scars behind the ears, and it is difficult to hide them behind a short haircut. For this reason, check-lifting will be a good alternative for the stronger sex.
After the procedure itself, you must protect yourself from visiting the sauna, do not take a hot bath, refrain from overloading.
How to find a good surgeon? Many patients are advised to carefully consider this issue, before the operation, check the qualifications of a specialist and ask friends about him. It is also necessary to study the real work of the surgeon, photos before and after plastic surgery. Many patients recommend choosing a clinic in the capital or large cities of the Russian Federation.
The cost of a face check-lift directly depends on the chosen clinic, the type of surgery, the competence of the doctor, the chosen city, for example, in Moscow the price will be higher. Such a procedure costs from 50 thousand rubles, if the least complexity of the work is chosen. In the case of serious options, you will need to pay approximately 180-200 thousand rubles. Most often, this already includes the price of a consultation, testing, a hospital, etc. But certain medical institutions do not include such services in the amount of the operation. For this reason, it is recommended from the very beginning to specify the information from the doctor, so that laterhad to pay more.
Now it's clear what kind of check-lift operation it is.