The nuances of strengthening the immune system and muscles are of interest not only to professional athletes, but also to people who are active in mental activity. This is also true after serious illnesses or injuries. Therefore, many people will be interested in the question: glutamine - what is it? This supplement, properties and methods of use are described in the article.
General information
Glutamine - what is it? According to the medical literature, it is one of the 20 standard amino acids that make up protein. In humans, it is present in muscles, internal organs and blood. Glutamine - what is it in simpler words? It is a protein component responsible for the immune system, susceptibility to various factors, increased protective functions and muscle growth.
And in its natural form glutamine - what is it? It is a component of protein, only it is found in meat, fish, dairy products, beans, cabbage, beans, beets and greens. But during digestion, some amino acids are lost, and the muscles getsmall amount. Therefore, the component should be taken in its pure form by people subject to strong physical exertion.

There is no consensus on the use of an additional amino acid. Some believe that its effectiveness in increasing muscle volume has not been proven. But still, what is glutamine for? It has a positive effect on the body as a whole, increasing its endurance. Therefore, sports training will become more intense, and the load more serious. Some experts believe that taking an amino acid can increase growth hormone levels, which is why muscle growth is observed.
What else is glutamine good for? It is required for severe physical exhaustion. It is also indispensable after training. Glutamine can be produced by the body itself. With strong intensive sports, the muscles themselves produce it in the body, if there is an overload, and self-production is not enough, then the destruction of muscle fibers is observed.
Excess component is excreted from the body, and its additional use has no side effects. Glutamine should not be used only with its intolerance, stomach ulcers, anemia, leukopenia, chronic liver and kidney ailments. Experts believe that you should not increase the dosage of the amino acid, otherwise it leads to stomach pain, nausea.

What are the properties of glutamine? This stuff:
- participates in protein synthesis;
- suppresses secretioncortisol;
- reduces risk of overtraining;
- stimulates glycogen production;
- strengthens immunity;
- increases the production of your own growth hormone.
The main property of the amino acid is to improve muscle recovery during and after training. Therefore, it is actively used by athletes.
Different from glutamic acid
These elements have an identical chemical composition. The difference is that glutamine does not contain the nitrogen that makes muscle protein. The areas of use for these components are different. Glutamic acid is effective in stimulating the nervous system and releasing excess energy.
Glutamine is needed for muscle growth, recovery from exhaustion, disease. To lose weight faster during a diet, experts recommend using this particular substance. So, glutamic acid is able to treat ailments of the central nervous system, and glutamine has a different purpose. It is used to strengthen the immune system, rehabilitation of the body.

Sports nutrition
When people lead an active lifestyle, they need to adhere to the principles of sports nutrition. High energy consumption must be compensated. The amino acid restores the energy balance in the body, which increases the intensity and long-term training. There is also an acceleration of metabolism, strengthening of immunity.
The product should be used 2 times a day - after training and before bedtime. If there is no training, then this should be done after dinner and at night. Daily rateglutamine during sports is up to 8-10 g. Many experts advise using up to 50 g per day with a weight of 85 kg. The dose is set according to the individual characteristics of the person, his physical activity and the desired goal.

In bodybuilding
Glutamine is known to be used in bodybuilding. Additional reception is the need of the body. After all, it increases the volume of muscle tissue. With increased physical activity, the body's production of its own amino acid will be insufficient. As a result, immunity decreases, it will not be possible to increase the intensity of exercises. Such a substance is an indispensable energy stimulator. The benefits of using it in bodybuilding are as follows:
- strengthens immunity;
- reduces muscle pain during strenuous exercise;
- prevents muscle protein breakdown;
- improves sleep;
- recovers from physical stress;
- allows you to get a beautiful body shape;
- removes harmful components from the body.
While taking this amino acid, you must follow the rules. Do not forget about other rules of this sport.

In weight loss
Glutamine is used for weight loss. It is able to speed up the metabolism, and as a result, fat burning proceeds much faster and more efficiently. With low-calorie diets, the immune system needs support and recovery.
The component is not able to burn fat, does not reduce appetite and does notconsidered a sugar substitute. It performs a building function in muscle tissue. Thanks to a strong muscular system, metabolism is accelerated and fat burning is ensured. An increase in stamina increases the load on the body to start the fat burning process.
Where is it found in food?
The sources of such an amino acid are various. It is found in animal and vegetable products, seafood. The leader in the presence of the component is soy, peanuts, Dutch cheese. They contain 5-6 g of glutamine for every 100 g. The second place (3-3.5 g) is occupied by mussels, rabbit meat, lentils, hazelnuts, chicken, beef, herring. In 3rd place (0.5-2.2 g) are tomatoes, pork, chicken eggs, pink salmon.
Consumption of 2 g of amino acid per day normalizes the functioning of the whole organism, increases hormone synthesis by 30%. This is the norm for people with standard physical and mental activity, and with strong training and exhaustion, a large dose is needed.
The component in the products has no contraindications, you just need to make a suitable diet, and then the amino acid will always be in the body. It is important to provide the body with appropriate physical activity so that there is no overabundance.

Correct reception
You can buy glutamine at the pharmacy. It is produced in different forms, the use cases are determined by the parameters of the person and the form of release. It can be tablets, powder, capsules, ready-made bars, cocktails. To calculate the required amount, you need to know that 0.3 g is needed per 1 kg of weightsubstances.
Pros of pills include:
- storage duration;
- convenient application;
- easy dose calculation.
Capsules have similar benefits, in addition they are not able to act on the walls of the stomach and are quickly broken down during digestion.
How to take the powder?
Glutamine can be purchased at the pharmacy in various forms. In powder form, it has the following benefits:
- quick muscle penetration;
- possible to mix with food or cocktails;
- affordable compared to other types.
The downside is the need to independently determine the dosage. For packaging, a measuring spoon is used, but you can make a mistake in grams.
There are several ways to take the amino acid in this form:
- Daily allowance should be divided into small doses (4-5 times) and consumed throughout the day. Due to the constant intake of the component into the body, rapid growth of muscle mass is ensured, and due to the small dose, it is quickly absorbed.
- The daily allowance is divided into 3 times: before training, after it and an hour before bedtime.
- The drug in tablets is used 1-2 times a day during meals.
Glutamine can be combined with some supplements:
- Citrulline.
- Glucose.
Don't take it with protein as it slows down absorption. When using, as an additive, cocktails and bars with this component, you must definitelydetermine its dosage and read the composition.
When is the best time to take?
When a component is used to pump up muscles, the method of taking it before training (or after it) or at bedtime is effective. In order for the supplement to be better absorbed, at least 1 hour should elapse between taking protein and glutamine. For weight loss, the amino acid is taken during training from 2 times a day.
Duration of admission is determined by the state of he alth. Also, this must be agreed with a doctor or trainer. In a standard situation, breaks in reception are needed for some time several times a year. Cancellation of the application is carried out gradually, lowering the dosage every day.
The best remedies
Because glutamine is a sought-after amino acid, manufacturers offer many forms and types:
- "Glutamine Drive". The powder contains l-glutamine. It is used for recovery after training, to strengthen the immune system, muscle growth. It improves mental activity, eliminates stress, removes toxins from the body.
- Optimum Nutrition Glutamine Capsules. The drug is included in sports nutrition. It is produced in the form of capsules - 1 capsule contains 1 g of the amino acid, so it is convenient to calculate the daily rate. The drug supports the body of athletes after training.
- MusclePharm Glutamine. The drug is produced in the form of a powder, which is in demand among athletes. Glutamine is conveniently packaged, allows you to regulatedaily rate. Experts believe that the drug quickly builds muscle mass and restores the body.

The price of the drug is different for all manufacturers. It also has an effect on weight. The average cost is 700 rubles for 300 g, 1100 - 500 g, 1800 - 1000 g. Powder is considered the most affordable. Capsules and tablets, 100 pcs. cost from 600 rubles. It is advisable to purchase the drug in a pharmacy. After all, its price there is lower compared to sports nutrition stores.
As with other sports products, the substance is viewed with distrust by many. Are there side effects? Since the amino acid enters the body in small quantities, and if it is served separately from the main protein, then it is not harmful to he alth.
Harm can be an overdose. If you take it more than 15 g at a time, then you can expect indigestion and acute diarrhea, which disappears on its own after removing excess amino acids from the body. It can also cause intestinal irritation. Otherwise, there are no side effects, as the acid dissolves during the digestion of food.