Some representatives of the stronger sex believe that a significant amount of seminal fluid and its density indicate an outstanding male strength. However, in most cases, such indicators are a sign of serious diseases. Deviations from the norm lead to the impossibility of successful conception.
Preparation for spermogram

To determine the viscosity of the seminal fluid, a spermogram is needed. The study is relevant for the majority of couples who have regular sex life, do not use contraception, and do not conceive for two or more years.
To reliably determine the viscosity of sperm, you should properly prepare for the delivery of biological material. Recommended for this:
- do not visit the sauna, bath, solarium a week before the procedure;
- do not take hot showers, baths, do not sunbathe for seven days;
- do not have sex for three to five days;
- do not drink strong coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages and medicines duringabstinence.
Compliance with the rules will allow you to get the most correct results.

Semen must be donated by masturbation in a specially designed room in the laboratory building. It is acceptable to deliver sperm for analysis directly from the home, where it is obtained during coitus interruptus. Transportation is carried out in a medical condom.
It is very important to consider that the ejaculate must be in the laboratory no later than three hours. In this case, the temperature regime corresponds to thirty-six degrees, otherwise the viscosity of the sperm will be determined incorrectly. It is worth taking a responsible attitude to its transportation, since biological material spilled along the way can significantly affect spermogram parameters.
Determination of the viscosity of seminal fluid

Separated ejaculate is strongly compacted at first, like other media that contain protein. Then it gradually liquefies, normally this should happen for one hour. After sixty minutes, the study of biological material begins. It is stirred with a glass rod, and then the thread is raised to a certain height. The resulting length determines the viscosity of the sperm. The viability of spermatozoa, their mobility, and the ability to create a new life depend on this indicator.
If the results are unsatisfactory, the specialist can additionally prescribe tests, ultrasoundexamination of the scrotum, rectal examination or bacteriological culture from the urethra.
Spermogram norms

For domestic researchers, a thread length of one to five millimeters is taken as the norm. The World He alth Organization follows a different direction. For her, a height of up to twenty millimeters is considered optimal. The value is the average for the stronger sex around the world.
Lower limit not set. It is noted that the shorter the length of the thread, the better. These test results will be good. However, when studying the viscosity of sperm, the norm is not always observed. Sometimes the scores are too high. In this case, it is reasonable to speak of increased viscosity. She can be:
- high when the thread exceeds twenty millimeters;
- expressed when the value is between one and two centimeters;
- moderate if the indicator is up to ten millimeters.
Increased results in most cases indicate polyzoospermia - a disease in which one milliliter of ejaculate contains more than 120 million spermatozoa. Such indicators are not a guarantee of the excellent fertility of a man. And all because the predominant proportion of sperm will be deprived of viability due to the low speed of movement and the presence of various developmental defects. It is worth noting that the content of 20 million spermatozoa per milliliter of biological material is considered the norm.
Causes of increased seed viscosityfluids

He althy ejaculate should be a cloudy, not too liquid and heterogeneous mass, resembling mucus. Sometimes there is an increased viscosity of sperm, the reasons for this can be varied. For example:
- presence of infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted;
- occurrence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
- excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
- use of anabolic drugs;
- cigarette smoking;
- predominance in the diet of protein foods - mineral supplements, gelatin, sea fish, eggs;
- decrease in water balance;
- long absence of sexual intercourse;
- lack of B vitamins, beriberi;
- lack of important trace elements and minerals;
- overweight.
To pinpoint the source of problems, it is worth going through a detailed diagnostic examination.
Principles of Therapy
Increased semen viscosity is not a death sentence. Such a deviation can be completely cured. Therapy begins with the cessation of the use of anabolic steroids, alcohol, drugs and smoking. The following simple rules can also help:
- Improving the environmental situation. It is impossible for one person to normalize the state of the environment. However, it is quite possible to minimize the number of harmful factors.
- Minimizing stressful situations.
- Control of body weight. The high viscosity of sperm is characteristic of overweight people, since the accumulatedfat negatively affects sperm activity.
- Compliance with the rhythm of sexual life. Sex in a married couple should not be too rare, but not often. The norm is three to five times a week.
If a man does not want to become infertile, it is important for him to follow the above recommendations, even if there are no other he alth problems.
Prevention measures

So that the representatives of the stronger sex do not face the question of how to reduce the viscosity of sperm, it is necessary to remember about prevention in time. To do this, do not neglect regular examinations, especially when suspicious symptoms appear. The urologist will identify the problem and help resolve it.
The sex life of an adult man should be complete. Excessively frequent sexual contacts will make the seminal fluid excessively liquid, rare - provoke viscosipathy and other ailments.
Since the testicles are outside, they must be protected not only from overheating, but also from hypothermia. It is also important to lead a he althy lifestyle, drink enough fluids.
If viscosipathy is congenital, then a married couple can have children through artificial insemination. At the same time, the male ejaculate is treated with a special solution, which makes the likelihood of pregnancy higher.
When a circulatory disorder in the genitals is detected, the urologist prescribes various procedures to the patient that eliminate the problem. For example, electrophoresis, special baths,mud treatment. The use of Viagra and its generics or therapeutic physical culture is also becoming relevant.
If testicular vein dilatation is established, the defect is eliminated with minimally invasive surgery. This normalizes the indicators of seminal fluid due to the formation of new he althy spermatozoa.
Surgical manipulations are sometimes necessary for testicular injuries. The consequences can affect the viscosity of the sperm, treatment for this reason should not be postponed. Otherwise, the morphophysiological characteristics of the biological material will be unsatisfactory.
Improve sperm quality

Problems with conception can occur in almost any man. If independent attempts do not bring tangible results, it is advisable to contact a specialist. He will be able to conduct hormone therapy to increase testosterone levels. The temperature regime is always considered relevant. No need to get involved in hot showers, visiting saunas and baths.
Proper nutrition is extremely important. The diet of men should be natural, he althy, varied. It is important to include milk, mushrooms, legumes, fish, meat, nuts, fruits, seafood, liver, herbs, vitamins C, B, E, zinc and so on. From fatty and heavy food, at least for a while, you will have to give up. It is better to spend more time under the sun so that vitamin D can be produced in the required quantities. Traditional medicine advises using pumpkin seeds and royal jelly so that the ejaculate does not becomethicker.
Thus, excessive semen viscosity is a serious problem for a man who wants to become a father. If pregnancy does not occur for a long period, it is worth taking a spermogram to identify possible pathologies. Only after establishing the true causes can they be eliminated, thereby improving the performance of seminal fluid.