In order to thin and improve sputum discharge when coughing, the doctor may recommend inhalation with Lazolvan. In this case, it is important for a person to know how to properly apply the drug and carry out the procedure. The article discusses the instructions for "Lazolvan" for inhalation, describes the expectorant, indicates the features of the dosage and application.
Medication description
Lazolvan is produced by the Spanish company Boehringer Ingelheim Espana.
The drug has a transparent structure, may be colorless or with a brownish tint.
Sold over-the-counter in pharmacies in the form of syrup, tablets, ampoules for injection, solution for inhalation and oral administration. The instruction "Lazolvan" describes the composition of the drug, its properties, features of the use and storage of the drug.
Inhalations with "Lazolvan" are prescribed as an alternative to oral or parenteral administration.
Benefitsinhalation use:
- non-invasive treatment;
- the effect of the drug directly in the focus of the inflammatory process;
- absorption of the active substance into the blood, bypassing the liver;
- easy to use.

Active substance and composition
The active substance of the drug is Ambroxol. Refers to drugs of the mucolytic group and has some features:
- reduces the viscosity of sputum, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the cough reflex;
- promotes the production of surfactant;
- normalizes the functioning of the mucous glands, which is important for patients with chronic forms of the disease;
- Ambroxol does not affect bronchospasm;
- increases local immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
In addition to the active substance, the solution also contains auxiliary components: E330, E339, benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, purified water.
After taking the drug inside, the action begins after 30 minutes, and when administered by inhaler - instantly. Ambroxol lasts up to 12 hours.
Instructions for the Lazolvan solution for inhalation for children do not differ from those for adults. The children's solution contains the same concentration as that of an adult - in equal amounts of ambroxol and saline.
Benefits of using a nebulizer
For the procedure for children and adults, a nebulizer is an indispensable device. Inhalation through it allows you to deliver 70%medicines directly into the lower respiratory tract. Such treatment is effective for cough caused by lesions of the larynx, trachea, bronchi, alveoli of the lungs. The difference between a nebulizer and other devices for inhalation:
- transforms the medicinal substance into an aerosol that penetrates the lower respiratory tract;
- does not destroy the molecular structure of the drug, but only sprays it;
- ensures the penetration of the drug into the blood in a short period of time;
- allows you to dose the injected substance;
- not contraindicated in hyperthermia;
- device is easy to use.
The use of the solution for inhalation "Lazolvan" according to the instructions through a nebulizer helps to reduce the recovery time and reduce the load on internal organs, such as the liver.

Indications for use
The instructions for "Lazolvana" for inhalation describe diseases in which such a treatment is prescribed:
- Pathologies of the lungs, which are accompanied by an increase in secretory function (excretion of a large amount of sputum), including their chronic forms.
- Bronchitis in acute and chronic forms.
- Pneumonia.
- COPD (airway obstruction with sputum production).
- Bronchial asthma, in case of difficulty in expectoration.
- Other diseases characterized by secondary inflammation in the lungs.
According toinstructions, "Lazolvan" for inhalation for adults and children should not be used in such cases:
- If you have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
- Pregnancy.
- Breastfeeding period.
- If you have liver or kidney failure.
The use of the Lazolvana inhalation solution through a nebulizer for pharyngitis and rhinitis is debatable, and if necessary, it may be contraindicated to reduce sputum discharge. Therefore, before the procedure, you must consult with your doctor.
It is not recommended to take the medicine at the same time as antitussive drugs, which will lead to a deterioration in sputum excretion.
Patients with hereditary fructose intolerance should not take Lazolvan - it causes a laxative effect.

How to dilute the drug?
The instructions for the solution for oral and inhalation "Lazolvan" indicate that the drug must be diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride solution immediately before inhalation. The proportions of the components for children are the same as for adults: "Lazolvan" and saline are mixed in equal amounts.
The nebulizer chamber usually holds no more than 5 ml of liquid. For babies, 2 ml is most often enough for the procedure. The dosage of "Lazolvan" for children is prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the patient's age and body weight.
Before manipulation, it is important to ensure the temperaturemedicines up to 36-37 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to pour sodium chloride solution into the nebulizer chamber, and then add "Lazolvan". Manufacturers warn that the drug should not be mixed with cromglycic acid and liquids with a pH greater than 6.3.

Side effects and overdose
Instructions for "Lazolvan" - a solution for inhalation - reports the following side effects from taking the drug:
The gastrointestinal tract may respond with nausea, oral hypoesthesia, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, dry mouth and throat, heartburn, constipation, hypersalivation;
- immune system - symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction (shock) and allergies (itching, rash);
- nervous system - signs of dysgeusia (taste disorders);
- respiratory system - decreased sensitivity in the pharynx and oral cavity;
- urinary system - dysuria.
If a patient develops reactions not previously described, then the attending physician should be informed about this.
Symptoms of overdose in humans are not described. If medical errors or erroneous overdosing of the drug occurred, it is reported that the reactions that occurred were consistent with side effects at recommended doses in the form of nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, diarrhea.
As a treatment for such conditions, it is proposed to induce artificial vomiting, gastric lavage and take fatty foods.
Doing the right inhalation
After thatas the inhaler is assembled and the solution for it is prepared according to the instructions for use of "Lazolvan" for inhalation, an adult or child needs to breathe correctly - for the maximum effectiveness of the procedure.
Here are some rules:
- Shallow breath through the mouth.
- Hold your breath for 1-2 seconds.
- Exhale through the nose.
The optimal time for morning inhalation is an hour after breakfast, and evening inhalation is two to three hours before a night's sleep. With a three-time daily appointment, you must try to choose the time of the day procedure after a day's rest.
Sometimes children complain of dizziness or weakness caused by frequent deep breathing. In this case, you need to briefly interrupt the procedure.

Doctors' recommendations
The instructions for "Lazolvana" for inhalation do not indicate specific recommendations for improving treatment, so you should ask about the nuances of your doctor.
Not recommended before inhalation:
- take food and medicines because inhalation can rarely cause nausea or vomiting;
- rinse your mouth with antiseptics
After inhalation, especially when using a mask, wash your face with warm water and rinse your mouth. Doctors also pay attention to such points:
- Inhalation is unacceptable before bedtime;
- it is forbidden to combine "Lazolvan" with taking antitussive drugs;
- increasebody temperature up to 37.5 degrees is not a contraindication for the introduction of the drug through a nebulizer, treatment is delayed at higher rates;
- meal is possible one hour after inhalation;
- necessary to minimize all negative aspects in the treatment process.
If the procedure causes negative emotions in an adult or a child, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor the possibility of an alternative method of introducing Lazolvan.

Recommendations for the little ones
The instructions for "Lazolvana" for inhalation in a nebulizer indicate that the drug can be administered to children under 6 years of age. Ambroxol is also used in the treatment of premature newborns in order to improve the production of surfactant.
There are some nuances in the treatment of children under 3 years old:
- Young children will not be able to follow the breathing regime, so parents should monitor the process of inhalation. The appointment of inhalation administration of the drug is a sparing procedure that does not affect the work of other organs.
- Children usually easily and willingly agree to the procedure. It is important to calmly and kindly explain to the baby that inhalation is not a punishment, it will avoid the need to give an injection or drink a bitter pill.
- In order for the disease to “pass” as soon as possible, it is necessary to “breathe properly”. You can conduct treatment as a game - for example, offer to compete who "breathes better" - a mother or a baby, a sick person or his favorite toy.
Reviews and application of "Lazolvan"
According to consumer reviews, the drug is a good medicine with an expectorant effect, quite effective. It is easy and clear how to use "Lazolvan for inhalation" according to the instructions. The price is reasonable.
Many say that not a single course of treatment is complete without this drug. It is convenient to use both in tablets and as a solution for inhalation. It has a pleasant taste and is well tolerated by children.
Specialists note that the drug does not cause allergy symptoms and addiction.
Parents who gave "Lazolvan" for inhalation (instruction included) to their children note its high efficiency when used in a nebulizer.
Many people note that with the help of "Lazolvan" recovery occurs twice as fast as when using other means, the effect is observed within a couple of days after the start of taking the remedy.
There are also negative reviews, but they are many times less. They are mainly associated with the high cost of the drug and the occurrence of allergic reactions. There is also an opinion that there is a partial addiction to the drug, so it should be changed to another one from time to time.

Analogues of the drug
The country of origin of the drug "Lazolvan" is Germany, therefore, according to consumers, it has a high cost. But, like any drug, this one has imported and domestic products with a similar effect - analogues, according tothe effect is not inferior to the German original.
Prices for analogues of "Lazolvan" for inhalation (with instructions) are currently:
- Syrup "Erespal" - in addition to expectorant, has an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect, the average price is 250 rubles.
- Bulgarian "Ambroxol" - an average cost of 60 rubles.
- French mucolytic drug "Flyuditek" - 400 rubles per bottle of syrup.
- Indian "Ascoril" is the best modern generic that relieves bronchospasm and improves the separation of sputum from them, the price is about 200 rubles.
- Slovenian medicine "ACC" - dilutes and removes the secret, clearing the bronchi, worth 130 rubles.
- Czech products "Ambrosan" and "Ambrotard", costing from 100 to 150 rubles, are intended for the treatment of inflammation of the bronchopulmonary system.
- Depending on the form of release - nasal spray, "Lazolvan" for inhalation and oral administration (instruction attached) - the price of the original drug is from 150 to 360 rubles.
Also on sale in the price category of about 200 rubles, you can find medicines such as Flavamed, Bronchorus, Ambrohexal, Ambrobene, Berodual.
"Lazolvan" is a fairly safe and time-tested drug. Proper use of it in the form of inhalation can relieve respiratory diseases in both adults and children.