Bioptron Zepter can help with many known he alth problems. This device is manufactured by a Swiss company using the latest technology. It is not only effective, but also has excellent quality and an objective cost. Bioptron is one of the latest advances in light therapy. It is simple and easy to use and can be used everywhere.
Structure and composition
The Bioptron device is a lamp in a plastic case. It is powered from the mains in the voltage range from 100 to 300 V. This device has all the necessary quality certificates.

The instrument includes the following parts:
- device "Bioptron Zepter";
- cosmetic Oxy Spray;
- appliance stand;
- instruction manual.
All of the above parts are included in one set. They are necessary for convenient and high-quality treatment of diseases, withwhich the lamp can handle from the Zepter. "Bioptron", the use of which has shown its effectiveness, is indispensable for treatment, including at home.
Working principle
Treatment with this device is performed using light, which has a positive effect on the human body.

"Bioptron Zepter" is able to normalize the following processes in the body:
- improve blood circulation;
- normalize the metabolic process;
- protect against allergic reactions.
- effectively and quickly relieve inflammation;
- improve the functioning of the human nervous system.
Due to the effect of light on the retina and iris of the eye, various vision diseases are treated. All the useful properties of light are contained in the Bioptron device. But at the same time, the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation are excluded.
The modern technology used in this device makes it possible to take advantage of the positive properties of light, while providing a gentle and gentle effect on the human body. Light is deformed, absorbed and reflected. In the course of deformation, it becomes an adequate irritant for the eyes, contributing to their recovery. In the process of electromagnetic oscillations, there is a positive effect on the organs of vision.
The use of "Bioptron Zepter" is necessary in the presence of diseases that it is able to eliminate. It is recommended for various eye diseases, such as: conjunctivitis, demodicosis of the eyelids, corneal edema afteroperations, as well as the development of allergic processes.

Light therapy will be extremely effective when used daily. Such procedures take a little time - usually only a few minutes. They are recommended to be carried out in the morning and in the evening.
First you need to clean the desired area of the skin. Next - direct the light to the right place at an angle of 90 degrees. The next step will be extremely simple: you need to sit down and relax. During treatment, it is desirable to maintain a distance of at least 10 centimeters between the skin and the device. After finishing work, the device should not be forgotten to turn off.
During the procedure, you may experience discomfort, but do not worry, as light therapy is absolutely safe. Keep your eyes closed to avoid discomfort. Light therapy is not allowed if you use contact lenses. They must be removed before the session.
Despite all the advantages of this device, it can not always be used.
It should not be used in the presence of the following diseases:
- epilepsy;
- acute chronic diseases;
- oncological and skin diseases, as well as problems with blood vessels;
- active tuberculosis;
- in organ transplant;
- impaired cerebral circulation.
During its existence, the effectiveness of "Bioptron Zepter" has been fully proven. The user manual indicates howwhat diseases it can help with.

In some cases, this device should be used with caution, its use is limited. Before treatment, you should consult your doctor. This is due to the pronounced analgesic effect of this device. For example, its use can mislead the doctor you came to see with a complaint about a particular disease.
"Bioptron" can be used to a limited extent in the presence of the following diseases:
- In acute thrombophlebitis, as its effect can provoke a blood clot separation.
- In the presence of cancer. This is due to the fact that the effect of the device on cancer cells has not yet been fully studied.
In addition, it is strictly forbidden to use "Bioptron" when carrying a child and during lactation, in the presence of diseases of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, endocrine system.
If you use immunomodulators, cytostatics or corticosteroids, then you should not use the device either, as their simultaneous use will not bring a positive effect.

Before using it, be sure to carefully read the instructions. If necessary, you can consult a doctor.
Cost of the device
Bioptron Zepter is not cheap. But considering the positive effect that can be achieved with its help, and its many advantages, its price is quite reasonable andobjective. It is difficult to specify the specific cost of this device. It can vary significantly. Its approximate price is about 80,000 rubles. A lot depends on the store where you intend to buy this device.
On the Web you can find countless positive reviews that testify to the high quality and effectiveness of this device. Despite the fact that it was created relatively recently, many managed to use it and appreciate the "Bioptron Zepter". Reviews about him are the best evidence of this. When used correctly and following all recommendations, it is completely safe and can help to cope with a large number of various diseases.