In the article, we will consider how to use "Pimafucin" for men.
The myth that only women suffer from thrush has long been dispelled. Now it is well known that both ladies and men can be prone to candidiasis. The candidiasis form of balanoposthitis, or otherwise male thrush, is usually characterized by the appearance of inflammation of the head of the penis and the foreskin located near it. However, the strong half of humanity is still less at risk of thrush, because the physiological feature of the genitourinary system in this case prevents the rapid reproduction of bacterial pathogenic microflora. Next, find out how to use Pimafucin for men.

How does this drug work?
The active substance of the drug can irreversibly bind to the sterols of the fungal membrane, thereby disrupting their structure. The natamycin molecule penetrates the cell membrane of pathogens, forming in itmany tubules through which an uncontrolled process of movement of water and electrolytes further occurs. Against the background of these reactions, the fungus can lose its resistance to external negative effects and quickly die. How to use Pimafucin for men is described in detail in the instructions.
Use for thrush
Men suffer from thrush in a milder form, for this reason, most of them do not immediately notice the disease that has appeared. The appearance of this disease is an indicator of reduced immunity, indicates the presence of a concomitant sexually transmitted infection.
Fungal infections cause a local process of inflammation. Because of this, the damaged organ with the surrounding tissue turn red, swell, and additionally there is a burning sensation with itching, painful urination. Later, a whitish coating is observed, which is similar in texture to cottage cheese and has a lactic odor.

If you suspect candidiasis, you should contact a specialist, conduct an examination and undergo the necessary course of treatment. The most effective method of treating fungal infections seems to be a combination treatment based on a powerful antifungal agent. The most common and effective drug is Pimafucin. How to apply the cream to men with thrush, we will tell below.
Features of the drug
This drug for men is an antifungal antibiotic that has a wide spectrum of action. This remedy is prescribed for dermatomycosis,candidiasis, balanoposthitis, vulvovaginitis, etc. Its active ingredient is natamycin. The mechanism of operation of the agent in question is based on its connection with the streols of cell membranes and a change in their selectivity.

When the membrane integrity is broken, it ceases to function, leading to the death of the microscopic organism. The most sensitive to natamycin are fungi of the genus Candida, which act as causative agents of thrush. This parasite is always found in the human body in small quantities. When the balance of microflora is disturbed for one reason or another, this leads to their increased reproduction and, consequently, to the development of candidiasis.
Issue Forms
The drug is produced in suppositories, in pills, in the form of a cream and ointment. Many are interested in how to use Pimafucin candles for men. It is worth noting that this form is more suitable for the treatment of women. All other drug options can be given to men.

Indications for use
The main purpose for the use of this medication is the appearance of fungal infections of the mucous membranes and skin caused by pathogens sensitive to the agent in question. Thus, the drug is applicable for vulvovaginitis, otitis externa (which was originally caused by fungi), vulvitis, balanoposthitis, vaginitis, skin and nail candidiasis, ringworm, and so on. How to apply Pimafucin cream to men, it is important to find out in advance.
Symptomatology and signs of the development of male thrush
Often, thrush among men appears in the form of balanoposthitis, which should be understood as the development of inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis. At the same time, it becomes red, swollen, irritation and acne may appear on it. A man also often feels intense itching with burning, whitish discharge is observed from the penis. After a certain time, a white coating begins to form on the organ, which may resemble curdled milk.
In the region of the head, the process of inflammation can lead to impaired urination, or rather, the occurrence of painful micturition and pain during sexual intercourse. This situation requires immediate treatment. In these cases, urologists prescribe antifungal medications, among which a cream called Pimafucin has become widely used.
At the first stage of the disease, only local treatment is allowed. When the infection progresses or becomes chronic, oral antifungal medications (such as medications containing fluconazole or Pimafucin tablets) will need to be used.
How to apply for men?
What is important to know
How to use Pimafucin ointment for men? The cream is used to treat the outer cover. It is produced in aluminum tubes of 30 grams. Its color can vary from white to yellow. For easy and fast distribution of the drug, propylene glycol is included along with cetyl ether wax, decyl oleate,sodium lauryl sulfate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, cetostearyl alcohol and so on.

In order to combat balanoposthitis, it is required to carefully treat the head of the penis with cream up to four times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the attending doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Treatment can last quite a long time, it all depends on the form of development of candidiasis. Do not stop therapy immediately, as the symptoms cease to bother. It is necessary to be treated with the drug for several more days and apply it to the affected areas for prevention purposes.
So, how to use "Pimafucin" for men in this form? The instructions say that the course of therapy with ointment is prescribed for at least seven to ten days. In the event that the patient's condition does not improve after five days of the course or severe adverse reactions occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor and replace the antibiotic, supplementing the treatment with tablets.
The list of those is quite small. As a rule, this medicine should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to its substances. It should be noted that allergic reactions to the nitamycin component are very rare. Severe side effects when using the medication in patients do not appear. At the beginning of treatment, a slight indigestion (when there are diseases of the digestive system) and nausea may occur. But such symptoms pass on their own in a short period of time; she doesn't needtreatment. During the application of the cream, a burning sensation may occur, but this is not a reason to complete the course.

Side effects
In some situations, during the use of the agent in question, side effects such as vomiting in combination with nausea may occur, it is possible that the digestive system is upset along with itching and burning.
The cream does not affect the systemic process in the body, therefore there is no need to eliminate side effects. The drug is considered the safest for use of all available analogues. It is recommended to prescribe it even to newborns, and, in addition, to infants. However, a doctor's consultation is still required. In addition, as with the use of any alternative remedy, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the mucous membranes and skin. Next, find out what medical specialists say about this pharmaceutical product in their comments.
How to use Pimafucin for men is not difficult to understand. The drug for thrush has long established itself on the market as a proven and effective remedy. It should also be emphasized that in the entire history of the use of the antibiotic in question, cases of resistance have not been noted. Doctors in their reviews say that this is a very effective medicine. They also note that this drug has a local effect and cannot be absorbed through the walls of the digestive tract, which allows it to have a direct effect on the foci of infection.
Experts write that "Pimafucin" in the form of a solution is used quite rarely, however, this medication format is best suited for therapy if thrush affects the oral cavity in a person. Doctors advise men to use a cream for this disease.
Doctors in the comments emphasize that, giving preference to this medication and trying to eliminate the fungal disease in the body, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that this remedy can be used as a prophylactic drug in the fight against thrush. And this serves as another additional plus in the treasury of its advantages. Thus, by producing timely therapy, based on the recommendations of the doctor and on the instructions for use, you can easily defeat the painful condition with the help of Pimafucin, without additional resorting to certain medications.

The cost of this drug ranges from sixty to four hundred and fifty rubles. Its price depends on the region, and, in addition, on the manufacturer and the release format. The exact figure can be found in the pharmacy. Thus, most men in the fight against thrush use this medicine. It is a reliable and proven antimycotic agent.
We looked at how to use Pimafucin for men with thrush.