Autism - what is it, types, causes, signs, symptoms and treatment

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Autism - what is it, types, causes, signs, symptoms and treatment
Autism - what is it, types, causes, signs, symptoms and treatment

Video: Autism - what is it, types, causes, signs, symptoms and treatment

Video: Autism - what is it, types, causes, signs, symptoms and treatment
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You can increasingly hear about manifestations of autism in people of different ages, but many people get acquainted with the features of this disorder only when diagnosing a problem with their relatives, friends or themselves. What is an ailment? Features and symptoms of autism, as well as types, causes and treatment, we will consider in the article.


Autism is a certain condition of the human nervous system that accompanies him throughout his life. The problem can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the age and degree of adaptation of the patient to the outside world and society.

State Definition
State Definition

Common features of autistics are a preference for loneliness over human interaction, a violation of the emotional spectrum and an incorrect perception of reality. So what is autism? It turns out that this is the definition of a pathology associated with difficulties in communication. They are often caused by an inability to express their own emotions and a lack of understanding of the behavior of other people. Often a problem with autismentails a violation of speech and a decrease in intelligence.

Reasons for appearance

Violation in communication and perception of the surrounding world occurs due to the lack of coordinated work of individual parts of the brain, but what exactly causes such a problem is still not known for certain. Experts believe that the most common cause of autism (signs and symptoms of the disorder will be discussed below) is a hereditary disorder in the formation and development of the brain. Interestingly, at the same time, parents may not have a manifestation of the disease at all. If one of the parents has such a diagnosis, then the probability of having a child with a pathology increases.

Increased levels of testosterone in an infant during fetal development, according to some reports, may also cause neurological disorders in the future.

Disturbances in the development of the amygdala are observed in absolutely all autistic people, because this organ is responsible for emotions and communication, so malformations of its development can also lead to disorder.

It has also been noted that at the age of 3 years, the brain of children diagnosed with autism is always larger than their he althy peers, so stopping the growth of the organ can theoretically prevent the development of the disorder.

Among the less popular theories, there are assumptions about the dependence of the disease on the amount of heavy metals in the body, nutrients, chemical and biological balance, certain vaccines, and even the opinion that frequent rainy weather leads to a violation of the emotional state. The most likely factors in the manifestation of the disorder are considered to be a combination of several possible causes, but to date, none of the theories has been confirmed.

How common is the disorder

According to official statistics, one child out of a thousand is diagnosed with autism, but many parents simply do not seek the help of specialists with the characteristic behavior of their children, attributing it to character traits. It should also be borne in mind that the pathology has many variations, some of which are very difficult to diagnose even for experienced doctors. Thus, the actual number of autistic people can vary greatly.

Who is an autist? This is most often a boy who suffers from problems in communication and perception of the world around him, because, according to the same statistics, girls have a 4-fold lower risk of such a violation.

Symptoms of pathology

There is simply no characteristic definition of the signs of the disease, because depending on the age and degree of impairment of the nervous system, each person may have a disorder in its own way. Among all this, only common characteristic features that appear in each individual set can be distinguished:

  1. Violation of social interaction. This problem is most typical for autists and occurs in almost everyone in varying degrees of complexity. It is difficult for people with this disorder to establish contact with others, since in most cases they themselves do not want it. Children do not tend to play with peers, avoid direct eye contact, andadults have trouble remembering faces and recognizing emotions. Attachment can only develop for things, pets, or very close people who care for autistic people.
  2. The second characteristic feature of a patient with autism is obsession with behavior. The interest of such people is determined by only one thing throughout their lives, and they are not going to change it. Stability in general is very important in absolutely everything. The monotonous daily rituals of everyday life form a comfortable living environment for an autistic person. This refers to a certain sequence of actions, the same products for breakfast or the same walking routes. Any change knocks out of the usual rhythm of life, even if it's just a rearrangement of furniture. This also includes compulsive behavior, which is also a manifestation of cyclicity. It differs from everyday rituals in that it does not carry any practical benefit. The patient may simply arrange the books regularly in a certain order, or always store the dishes in a strict sequence. Performing such an action is a certain addiction, and if the autistic does not do it, he will be constantly in a nervous state.
  3. Manifested autism syndrome and impaired sensory perception of the world. It can be a weak or, conversely, a pronounced sensitivity of one of the sense organs or several at once. Most often, there are difficulties with hearing, so people with pathology do not recognize individual sounds or, conversely, they hear absolutely everything around and cannot concentrate, constantly being indiscomfort. Visual impairment is manifested by problems with the perception of space, distortion of images, the ability to focus only on part of the subject, and so on. With insufficient tactile sensitivity, patients often injure themselves, enjoying strong pressure on the skin. Hypersensitivity leads to avoidance of all contact with people and careful choice of clothing. Taste buds can be affected in a similar way. With insufficient perception of them, eating inedible objects and a preference for spicy foods are observed. Hypersensitivity leads to careful food choices and a preference for certain foods.
  4. Often, autism (what it is, described above) is manifested by a violation of the vestibular apparatus, so people with this diagnosis prefer quiet activities and rarely play sports. The very same movements help them to improve control over the body. This is why you can understand why autistic people do not like change. Very rare, but characteristic only for this diagnosis, is a feeling substitution syndrome called "synesthesia". It is manifested by the ability of patients to "see" the wind, "hear" the taste or "feel" the music.
Symptoms of pathology
Symptoms of pathology

Pathology has no physiological manifestations, but patients often have a violation of the pancreas, intestines and immunity. This is attributed to the underdevelopment of the body, the detached lifestyle and the limited diet of people with autism. Who are autists, you can find out in general from the article or on a specificdefinition above.

Diagnosing the problem

According to many experts, autism is not a disease, but a developmental disorder of the nervous system, which cannot be completely eliminated. With timely diagnosis, it is only possible to most effectively correct the behavior of a person with a pathology, which is already very good.

So, since the violation is considered congenital, then you can notice its first signs already in the first months of a baby's life. Experts, of course, recommend that an examination be carried out at the age of 1.5-2 years, and children receive confirmation of early autism at 2-3 years, when their communication problems and speech impairment become most noticeable. There are also cases when, before school age, the baby has absolutely normal development and does not show any signs of pathology, and after 5 years it completely changes. In such children, intelligence is preserved to a greater extent, as is social communication.

Problem Diagnosis
Problem Diagnosis

Only a specialist can carry out a complete and accurate diagnosis of autism. Existing tests for IQ and secondary cognitive impairment are not able to give an accurate result. Only after talking and observing the behavior of the patient, the doctor can highlight certain features and make a diagnosis.

Adult autism

Approximately 1% of the adult population is people with autism. Those who have such acquaintances know that, depending on the form of the disorder and the correctness of its correction, patients may practically not differ from ordinary people. Partiallyadapted autistics even go to work, but only to work that requires the same type of actions and fits into their usual rhythm of life. There are also severe forms of pathology, when adults practically do not speak and require constant monitoring. Depending on the form of the disease, several groups of patients can be distinguished:

  1. Heavy. These people are unable to take care of themselves and are in constant need of care and supervision.
  2. Closed. They communicate only with close people, very rarely and exclusively on certain topics. They are difficult for outsiders to understand because of the speech impediment.
  3. Medium degree. These people have certain abilities, can communicate with others, but show no interest in contact and do not recognize general rules.
  4. Easy shape. This pathology practically does not differ from ordinary indecision, so it is difficult for a non-professional to understand whether this is a character or autism. It does not matter what causes such a disorder, timely diagnosis and careful work on behavior correction helps to achieve a positive result.
  5. Highly intelligent people. Since autistics are fond of a particular type of activity, they are very often specialists in this area.

Male autism

In the representatives of the stronger sex, pathology always manifests itself more typically and vividly than in women. Men are very fond of any interest and are ready to devote all their time to it.

Autism in adult men
Autism in adult men

They tend to be more attached to pets than topeople, and the topic of romance generally remains closed for many years. Even if the form of the disorder allows a man to get a job, then career advancement is unlikely to await him. First of all, because of the lack of social contact necessary for this, and secondly, because of the lack of interest in the profession itself. Of course, if the main hobby of an autistic person coincides with his profession, then the situation can change dramatically.

Female pathology

Diagnosing autism in this case becomes as difficult as possible, since women tend to have patterned behavior, and it is almost impossible to understand whether this is a natural reaction to a particular action or learned. Women with autism do not have specific interests. They can be addicted to TV shows or books, like ordinary women. A distinctive feature here is only a certain obsession. A lady with a nervous pathology will devote absolutely all her time to her chosen interest, which often comes at the expense of other things.

Autism syndrome in women does not manifest itself in isolation, almost all ladies strive for communication, but choose a small number of interlocutors for this. Of course, after sessions of social interaction, patients need a lot of time to restore the nervous system, so after a working day or meeting with friends, they need to spend some time in silence or doing what they like.

Often, adult autistic ladies suffer from depression.

It is often possible to determine that a girl is developing autism at an early age by hyperlexia -rapid development of reading and deep immersion in works.

Early childhood autism

This is a complex developmental disorder characterized by a distortion in the flow of various mental processes. When a baby differs in behavior from his peers already in the first months of his life, this is early autism. What is this behavior? Toddlers do not fix their eyes on faces and prefer to look around, do not seek contact with adults and do not respond to many sounds. The latter is often associated with hearing impairment, but in fact, children simply perceive what they hear in their own way and do not show any interest in it, even when it comes to their own name. Early autism is manifested already at the age of 2 years by attachment to certain objects or toys, a tendency to cyclical actions. The child has no interest in communication and language development.

What is Childhood Autism? This definition is time dependent, as behavior patterns and symptoms change with age. If a baby at six months is not able to smile and generally express joy, this is a clear sign of pathology. At 9 months, you should pay attention to his reaction to contact with an adult, and at a year old - to the presence of gestures and babble when communicating. At a year and a half, a he althy child should speak some words, and put together simple phrases at 2 years. Autism is rarely diagnosed at this age, attributing developmental disorders to other ailments, but with timely detection of behavioral disorders, correct behavior and adapt the baby in societyit will be much easier.

Child form

Children's form of autism differs from the early one in some additional ways. What is Childhood Autism? This is a similar nervous breakdown in babies aged 2-11 years. Among other symptoms at this age, there is a lack of interest in communicating not only with adults, but also with peers. Toddlers show no interest of their own and try to avoid any attempt to engage them in conversation.

At this age, he althy children show interest in many things, while autistic children are fond of only one activity, completely rejecting the rest.

Interests of autistic children
Interests of autistic children

Children react very sharply to any change in their lifestyle. Even a change in daily routine can put them in a state of panic, so it is very difficult for kids to get used to a new routine when school is necessary. There may be situations where the child often repeats the sound or phrase heard.

Depending on the degree of development of the pathology, all of the listed symptoms may not attract the attention of adults at all, or they may manifest themselves very acutely. Mild autism in children this age is characterized by withdrawal rather than total withdrawal.

Teen Uniform

Teenage autism is a consequence of the development of a childhood form of pathology. It is at this age that even the easy ones in raising children begin to have serious problems. This is primarily due to the fact that autistic children noticeably begin to lag behind their peers in development and suffer fromsocial isolation. In adolescence, unusual children are more likely to be bullied, which can worsen their condition. There is also an increase in sleep problems. In rare cases, patients may be at risk of epileptic seizures. Of course, a physical change in the body also entails certain advantages:

  • child needs to learn self-care, which is a new skill;
  • reduced tendency to cyclicality;
  • irritability decreases.


In fact, there is simply no cure for autism in children. It is impossible to solve such a problem with medicines, and taking various drugs is relevant only if necessary to eliminate certain symptoms of the pathology. All treatment should be reduced to psychological support, adaptation of the baby in society and assistance in establishing social communication. This is carried out by psychotherapists, neuropathologists, psychiatrists and the forces of parents. There were cases when, due to intensive therapy, it was possible to achieve remission of the disease and the child was removed from the register as autistic, leaving marks only for the presence of autistic disorders.

It is worth noting that autism is such a unique and diverse disorder that manifests differently in each patient. That is why the result of treatment can be noticeable in a short time in some children, while in others it can not be observed for years.

To speed up the adaptation of the child, not only specialists, but also parents should work on his behavior. Close people can correct the behavior of the baby in several ways independing on the form of his pathology:

  1. If the child's speech and intellect are not impaired, psychotherapeutic conversations should be held. In them, it is necessary to explain to the baby the phenomena surrounding him, situations and emotions of people. Understanding the world around you reduces anxiety during routine changes.
  2. In case of speech problems, communication with an autistic person should be carried out by an alternative method suitable for him. Suitable sign language, drawing, writing or electronic programs.
  3. Demonstration of social skills will be very productive. This is done through playing with dolls in front of the child, where toys demonstrate the possible behavior of a person and how to respond to it.
Behavior Correction
Behavior Correction

Specific advice depending on the individual case will be given by a specialist. According to statistics, children diagnosed with autism have a 3-25% chance of recovery. The variation is due to inaccuracies in the diagnosis.

Helping the sick

Even when diagnosed with a mild form of the disease, autistic people, like the people around them, constantly need help and advice. To provide them with information support, special autism centers have been created. Such organizations help the families of patients and themselves to quickly adapt to society, correct their behavior and timely diagnose improvement or deterioration in their condition. The staff of the centers is always ready to answer all questions of interest about the pathology of relatives and conduct a psychotherapy session with the patient. At the centersAutism is often organized and communities of people whose relatives or friends suffer from a nervous breakdown. Such groups are very useful, as they help to find friends with common interests and ordinary people who are ready to share their experience.

Relationships with autistics

The article discusses the symptoms, signs and treatment of autism in children, but the question of their relationship with loved ones remains open. When parents find out about such a diagnosis for their child, most often it comes as a shock. It is very difficult to admit a baby’s nervous breakdown, and some prefer to completely deny what is happening, attributing the features of his behavior to character. Of course, after a while after observing and comprehending the behavior of the child, the parents return to their normal state, because without this it is simply impossible, because such a baby needs special care that only a close person can provide. To help the child adapt, adults should stock up on considerable patience. The peculiarities of the behavior of an autistic child are not his whims, and you cannot scold them for them. The kid needs to gently explain the rules of behavior.

Besides, almost the entire burden of education falls on the parents, even if the child will attend school. The point here is that autistic people do not perceive information from strangers and everything said in the lessons should be repeated at home. In general, a specialist should be consulted before choosing educational programs, as the child may need full home schooling.

Need for training
Need for training

In the interestsparents also stimulate the baby's interest in the world, communication with people and the manifestation of emotions. At the same time, it is very important to observe his reaction, since children with pathology often show a need for communication with aggression or constraint. Parents will achieve maximum productivity in correcting their child's behavior if they regularly communicate not only with doctors, but also with specialized organizations. Autism centers provide theoretical and practical assistance to many parents.

The disorder does not improve with age, and autistic adults also require special treatment. In the case of severe forms of the disease, patients are not even able to take care of themselves, so they need not only moral support, but also regular physical care. Often a severe degree of illness requires the use of medications to relieve certain symptoms - outbursts of anger, incoordination or depressive states.

Of course, with timely diagnosis and serious work on behavior correction, most adult autists have a mild form of the disease. With her, they are able to go to work and independently serve themselves. Relationships with people around them are only working. Autistics prefer affection to pets or communication with parents who have been with them throughout their lives over romantic feelings.

Very often a mild form of pathology is accompanied by savantism. This phenomenon represents the presence of outstanding talent in a certain field, as opposed to the lag in other sciences. More oftenall this is due to an incredible interest in a particular hobby since childhood. So, the world-famous autist is Bill Gates, who has shown an interest in computers since childhood and flatly refuses to study the humanities.


Even with all modern technologies and methods of therapy, it is impossible to determine the nature of autism and methods of its treatment. This pathology is a nervous disorder that has many forms and is difficult to classify. Relatives of many autistic people are sure that the disorder is not a deviation at all, but is a special condition, a character trait that requires a specific approach. Among such different opinions, it can be concretely said only that it is impossible to get rid of such a state forever. With the timely detection of a problem, one can only adapt a person well to an independent life in society.
