Having lost one of the functions of the body, a person turns to doctors for help. This also applies to the dental system. Chewing function is very important for a person. Its violations significantly worsen the quality of life of the patient. In addition, it has long been proven that it is impossible to consider the problems of the dentition separately from the body as a whole. The absence of even a few units on the jaw arch adversely affects the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs. Therefore, for patients who have lost chewing function, experts recommend installing dentures.

Where to start?
Before choosing an orthodontic design, the patient is referred to the dentist for cavity sanitation. If the patient has carious cavities or any gum disease, they must first be neutralized. Then the orthodontist examines the situation and advises the patient on the existing methods for solving his problem. When choosing a design, the individual characteristics of each patient are taken into account. To date, it has been resolved to some extent.the problem of getting used to the structures. Very often, their hard parts injure and rub the delicate tissues of the oral cavity. Your attention can now be offered soft dentures (photo below). In the article we will consider in detail this type of orthopedic structures.

What is this?
The constructions under consideration have become a good alternative to the use of prostheses made of solid materials. Nylon products are considered the most popular. However, their cost does not satisfy all patients. Research work in Russian laboratories has made it possible to replace materials in order to make the prosthesis accessible to the majority of the population. Scientists have proposed to make a design of polyurethane. This material is fully compatible with the human body, does not cause allergic reactions and is generally well tolerated. In addition, it surpasses nylon in many respects.
The considered soft dentures can be partial and complete. To compensate for the absence of several units on the jaw, partial constructions are used. If a lot of teeth are missing, then a prosthesis is made that covers the entire lower or upper jaw. The advantage of this technique of prosthetics is also the fact that there is no need to grind adjacent he althy teeth.
Treatment principle
The meaning of prosthetics is to replace the missing units on the jaw arch. As we have already said, dentistry is engaged in the restoration of lost functions. Soft dentures, unfortunately, can not alwaysreplace solid structures. In some cases, there is a need to use a prosthesis made of solid materials, which has a metal frame. Not all patients know that in the event of the loss of even a few teeth, various disorders can occur in the body. The maxillofacial system suffers in the first place. If you do not fill the void with a prosthesis, the adjacent teeth move apart, turn, take the wrong position.

Let's consider the positive aspects of these orthopedic structures.
1. Soft dentures are installed in the oral cavity without the procedure for turning neighboring units.
2. Many solid structures contain various substances that are not considered safe for the body. For example, the same acrylic can cause allergic reactions. Soft structures are considered completely safe.
3. The absence of metal parts or a frame makes the prosthesis more attractive. So aesthetics win here.
4. Soft dentures provide a quick habituation to them. The elasticity of materials allows you to forget about chafing. Dentures adhere better to the gums.

Negative moments
Everything in the world has its flaws. This also applies to the structures under consideration.
1. Soft dentures are not suitable for all patients. Some problems can only be fixed by using a solid structure.
2. Their costhigher than solid constructions.
3. Soft material scratches easily. Therefore, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned so that dirt does not collect in scratches.
Prosthetic care rules
The soft dentures in question are worn all the time. It is necessary to remove them from the oral cavity only for hygienic treatment. Rinse your mouth and denture separately after eating. In the morning and in the evening, they should be brushed just like real teeth. Just do not use abrasive materials. To clean soft dentures, special products can be purchased at the pharmacy. In general, everything is very simple. Just do not forget that soft materials need special care.

Soft dentures: expert reviews
When the patient is sitting in the doctor's chair, they decide together which method of prosthetics can be used. Usually all factors are taken into account. From the individual characteristics of the body to the affordability of the product. Specialists generally speak well of soft prostheses. They note another advantage of these structures. Dental soft prostheses easily adapt to deformations that can occur with the patient's jaw or dentition. If necessary, you can add a new dental unit to the prosthesis. You don't need to make a new design. Doctors also note the rapid adaptation of patients. And this factor is a very important advantage.

Patient testimonials
Thiscategory of people the most uninterested in the distortion of information. As a rule, patients express an objective opinion about a particular design. Soft dentures reviews among patients have earned ambiguous. Most people say that they are satisfied with everything. People note the aesthetics of the prosthesis. Also, many patients confirm the fact that adaptation takes place quickly, without causing much discomfort. There is a category of patients in whom solid prostheses caused allergic reactions. By installing a nylon or polyurethane structure, people solved their problem. In general, there are quite a lot of satisfied patients.
Well, what are the negative reviews? Some patients express their dissatisfaction with the fact that they cannot chew solid food. Experts explain such facts by the fact that sometimes it was advisable to install a prosthesis made of solid materials. It is more durable. However, according to some indications, it was decided to still install a soft structure. In such cases, the patient must take into account the limited possibilities of a soft prosthesis. Also, some patients said that they were not satisfied with the cost of the prosthesis. There were also statements about the fact that the structures require special care, and their owners do not like it.
So, the reviews of specialists and patients indicate that the design deserves attention. In general, the prosthesis is a good alternative to solid constructions. The main thing is to take into account all the factors and individual characteristics of the patient when choosing. The solution of any issue requires carefulrelationship.
In conclusion, I would like to draw the attention of readers to the fact that all articles related to medical topics have an informational function. It is necessary to make a decision only after consulting a specialist.